Faith and belief systems
Faith and belief systems – need more clarity
By AsamLaksa
I was inclined to let matters lie in regards to faith and belief system posted by Batsman. However I think it’s time for some clarity.
Firstly, before running off into a discussion you need to know what you are talking about and set down the parameters. Thus, what is the definition of faith and belief system?
- complete trust or confidence in someone or something: this restores one's faith in politicians
- strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof
Belief system:
Faith based on a series of beliefs but not formalized into a religion; also, a fixed coherent set of beliefs prevalent in a community or society
The basis on which beliefs are based. For example a religious belief system is based on faith and dogma whereas a scientific belief system is based on observation and reason.
Differences between religious and other belief systems:
Faith is easily recognised and understood. What about belief system? Well, one definition says it’s an umbrella term for beliefs and religious faith is a subset of belief systems and another defines it as the basis for beliefs. What really matters isn’t about the differences but what it means to society as either may be important enough to a person to let them decide to do crazy things.
Thus, this is where I disagree with Batsman where he claims that it is silly to criticise faith yet less silly but potentially dangerous to criticise belief systems. Back in the 70s openly criticising the IRA (ideology) and Catholicism (faith) in Northern Ireland can equally get you hurt.
The biggest problem I have with Batsman’s latest series of articles is the lack of clarity and very subjective and without due reasoning method of drawing arbitrary lines on whether it’s ok to criticise one or the other.
If let’s say I agree that faith and belief systems should not be criticised, then fine I’ll call for ALL faiths and belief systems not to be criticised and we all live happy: this is wishful thinking, not going to happen without further societal and attitude development. It is alright to pick differences because it lets you discover different things and can make you better. So maybe it’s about not OPENLY criticising faith and belief systems. As long no one hears you then you are fine, eh? Errr... no.
Some belief systems and faith have proved destructive; they should go and good riddance. For example if you belief in human sacrifices like pervious legit faiths, I am sorry to say that you will be severely criticised and persecuted today regardless of freedom of religion.
How do you choose which faiths or belief system is legit? I mean on one hand you protect the rights of a few and persecute others: Criticise. I don’t mean insult but use your head to think for yourself. Find something not right and then share so that others learn from it as well. But many people feel critics like an insult; can’t win them all.
Or perhaps what Batsman really means is to only refrain from criticising established faiths and belief systems. Which faiths: Atheism, Scientology or Jedi anyone? (By the way scientology has nothing to do with actual sciences.) Only religious faiths recognised by law? The definition of religious faith in the UK law requires a worship of a deity(s). This causes problems with Theravada Bhuddism and Scientology (Scientology UK has problems in seeking charity status for tax relief). Belief systems by consensus: Jedi, Marxism, scientific method, capitalism, honour killings, female genitalia circumcision, etc?
Fair enough Batsman is a realist that understands that people do get upset. I understand that too but my approach is different. I call for an open forum. Let everyone speak regardless of how good or bad. Let them see from the examples of the better ones and learn. Teach everyone moderation, self-control and courtesy, not shut people up. So what if a few get hurt? You can either keep the status quo or shake things up a bit for the long term greater good. May 13 was evil but now we know to cleanse the evil and never again!
In conclusion, I find the series of articles on faith and belief systems to be highly amusing. I call for more open discussion on every topic you can find. Spread moderation, self-control and courtesy; they are not something born with but learned. I also call for an end of absolutism mentality which is a big obstacle in discourses; there are no absolute rights or wrongs, only probable rights and wrongs. You weigh the odds and decide, it gives you space to always use your heads. I always say guidelines are only to make things easier, they are absolutes.
Anyway, I have beliefs too, but go ahead, pijak kepala bapaku like in Labu Labi – I only laugh.
The Faith Of Bellas Chicas Brahma Who Invented The Belief System Of Sexiness
