Why Mahathir keeps saying Malays are genetically inferior retards?

Ever wonder why Mahathir keeps saying Malays (now Muslim - he just change his focus from Malay to Mulsim lately) are genetically inferior retards?

Here is a minute sample why ... No time to look at the retards yet because FuckYeahMalaysia® got a bigger enemy to tackle right now, but soon I will elaborate a little.

True Islam spells doom for UMNO's secular racism

UMNO's latest strategy to win over the hearts of the non-Muslims in the coming 13th general election is by creating a gap between PAS as an Islamic party and the Chinese/Indian non-Muslim community in this country.

By creating a friction with Islam, the motive is to scare them from being friendly with PAS which has already reached non-Muslims with its Islamic approaches and not with a Malay approach which is a derailment from the true Islam.

The PAS Islamic approach is based on Islam as a blessing to the worlds (Rahmatan lil alamin) and the principle of no compulsion in religion.

The wall that has been built by the BN for over five decades has finally been demolished by PAS and now there are about 20,000 non-Muslims as members of the PAS Supporters Assembly (DHPP).

By the grace of God, PAS has become a national party, and spells doom for UMNO in the coming election.

Small issues have been blown out of proportion to the point of chaos in order to gain political mileage among Malay electorate. One example is the Friday sermon in Penang by Ustaz Zakaria Ahmad, who is the younger brother of Ustaz Sallehuddiin Ahmad, the Mufti of Penang and the elder brother of Ustaz Idris Ahmad being the present PAS Information Chief.

Whereas Islam permits to invoke God as to guide Lim Guan Eng in his duties as the Chief Minister of Penang, UMNO exploited his mistake of not mentioning the name of the King, branding it a "treacherous act".

There is no wall between Islam and the non-Muslims. It is UMNO's own doing for political reasons, not because of Islam which has been deliberately misunderstood by UMNO for political propaganda.

Nothing peculiar about it, because UMNO is not an Islamic party but a party which is chauvinist and based on secular racism, much like MCA and MIC.

The latest noise-making caused by the DAP MP's visit to a surau is also part of UMNO's agenda. As explained by Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, even during Prophet Muhammads time, non-Muslims were present i! nside mo sques.

Islam is not for a particular race as is the case with Judaism. It is certainly not a Malay-only religion. Islam is Islam, not for Malays and not for Arabs. There is only one Islam, not Socialist-Islam, democratic-Islam, Progressive Islam or Hadhari-Islam.

The Hantu Pinang Tree Of Malaysia

Unverified Fact: Some say this Tree Is Also Know As Mamak Tree

檳榔樹上竟然長出人臉 馬來西亞樹妖


馬來西亞樹妖 人臉賺錢。結果,好奇的民眾越多,兜售馬來西亞樹妖 人臉照片的村民越賺錢,迄今已賺得缽滿盤滿。

馬來西亞樹妖 人臉 讓甲拋峇底甘榜巴耶一夜之間成了旅遊景點


馬來西亞樹妖 人臉的樹節馬來西亞樹妖 檳榔樹上的人臉

馬來西亞樹妖 人臉 成了最大的搖錢樹


馬來西亞樹妖 人臉的臉孔。甲拋峇底一棵檳榔樹“長出人臉”消息傳開的6天內,一直讓甘榜巴也這個小村莊,變成好似旅遊景點般熱鬧。檳州宗教局的官員已建議在檳榔樹的四週圍列為禁區,造成前來參觀的人民都只是能夠從遠處觀望“馬來西亞樹妖 人臉”。


馬來西亞樹妖 人臉的樹節村民兜售照片賺錢“馬來西亞樹妖 檳榔樹上的人臉”變財神爺

馬來西亞樹妖 人臉 自然界另一個神奇巧合


馬來西亞樹妖 人臉可會賺錢哩!根據一些媒體在甘榜巴耶進行的抽樣調查證實,自從馬來西亞樹妖 人臉出現,短短4天內,數名兜售照片的村民,就已售出總數近5000張的馬來西亞樹妖 人臉照片,大小照片1張出售2至7令吉,5000張至少淨賺1萬令吉。

千奇百怪的事無奇不有 馬來西亞樹妖 人臉

雖然,許多對檳榔樹稍有認識的人士估計,一旦長有馬來西亞樹妖 人臉在未來兩星期脫落,檳榔樹的人臉自然就會消失;但一張“人臉”就為小小甘榜賺取豐碩收入,當地民眾當然拾不得讓“馬來西亞樹妖 人臉”消失。看來,“馬來西亞樹妖 (檳榔樹上的人臉)”最終能為甘榜巴耶賺取多少收入?而千人相湧爭睹檳榔樹“人”的熱潮幾時會結束?就待兩星期後大家拭目以待吧!

人臉”是不是樹精?不要說是絕大部分民眾無法認同,我自己打從“馬來西亞樹妖 人臉”的新聞見報後,就不相信這個傳說。但是,如果說它是自然界另一個神奇的巧合,我則百份之百贊同。本來嘛!在這自然界中,千奇百怪的事無奇不有,不只一棵檳榔樹巧合的長出一張“人臉”,讓人更難理解的怪現象也不是沒有出現過,只要用科學的角度去解釋,最終都會有合理的答案。


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