Opinion Poll: Who or What is the real threat to the Malays?
The juvenile politics doesnt seem like its gonna end any time soon. Of late, the UMBeciles what Walski calls UMNOs New Media Unit have been going into overdrive accusing DAP of being racist, implicitly suggesting that the party is a threat to the Malays.
All this because of DAPs success in the recent Sarawak polls, winning 13 out of the 15 seats the party contested, all of which are in the more urban areas. And because the majority of Sarawak urbanites are ethnic Chinese, DAP was accused of fanning racist sentiments.
So Walski decided that this situation calls for a new opinion poll. Essentially, it asks your opinion of what you think the real threat to the Malays in this country is.
In the list are the usual suspects the political parties DAP included. Also in the list is one rather offbeat choice, which is based on actual news (via The Malay Mail).
Plus, if you think none of the choices listed fits who or what you think is the real threat, you can suggest your own answer.
As with previous polls, this one is located at the sidebar, with options for you to post it on your own blog (either Blogger or Wordpre! ss based ).
Hed like to get as many different opinions on this as possible, so the further the reach, the more representative the results will be.
And Walskis solemn promise he will refrain from voting this time around. Hed been accused of rigging the previous poll, just because the accuser, a BN sycophant, simply didnt like what the results looked like.
Walski isnt going to run this poll for too long its scheduled to close at midnight this Sunday. There could very well be something else more important that comes up, which Walski might want to do a poll on, so 5+ days should suffice.
Since the day after the poll closes is a public holiday, Walski should have some time on his hands to do a result analysis fairly quickly. He will also refrain from stating who/what he personally thinks is the biggest threat well just save that for the poll analysis post.
So tell your friends about this poll, and feel free to grab it for your own blog. Happy polling!