Inter-Racial Birth
By John Doe
The Article in question is HERE.
Is this the Second immaculate conception?
Did another Angel "inseminate" this woman to produce this?Think how a person 2,000 years ago would have reacted. We have the benefit of DNA testing today. But back 2,000 years ago DNA testing simply did not exist. Would Mrs Ihegboro been stoned to death, or would this have been classified as an "Immaculate Conception". How would society back then react to this? Would they see this as a "Holy Child", or an abhorence of the Devil? Would the entire family have been stoned to death then? How would people write their books then? Would they have started a Religion to pray to this baby? If this was the Dark Ages however, Mrs would have been burned at the stake as a witch. Most likely the entire family would have been boiled alive, or quartered as well.
"Fear not, for you are now with Child" echoes hauntingly in my head after reading this....
Also, what if this happened before? What if this had happened many many times before too?
Hence giving "birth" overnight to the 5 surviving races of Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Dravidics and Austronesian/ Austro Asiatics of today? (oversimplified version) Perhaps more variations existed, but they all died out?
Whichever your perspectives are, and whatever the DNA tests will determine and either confirm or dispel, we are much more inter-related than we think. And underneath our skin, all of us are African. Hence, if God Created Man in his own image, then God must look like Eddie Murphy. Also, maybe God is a she. Then God might look like Lisa Bonet...
Please Google "Ihegboro" for more hundreds of newsclips and videos...
Also, watch Dr Alice Roberts in the 5hr Documentary titled "The Incredible Human Journey", produced by the BBC.
Addressed to Riduan Tee, after watching "The Incredible Human Journey", the phrase, "balik kampung" then, means that all of us would have to go back to Africa. If you want to continue living under your coconut shell, then by all means, go ahead. The rest of us in the real world, will move on. After all, underneath our skin, we are all African.
And just out of curiosity, have you packed your bags for your boat-trip yet? And have you decided if you will take the boat to China, or Saudi? Whichever, Malaysia bids you "Adieu". (It means ""Selamat Tinggal", because I know that you think foreign languages are strange babble)