This time you've gone too far, Nurjazlan

Dato' Nurjazlan is going around bitching to Johoreans and his Pulai constituents in Johor Baru saying Mahathir sympathisers framed Anwar Ibrahim.
He claimed Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik did it without the consent of Dato Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak.
That was told to this blogger in an SMS coming from a highly reliable source from his UMNO Division.
For someone, who is the head of an UMNO Division and kept riding on his father's name to survive Pulai, those two statements are not too smart.
It is tantamount to back stabbing UMNO from within. Those words only perpetuate further the open secret that Melayu Liberals like Nurjazlan are closet Anwarista.
As it is, Anwar's people are spinning that there is a high level conpiracy by UMNO to frame Anwar.
How ill intent Nurjazlan could be to claim it on the Mahathir sympathiers, when almost any other person in UMNO, pro-Mahathir or otherwise, are saying it is a dumb Rahim's attempt to be a hero and try a comeback?
It is too poorly timed, badly planned, not thought through, and pathetically executed to have any Mahathir or pro Mahathir signature. With Anwar squirming in court, any true pro-Mahathir operators would just lay back and do nothing.
This is the kind of amatuerish mind a whining baby like Nurjazlan would do. Remember Nurjazlan crying in his Division meeting speech to gain symnpathy, which otherwise he would have lost badly.
There is also add father's help from behind.
This bitching and whining by Nurjazlan, his late father and family has has gone too far and it is time to make him stop.
Every hangers-on at PWTC, particularly at Riverside and The Mall, knows his late father, Tan Sri Mohamad Rahmat have been bitching of not getting anything for the service he! claimed he had done for Dr Mahathir these years.
This blogger can't quite understand such language. Wasn't he paid salary to be Minister and Secretary general of UMNO?
The late Tok Mat should be lucky because he was already in the boondock as Ambassador to Indonesia and on his way out of politics. The position he got was for back stabbing the Johor UMNO who then had agreed to back Tun Musa Hitam.
Is Tok Mat asking for projects and contracts for his perjuangan kepada agama, bangsa dan negara? Why does he need it at such late age?
He was already quite wealthy when he first stepped out of Cabinet. Hope Nurjazlan will not try to deny that his father had shares in Air Hitam Tin Syndicate Berhad and made more from subsequent corporate exercise.
It's all in this blogger's library.
Nurjazlan's mother came from a wealthy Indonesian Chinese settling in Singapore. The Equatorial Hotel chain belongs to that family.
Tak cukup-cukup harta kekayaan dunia lagikah?
It is due to their perception of not getting anything, the late Tok Mat and Nurjazlan too went bitching about Dr Mahathir's administration and sided with Tun Abdullah in the crooked bridge issue.
His late father expressed it in his book. Who is he kidding in trying to rebrand himself as a progressive Melayu Liberal?
Nurjazlan explicitly expressed views that Melayu do not need any more assistance and are quite capable of being competitive. He express disgust with the policies of Dr Mahathir which his father was part of the collective responsibility.
What a load of hogwash!
Melayu Liberal, as this blogger have written before are a bunch of fake. Ask ourselves: Why are most Melayu Liberals are to be found working with GLCs and trying to secure Government contracts.
Melayu Liberal boys like IDEAS wants Government to put them, inexperianced and ill equiped, to be CEO of GLCs.
The Melayu Liberals have more dependent mentality than the believers of aff! irmative actions. And their professionalism, honesty and integrity are questionable.
Nurjazlan thinks this blogger is not aware what is being said of "buck" amongst former MRSM Kulim students. "Buck" is his nicname in school. Wonder what is galloping in hostel those days?
Talk is when he was Chairman for Tender Committee at Telekom Malaysia Berhad, he openned door for the boys to get contracts.
As claim by one of his classmate, the then CEO, Dato Abdul Wahid Omar had to close one eye or Nurjazlan will, as member, if not Chairman of the Audit Committee, give management a hard time.
Off course, we can brush these as heresay.
But Najib's people is reading, monitor what he is doing as Chairman of UDA and the RM5 billion project coming his way. The Chairman of UDA is supposed to only chair Board of Director meeting, no more than that.
When accountant trained Nurjazlan was at Telekom, he picked up some knowledge on telecommunication. He may have advised his late father.
It seems there is a verbal agreement involving his late father to give his brother a RM300 million contract from MCMC for a "block phone" contract.
Things were moving on fine until the contract is put on the MACC radar, no thanks to a report and documents given to them by a blogger.
Why is Nurjazlan claiming Melayu does not need assistance when he and his family have been asking so mcuh from the Government?
The report and document may reach the constituency of Pulai.
And Nurjazlan will be no more a winnable candidate for Pulai Parliamantary seat. Without papa's holding his hands, he is no more winnable as Division chief in Pulai. Yaacob Atan is waiting and ready for him.
MACC will be watching his and his family dealing.
- Another Brick in the Wall