Hee-larious way of asking
Truth is a rare commodity these days, but it has been such for the past 52 years in BolehLand.
'My word is my honour' is even a rarity, almost or very surely an extinct trait in BolehLand. Verbal utterance today, reported tomorrow, is rebutted the day after.
This holds particularly true for all politicians, and BolehLand does not have a shortage of such flip-flopper politicians. The people are always made to hold on to their suspenders and hold their breath wondering if what they said stops there and is believable. There is this suspension in time on the veracity of a politicians word and depending on publics reaction or inaction, the fool proof foul mannerism to hide a politicians lie is for him or her to say I was misquoted, yes?
Just this week our Minister you love or hate Nazri relied on another foolproof response to being misquoted by humiliating the reporter for not understanding Bahasa Melayu that have made MCA behave like a drama queen for not living up to being a dutiful wife to serve the husband.
But can we blame the tuan rumah for mistrusting one of the wives, when this BN coalition has a dominant partner, the husband so to speak who expect the 'wives' in their haram to serve their every whims and fancy. Even if one strayed and indulged in extra marital voluntary indiscretions in the only fanciful hotel down south, they are forgivable because they know the wives will return to serve them, no?
But they don't seem that forgiving towards another party's loose marriage when the father figure plays both side, pun intended.
Back to trusting one's word, where we know nothing is certain or the truth at all, we could rely on the evidence right? But evidence in BolehLand is as believable as one's worth too.
Bolehland isn't a society that have scientific minded people or where science is of interest to them.
We learn in science that experimentation, hard facts and hard evidence is immutable. In BolehLand even if we have hard facts staring in our f! ace, not hing is elementary Dear Watson?
Time and again, facts are being proven wrong or even defy Bono's local logic or scientific methodology. The approach to counter one's scientific fact has been reduced to a stanza related to three or more major senses in the form 'looks like, sounds like, talk like or smell like, feels like or even boink like, but is not!
So when we read about the claim of ex-DAP, labelled turncoat and amphibian explanation in the case of the pepper spray, our synapses that evokes scepticism lights up faster than the speed of any present day dual core circuit!
In an attempt to create verisimilitude, even in the face of actual photo evidence, our Hee woman gave her version of truth by confessing, she only wanted to ask the accused who accused her of squirting the pepper spray on him, 'if the pepper spray belonged to him'!
When the incident happened, the so called photographic evidence seemed convincing proof she did use it as the picture reproduced below suggests, no?
If we believe Hee's rather Hee-larious way of asking the owner of the pepper stray, she sure has a unique way of holding the object at hand!
With this so called photographic evidence, did Hee made a gaff on her claim she was looking for a pepper spray that somehow appeared from think air? or are we applying the Lingam law of evidence? -- looks like, holds like, squirts like, sounds like and feels like - but is not any indication of squirting, let Hee off the hook?
Unless the victim can be shown he feigned he was sprayed, our Hee, she must be telling the truth,
Ordinary BolehLand folks will agree that i! s not th e way ordinary people will hold an object when enquiring of its owner right?
Unless our Perak-mari people or people in that part of Jelapang has a funny way of holding small kind of objects. We shudder to think how Hee would hold a lost pet, the pet would surely be chocked at the neck and head crushed perhaps. Which might make her a worst animal abuser than our Serdang cat killer?
Don't any parent dare leave their kids lost and for our Hee woman to find the child and go about enquiry whose baby it is while holding it like how she held the pepper spray right?
We thought our politicians especially those who turn amphibians are the smarter ones. But we can't fault those who can morph from homo sapien into ampheebian because the intelligence that god has given to the human race is lost during the transformation.
So our Hee not displaying any logic or intelligence can be forgiven for making hee-self look rather silly an a droplet away from being stupid for the rest of use ordinary folks to believe she was concerned to return a lost pepper spray to the owner.
Don't be surprised if she or rather Hee was asked why she squirted, her reply would be, the owner would recognise the brand of pepper spray huh?
Before we ordinary folks and our logic would convince us Hee is lying and she will be found guilty, we need to remember that this is BolehLand, where verbal and hard core facts can be disputed not by scientists but rather by lawyers, even those who are not smart lawyers, the legal system will strangely resolved a dispute that ends up with more dispute over the verdict.
And we must not forget the truth of the matter weights favourable on which side of one's political divide one is than taking one's word as truth or the picture tells a thousand truths?
If there is one thing voters can distinctively know about our Hee, she ain't hee-larious when she lies, huh?
Anyway if the above picture as clear as daylight upon us is disputed, we wonder why half t! he popul ation or is it the media who have not seen the recent sex video are in a frenzy and convinced they saw clearly who did what to whom and when. While some who watched it are inflicted by the Lingam syndrome, huh?
'My word is my honour' is even a rarity, almost or very surely an extinct trait in BolehLand. Verbal utterance today, reported tomorrow, is rebutted the day after.
This holds particularly true for all politicians, and BolehLand does not have a shortage of such flip-flopper politicians. The people are always made to hold on to their suspenders and hold their breath wondering if what they said stops there and is believable. There is this suspension in time on the veracity of a politicians word and depending on publics reaction or inaction, the fool proof foul mannerism to hide a politicians lie is for him or her to say I was misquoted, yes?
Just this week our Minister you love or hate Nazri relied on another foolproof response to being misquoted by humiliating the reporter for not understanding Bahasa Melayu that have made MCA behave like a drama queen for not living up to being a dutiful wife to serve the husband.
But can we blame the tuan rumah for mistrusting one of the wives, when this BN coalition has a dominant partner, the husband so to speak who expect the 'wives' in their haram to serve their every whims and fancy. Even if one strayed and indulged in extra marital voluntary indiscretions in the only fanciful hotel down south, they are forgivable because they know the wives will return to serve them, no?
But they don't seem that forgiving towards another party's loose marriage when the father figure plays both side, pun intended.
Back to trusting one's word, where we know nothing is certain or the truth at all, we could rely on the evidence right? But evidence in BolehLand is as believable as one's worth too.
Bolehland isn't a society that have scientific minded people or where science is of interest to them.
We learn in science that experimentation, hard facts and hard evidence is immutable. In BolehLand even if we have hard facts staring in our f! ace, not hing is elementary Dear Watson?
Time and again, facts are being proven wrong or even defy Bono's local logic or scientific methodology. The approach to counter one's scientific fact has been reduced to a stanza related to three or more major senses in the form 'looks like, sounds like, talk like or smell like, feels like or even boink like, but is not!
So when we read about the claim of ex-DAP, labelled turncoat and amphibian explanation in the case of the pepper spray, our synapses that evokes scepticism lights up faster than the speed of any present day dual core circuit!
In an attempt to create verisimilitude, even in the face of actual photo evidence, our Hee woman gave her version of truth by confessing, she only wanted to ask the accused who accused her of squirting the pepper spray on him, 'if the pepper spray belonged to him'!
When the incident happened, the so called photographic evidence seemed convincing proof she did use it as the picture reproduced below suggests, no?
This picture paints a thousand truths?
Iko leh gah? (Cantonese = Is this yours?) squirt, squirt?
Iko leh gah? (Cantonese = Is this yours?) squirt, squirt?
If we believe Hee's rather Hee-larious way of asking the owner of the pepper stray, she sure has a unique way of holding the object at hand!
With this so called photographic evidence, did Hee made a gaff on her claim she was looking for a pepper spray that somehow appeared from think air? or are we applying the Lingam law of evidence? -- looks like, holds like, squirts like, sounds like and feels like - but is not any indication of squirting, let Hee off the hook?
Unless the victim can be shown he feigned he was sprayed, our Hee, she must be telling the truth,
Ordinary BolehLand folks will agree that i! s not th e way ordinary people will hold an object when enquiring of its owner right?
Unless our Perak-mari people or people in that part of Jelapang has a funny way of holding small kind of objects. We shudder to think how Hee would hold a lost pet, the pet would surely be chocked at the neck and head crushed perhaps. Which might make her a worst animal abuser than our Serdang cat killer?
Don't any parent dare leave their kids lost and for our Hee woman to find the child and go about enquiry whose baby it is while holding it like how she held the pepper spray right?
We thought our politicians especially those who turn amphibians are the smarter ones. But we can't fault those who can morph from homo sapien into ampheebian because the intelligence that god has given to the human race is lost during the transformation.
So our Hee not displaying any logic or intelligence can be forgiven for making hee-self look rather silly an a droplet away from being stupid for the rest of use ordinary folks to believe she was concerned to return a lost pepper spray to the owner.
Don't be surprised if she or rather Hee was asked why she squirted, her reply would be, the owner would recognise the brand of pepper spray huh?
Before we ordinary folks and our logic would convince us Hee is lying and she will be found guilty, we need to remember that this is BolehLand, where verbal and hard core facts can be disputed not by scientists but rather by lawyers, even those who are not smart lawyers, the legal system will strangely resolved a dispute that ends up with more dispute over the verdict.
And we must not forget the truth of the matter weights favourable on which side of one's political divide one is than taking one's word as truth or the picture tells a thousand truths?
If there is one thing voters can distinctively know about our Hee, she ain't hee-larious when she lies, huh?
Anyway if the above picture as clear as daylight upon us is disputed, we wonder why half t! he popul ation or is it the media who have not seen the recent sex video are in a frenzy and convinced they saw clearly who did what to whom and when. While some who watched it are inflicted by the Lingam syndrome, huh?
I just asked if the pepper spray belonged to him, Hee tells court
IPOH: Jelapang assemblyman Datuk Hee Yit Foong held up a pepper spray cannister during a commotion in the legislative House two years ago and asked fellow member Yew Tian Hoe if it belonged to him, a High Court here heard.
Testifying in a suit filed against her by Yew, she said she was stunned when the Aulong assemblyman accused her of assaulting him with pepper spray.
I was shocked that he had accused me of assaulting him with pepper spray when all I had done was to hold it (the cannister) up to ask if it belonged to him.
I had asked him in Chinese if he had tossed the cannister at me, said Hee, who is the Perak state assembly deputy Speaker, during re-examination by defence counsel Datuk Hafarizam Harun yesterday.. part report from The Star.
IPOH: Jelapang assemblyman Datuk Hee Yit Foong held up a pepper spray cannister during a commotion in the legislative House two years ago and asked fellow member Yew Tian Hoe if it belonged to him, a High Court here heard.
Testifying in a suit filed against her by Yew, she said she was stunned when the Aulong assemblyman accused her of assaulting him with pepper spray.
I was shocked that he had accused me of assaulting him with pepper spray when all I had done was to hold it (the cannister) up to ask if it belonged to him.
I had asked him in Chinese if he had tossed the cannister at me, said Hee, who is the Perak state assembly deputy Speaker, during re-examination by defence counsel Datuk Hafarizam Harun yesterday.. part report from The Star.