Spirit of Merdeka Movement Declaration

Non Governmental Organisations CPI Introduction On 31 August 2007, on the eve of the national celebrations of independence in Peninsular Malaysia, the country’s leading civil society organization issued a declaration calling for the nation to rededicate itself to the advancement of freedom. On that day, 50 years ago, we rid ourselves of the domination of British colonialism. It is now necessary for us to rid ourselves of the challenge coming from those within the country that seek the imposition of new forms of domination. The succinct analysis provided in the statement reproduced here of how our freedoms and rights have been compromised and what needs to be done to right the situation is a stark reminder of the longer and more difficult road ahead in the quest for a genuine Merdeka. ************** Spirit of Merdeka Movement Declaration on Restoring Democracy and Advancing Freedom in Malaysia Preamble We, the undersigned civil society organizations, have come together on the occasion ...