Interfaith Council Also Wants UMNO Charge Najib, Hisham & Mahathir !
Inter-faith council wants action against 'Datuk T'
The exposure of the sex video, it says, has made it the 'mother of all moral scandals'.
The Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has described the recent emergence of a sex video as slander designed to humiliate Anwar Ibrahim.
In a statement signed by president Reverend Thomas Philips, the council urged the government to take swift action against 'Datuk T', the code-name used by three individuals who have admitted to being behind the release of the video.
NONE"Their aim in publicly humiliating (Anwar Ibrahim) the Opposition Leader of Parliament offends the sensitivities of decent people, no matter to what race or religion they belong," the statement said.
The MCCBCHST said this “sad sordid episode, once again, brings the nation to prominence for the wrong reasons”.
The statement adds: "Over the few decades, we have been treated to and numbed by numerous financial scandals, social scandals and political scandals committed by those supposedly dedicated to leading our citizens through 'leadership by example'.
"This latest video clip to slander a fellow Malaysian, albeit a Muslim MP, is viewed by our members with great concern and revulsion."
The exposure of the video at this juncture, the council said, has made it the "mother of all moral scandals" perpetrated by titled personalities and so-called leaders.
"Since the involvement of the trio has surfaced, the Malaysian public is once again feted with disgusting material that begs the question, 'where is all this leading to?' in spite of the many seasonal national slogans that challenge us to greater heights of achievement and harmony."
azlanThe trio - former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, former honorary Thai consul Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and ex-senator Shuib Lazim - were behind the screening of a 21-minute video to journalists last Wednesday, showing a man having sex with a woman in a hotel room.
They claimed that the man in the video is Anwar, but he has denied this and lodged a police report. The police have since called in the trio to record their statement.
'Disgusting personal agenda'
The statement further said the scandal does not inspire the younger generation to trust in the political process or to observe cultural, religious, social and moral norms.
"The violation of basic decency and privacy is abhorrent and despicable, not only to the mature adult but more importantly, to the vulnerable and impressionable young in our midst and communities.
"Our consultative council that represents non-Muslims is disheartened and uncomfortable with the whole episode. It does not bode well for the future political and cultural landscape of this multi-cultural and multi-religious nation.
"Malaysia's image is further tarnished by irresponsible and selfish leaders like those who acknowledged their shameless involvement."
Hence, the council called on the government to take swift and firm action against all those behind the scandal.
"We further urge the government to distance itself from all forms of deceit and cunning and bring the perpetrators of this latest mischief to face the full extent of the law.
"Furthermore, the government should employ every means to quell the rising anger, disquiet and dismay over this uncalled-for sordid and despicable attempt, by an unscrupulous few, to achieve their own personal disgusting agenda."
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The Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) has described the recent emergence of a sex video as slander designed to humiliate Anwar Ibrahim.
In a statement signed by president Reverend Thomas Philips, the council urged the government to take swift action against 'Datuk T', the code-name used by three individuals who have admitted to being behind the release of the video.
NONE"Their aim in publicly humiliating (Anwar Ibrahim) the Opposition Leader of Parliament offends the sensitivities of decent people, no matter to what race or religion they belong," the statement said.
The MCCBCHST said this “sad sordid episode, once again, brings the nation to prominence for the wrong reasons”.
The statement adds: "Over the few decades, we have been treated to and numbed by numerous financial scandals, social scandals and political scandals committed by those supposedly dedicated to leading our citizens through 'leadership by example'.
"This latest video clip to slander a fellow Malaysian, albeit a Muslim MP, is viewed by our members with great concern and revulsion."
The exposure of the video at this juncture, the council said, has made it the "mother of all moral scandals" perpetrated by titled personalities and so-called leaders.
"Since the involvement of the trio has surfaced, the Malaysian public is once again feted with disgusting material that begs the question, 'where is all this leading to?' in spite of the many seasonal national slogans that challenge us to greater heights of achievement and harmony."
azlanThe trio - former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, former honorary Thai consul Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and ex-senator Shuib Lazim - were behind the screening of a 21-minute video to journalists last Wednesday, showing a man having sex with a woman in a hotel room.
They claimed that the man in the video is Anwar, but he has denied this and lodged a police report. The police have since called in the trio to record their statement.
'Disgusting personal agenda'
The statement further said the scandal does not inspire the younger generation to trust in the political process or to observe cultural, religious, social and moral norms.
"The violation of basic decency and privacy is abhorrent and despicable, not only to the mature adult but more importantly, to the vulnerable and impressionable young in our midst and communities.
"Our consultative council that represents non-Muslims is disheartened and uncomfortable with the whole episode. It does not bode well for the future political and cultural landscape of this multi-cultural and multi-religious nation.
"Malaysia's image is further tarnished by irresponsible and selfish leaders like those who acknowledged their shameless involvement."
Hence, the council called on the government to take swift and firm action against all those behind the scandal.
"We further urge the government to distance itself from all forms of deceit and cunning and bring the perpetrators of this latest mischief to face the full extent of the law.
"Furthermore, the government should employ every means to quell the rising anger, disquiet and dismay over this uncalled-for sordid and despicable attempt, by an unscrupulous few, to achieve their own personal disgusting agenda."
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