Namewee F*** Racism

WARNING: This Video May Contain Coarse Language, Sexist Gesture, Or Even Explicit ... Err ... Banana And Nose Digging. Parental Discretion Is Strongly Advised.

Interesting Fact: He got 400K views and 4K comments in just 2 days ... Looks like it isn't that had to get attention in Malaysia, or is it?

28 minutes ago
go bro! fuck racism, but the gov still suck! we must change pd next election! UMNO = Racism

from- malay in france

32 minutes ago
Siti Inshah, kamu ini gurubesar, bukan kanak-kanak. apa yang dipatut dibuat oleh guru besar? menjadi "role model" kepada" pelajar, bukannya belajar menjadi racist. Jika itu berlaku. you must be suspended permanently for teaching unnecessary thing therefore bring harm to the society by trying to divide the unity. She MUST be sentence to jail for at least 4 to 10 years by doing so.

1 hour ago
no point he nah nah nah here~ attitude is jus like other racist, all born from longkang, buat malu onli...

1 hour ago
The best vidoe ever ! I love it. Its not above the Malay but only the silly headmistress, she should be remove from the education department as soon as possible and put in to ISA.

1 hour ago
西蒂英莎,你老母都是唐人耒的。她和我说她当初生个叉烧好过生你 ,你去死吧。

1 hour ago

2 hours ago
well,he only condemn Siti Inshah not malay in general.Nothing offensive abt the video.Anyway I am not UMNO malay

2 hours ago
go Namewee....lets kick racism out of this country...FUCK RACISM!!

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
巫_女_年团长 : 我不知道哪里发帖你才会看到,不过你会站起来说黄明志煽动情绪, 你不去说那校长在破坏种族之间的和谐!!!黄明志哪里一句话有问 题?我~听~不~出~种族之间的关系越来越差都是你们这些“非种 族主义者”的“好”话在煽动,要我们尊重你你也要先尊重我们呀! 

2 hours ago
bro Namawee, bukan semua melayu baik, dan bukan semua china jahat..

ko sebagai individu memalukan mak bapak ko, dengan tiada integriti, dan tak bermaruah. cikgu tu mungkin salah dan biarlah pihak berkenaan jalankan siasatan..ko ni siapa? besar sangat ke? tak takut kena tembak ke?

3 hours ago 3

3 hours ago
Namewee ROCKS!......malays are imigran as well....dare to call us go back...sigh...Siti inshah sucks banana

3 hours ago

3 hours ago 5
aku pon org melayu..mmg bodoh la pngetua yang buat mcm 2...2 mmg xda otak...!!tak ada adab..IQ buat kita kat sini nak gado2....tak kemana pon kita gado....xsemestinya smua melayu racist..aku pon ramai kawan org cina ngn india..tak ada masalah pon...;-)

3 hours ago
Kepada semua commentators di sini, apa perasaan kamu terhadap negara jiran yang mengutuk, menghina, membakar, malah melemparkan najis kepada bendera Malaysia. Kamu semua warganegara Malaysia kan? Takkan perkara itu tidak memberi kesan langsung kepada hati dan perasaan kamu? Benda2 mcm Nameewee buat ni banyak pulak penyokongnya..

3 hours ago
I really want to know why Siti wan all other races berpuasa... Now the funny part is

she think if we do something her race not doing, its disrespectful to her race.

Come on lar, u r a Guru Besar, but narrow minded to such degree.

@all, Dun just Keep thinking bout respect and disrespect. We are in malaysia, to live in harmony tolerance is the key. We do not need to understand the culture of each other but we can learn to accept it.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Goon on you Namewee. Well done !! This song is meant directly to that stupid, idiotic, and bigot school principal. Her morality has gone down the drain. Sad case. Looking at the situation in MALAYSIA at the moment; she will be saved, no matter what. Some stupid excuses or ignorance will just cover the whole issue up. This is MALAYSIA and such shameful.

3 hours ago
nice song dude.haha! u will be more famous after this.

3 hours ago
It's sad to hear such words came out from a principal of a Secondary School in MALAYSIA. That shows one bloody thing : The principal is an idiot and narrow minded person. Who she thinks she is to ask Chinese to go back to China ?? Come on RACIST; just live with it that Chinese and Indian and other races are part of MALAYSIA. That makes a unique Malaysia. MALAYSIA does not just belong to MALAYS.

3 hours ago
Comment removed
4 hours ago
Very Nice......hahaha....

4 hours ago
Pukimak ko lah namewee... mak ko isap banana bapak ko tak buang kulit.!

4 hours ago
@alfafian diam diam la !

4 hours ago
@alfafian suci pa tu? ptong pi pun sama la tgkap basah ni sana... eh ada puasa ke hari ni??

4 hours ago
i love this !!!!!!

4 hours ago

5 hours ago
u guys lov char siew pao?

5 hours ago 2
Youtubes new layout....brought me to this shit...

5 hours ago
got a good sound....step your game

5 hours ago
i love bak kut teh and chapati

5 hours ago
i love bak kut teh and roti canai

5 hours ago
I bet he can't drive a car for shit

5 hours ago
This has been flagged as spam show
5 hours ago
people please listen to me singing jesse mccartney.i was told my voice is pop.

5 hours ago
@kukubird92 有能力的都趕快飛啦~

5 hours ago
Can someone please tell me what he is talking about?

5 hours ago
@ZeldaFanSD he is being Racism

5 hours ago
you know nothing !!! bi shi ni !!!!!!

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
sucks banana son!!!

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
will you help me and call this asshole 3 times and Hang up. Biggest dick ever trust me. Help me make him change his number.

1 937 371 9008

5 hours ago

Tak baik mintak atau sebut perkara macam ni. Dah duduk elok-elok kat Malaysia, kenapa nak mintak transmigrasi macam ni? kenapa nak hidup susah?

5 hours ago

Thats why you like to pay "alms" and favour money to the police or officials just because you all like to pay tax in hafty amount? Another mistake if you boast on topics like this.

6 hours ago

Never give up. education and conscience is the best tool to change him.

6 hours ago

Apologise accepted Sam. However, everyone including the chinese or indians or whoever must stop advocating this documentary or idolising Wee Meng Chee as a folks hero. This is a big mistake.

Nobody is perfect. Yet we all did attended school and learn basic morality & history. We all should learn to be more mature. FYI, eventhough I am present day a malay man, but my ancestor came from Ming China. Lets uphold the true basic and good nature of being asians (far east & south east)

6 hours ago
@wong962 I talk with some of penang people, some of them their ancestor also come for medan Indonesia. Isn't weird or coincidence ? :-P

No wonder the hokkien penang looks like hokkien medan.

6 hours ago
why banana?

6 hours ago
@SylvesterYgraine because it resembles your penis.

5 hours ago

Banana is actually a derogative remark for secular or modernised chinese. namely for chinese who pretends or act as if they are european. hence the outer layer is yellow in skin colour. but have filling or contents of white.

6 hours ago

why no ISA?

6 hours ago

Usually in JPA, this kind of government officer used to treated as "cold-storage" item. Coz their problematic and humilitation nature they made for the government.

6 hours ago

Are you sure? But the way the commentators here are generalising all malays like that. What is your say?

6 hours ago

correction. ancient kingdoms of china (Yuan & Ming empire) does make ancient malay sultanate as part of their diplomatic preotective nation. But if you are saying Zhong Guo Ren Min Gong He Guo protected Malaya and makes it became independent Malaysia, that is totally wrong history you have read, mate.

6 hours ago

Kalau dah berkenan, pergi la ajak meminang ngan Siti Inshah ni. dengarnya dia ni andartu.

6 hours ago

i doubt she is from indonesia...perhaps her ancestor came from burma or something like that.

6 hours ago

unfortunately, this is what happened when since childhood you are being raised in a racial-centric manner. Too bad for Wee Meng Shee & Siti Inshah. Maybe they are destined to get married together.

6 hours ago
they don't have to work hard because government always support them. when i ask to be treated the same way, they said i'm unreasonable and greedy. conclusion? we are being treated like the secondary citizen. Their 'special rights' which came from their special status are making me sick. only malaysia has this phenomenon. i thought we achieved merdeka together? after so many years, tat bitch appeared out of nowhere asked us to go b to china? u tell me, should i have positive thinking to malay?

4 hours ago
@tky0414 "Siapa bagi M'sia kaya?" Sure he means d chinese.But, how d chinese get rich? Jum cina kaya adalah > drpd melayu sendiri.Bkn sbb cina lebih pandai (well, its not depending on d race). Bab tu tgk balik la sejarah tok nenek kita.1@2dary citizen, we enjoy the wealth together. Kalau tak, takde la orang cina kaya kat Malaysia ni. Mesti duk kerja jd kuli lombong mcm dulu. Siapa kata melayu tak perlu kerja teruk? Mujur jg ada speciality utk bumiputera. Kalau tidak, habis semua kamu kaut.

4 hours ago
@aziah0504 DIAM DIAM LA !

4 hours ago
@JUZKILL Who the hell are u to order me to keep silence? Aku cakap benda betul. Benda betul mmg sakit untuk diterima. Ko tak dpt terima sudah. Hidup la dlm dunia ko sendiri. Yang duk post komen maki2 tu tak pulak ko suruh diam ye..same thoughts i guess..

4 hours ago
@aziah0504 jika melayu boleh tak nampak mereka tu pikir idead sendiri.... ooi idea menara kuala lumpur , petronas tower to idea China + Korean tau? tengok hang pun tak tau lah ... anyway saya nak bagi tau jika tak ada bangsa lain kat malaysia hanya melayu shj... aku boleh imagine lah malaysia jadi lagi satu iraq atau philipine la bodo!

3 hours ago
@konatakagami89 org cina manyak pandai ka..?pndai mcm babi..babi tu pandai ka haa..?aiyyoooo..

3 hours ago
@walimastur shut your month up !!! The words that came out from you are so racist and provoking. This portraits your stupidity and bigot.

17 minutes ago
@walimastur Think first before saying anything.. Stop trolling like an idiot.. Ashamed on you!! This video is not insulting malay but Cikgu Siti Ishah..

3 hours ago
@konatakagami89 So kiranya kamu tahu semua benda la ek? Kamu ni kiranya bijak pandailah ya dengan umur yang baru 21 thn tu? Dah grad blm? Apapun, idea2 tu ditiru / diinspirasikan dari negara luar yang terlebih dahulu maju drpd Malaysia. Not original ideas. Saya pun tak mahu kalau negara ini tinggal 1 kaum saja..tak ada keharmonian di situ. Tapi, tak best la kalau duduk ramai2 tapi asyik bertekak & berdengki saja, kan?

3 hours ago
@aziah0504 original ideas? tak kisah idea ori ke tak, benda tu kalau salah, maka memang salah. tak kira ori atau tidak. sebab dia salah maka org kutuk. ko kata jgn asyik bertekak & berdengki. ko tak baca surat khabar ke, siape yang bertekak dulu? siape yg suruh org cina balik china dulu? kalau camtu, org melayu balik jawa la. org asli penduduk terawal di malaysia. org melayu pun pendatang dari luar, sama seperti org cina & india

3 hours ago
@konatakagami89 Banyakkan lagi bacaan kamu ya. Bercakap tentang Iraq dan Phillipines, negara2 itu bukan hanya terdiri daripada 1 bangsa & agama saja ya. Sebelum nak kata orang lain bodo, cermin diri sendiri dahulu...tq

6 hours ago

so, what u r trying to tell us is that you like to pay expensive income tax and boast off? No wonder the traffic police loves to squeeze and ask for huge sum of bribery from you all. Don't you see the gravity of this?

6 hours ago
我一直不知道中国是这样做的。。 我是美国非洲人,我也理解你的情况。

好棒 朋友。

5 hours ago
@DeeJKz 美國非洲人現在在白宮裡面做總統,在華爾街占了20%的交易量

6 hours ago

are you sure? its what I learned when I was in SJKC *******.

6 hours ago
nice la !!!

6 hours ago

you sound like an indonesian. are you?

6 hours ago
uhhh wish this was in english...

6 hours ago
@JarodUchiha all u gotta do is learn chinese! or malaysian lol good luck

5 hours ago

I agree with you Jarod. That show the documentary is only aimed for specific ehtnic group.

6 hours ago
sjappa sjappe aliance? sucka mia alatal? shitty in cha? keppy em na?

WTF o_0

6 hours ago

baseless accusation. Chinese community is still strong and prosper. The bottomline of their good nature is what exist and transpire in their hearts and agenda.

6 hours ago
haha sucks banana

6 hours ago

that is a concrete and awesome comment. Its hightime to call the government to arrest Namewee or Wee Meng Chee by other means.

6 hours ago
Asians are the worst people.....

6 hours ago
@BeverlyReynolds Which country is not a racist?

5 hours ago

Republic of Unracistland?

5 hours ago

sadly being a fellow asians, your words are true. But here is the good news, aside of the shittyness of asian peoples, they treat the whites or caucasian as their second god. Don't you believe it?

6 hours ago

The malay is known for traditionality and beauty of its arts. But chinese, particularly Han Chinese loves to claim other people ethnicity and culture as part of their own. The living proofs are those 56 sub-ethnics in China whose originally not related to chinese, but are forced to be assimilated as Han chinese (hua ren). Even the classical musical instrument Yangqin was also claimed as theirs when originally it was Santoor and had been introduced by the persian.

6 hours ago
i wasn't born to be a racist, i don hate the malay race, but the goverment forces us to hate them.i saw someone has the right to do everything but i cant, they have the freedom of speech without worrying the consequences but i am worrying about ISA ruining my life. they have unreasonable discount for certain stuff but i pay more. It is 'indisputable' special status which indirectly makes me feel like a secondary citizen. without working hard, the 'seats' are always reserved for them.

5 hours ago

not only the government. the fucking geography and ignorance is also the factor that cause this.

6 hours ago
@alazaruss ISA is not enough. Should be under watchdog of Interpol. No place on earth would accept this anarchist terrorist.

6 hours ago

If only there were a lot of people like you man. the country would never be a racist monger hatred citizens.

6 hours ago
@chfei fine let me rephrase; AMERICANS! stop arguing with asians! remember we have black people! =D

6 hours ago
@ShytFerBraynes shut up little weaboo faggot

6 hours ago
@ShytFerBraynes you sir are retarded. 去你的,操你啊

6 hours ago

better than being an opium smoker and vice trader who sold themselves to the whites and treating the whites as second god.

6 hours ago
@pwiincessangel hey you, remember who pays for peice of shit products so that you can feed your 20 kids mmmkay?

6 hours ago

they haven't uttered that....but mostly they like to joke about malay and muslim tradition to their own style of chauvinistic humour. Unfortunately.

6 hours ago

correction...not all chinese principles....most of them. I'd say 90% are hardcore chauvinist.

6 hours ago

kik in thai language means....shit

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