All Anwar Ibrahim Sex Videos (Warning: Explicit)
We appeal to creator of 1Explicit 1Sex 1Scandal to release all the rest of the Anwar Ibrahim Tiger Show videos they have in possession so that our researchers can do a complete analysis ASAP.

courtesy of 1Filem 1Mamak 1Malaysia
NOTICE OF XXX ARCHIVEAll explicit stuffs will be archived as soon as our researchers are done with it, hopefully by tomorrow. So, if you wanna keep a copy for legitimate purpose such as stemcell research, religious obligation or perhaps other bona fide investigation, please get a plugin or software to download them before we archive them for is a proper domain created for noble causes and as such, we cannot afford to be associated with anything as explicit as "Anwar Ibrahim Tiger Show Part 3". In fact, we have been deleting practically all pictures of awek, cewek and amoi for the past many moons already. Don't believe us ? Try to search for it, we promise we will delete it as soon as it's detected (there could be one or two left). Not that they are porn, but because we try, yes we try to project ourselves as some kind of morally-upright-non-sexually-seducable Gentlemen ... Maybe UMNO will soon accept Tiger Chua as their first non-potong member ? You never know ... But not with Najib. We have counted him out.Should Najib calls for election now ? Absolutely. we'd do it this Sunday if we were him. Honestly, we have been bribed with a license to publish 1Scandal - a scandal gossip weekly by Hisham the Handsome, so, we'd have no choice but to give our vote to UMNO.Glory to UMNO !
We don't understand why you're doing it in that fashion, it's optional if you wanna tell us the rationale which we fail to phantom but we're waiting for your immediate release of the rest of the sex show very eagerly so that we can present a wholesome report to the board of People Powered Portal.
MCA, do you want a new lease of life ? There are basically only 2 ways. Actually, only ONE left because the other one obviously does not apply to you anymore. No clue ? Then get in touch with us ... We not only can make you win back all those you have lost, we can even get you new ones including taking over Penang provided ... Anyway, as it is now, you know what to expect next.
The Anwar Ibrahim Sex Video Series So Far: -
Warning: Explicit content strictly for academic, scientific & religious research purpose only. Anything else is punishable up to 20 years in jail under the Freedom of Expression Charter legislated by 1Malaysia Inc ... Your Trusted Gomen For Life.
Today's Part 3 (Warning: Explicit, Explicit & Explicit)

Yesterday's Part 2
Previous Part 1
courtesy of 1Filem 1Mamak 1Malaysia
The above videos are strictly meant for academic, scientific & religious research purpose only. All other applications including entertainment are deemed criminal abuses punishable up to 20 years in jail under the Freedom of Expression Charter legislated by 1Malaysia Inc. ... Your Trusted Administration For Life :)