Strip sex video trio of their datukships
Inter-faith council wants action against 'Datuk T'
Ponto: The declaration of condemnation by the Malaysian Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) in relation to emergence of sex video designed to slander and humiliate Anwar Ibrahim should serve as a resounding wake-up call to all quarters to take immediate and the necessary actions to discourage future replications by would-be and unprincipled politicians hell-bent in destroying their opponents.
In the said episode involving the three infamous datuks, it is glaringly obvious their link to their masters in Umno/BN along with their titled awards of datukship had presumedly made them arrogant and infallibly untouchables.
For their violation of human decency and the moral degradation they have brought unto themselves in their involvement with the despicable sex video, they should justifiably be stripped off their honorific titles by their respective awarding sultans.
Thus is the widely held view of all law-abiding citizens, as it will rightly restore value and recognition of such awards.
Atan-Toyol: I hope the statement by the inter-religious council has pricked the conscience of PM Najib to do something sensible. For one, he should tell the home minister to do his job and have the three 'datuks' arrested for indecent behaviour.
The home minister seems to be lacking in his initiative to nip crime in the bud. He disappoin! ts all r ight-thinking Malaysians. The sultans/governors who awarded the datukships to these scoundrels should be pressured to withdraw the coveted titles from these individuals.
HYL: What more can we say or do to make these BN goons and government to prosecute the real wrongdoers?
It's so undeniable and blatant that they are biased not only against non-bumiputeras and non-Muslims but to their own Muslim brothers and sisters and to the opposition parties. They are now tightening the noose on the opposition as the next GE is looming nearer.
The more they tighten, the more we fight for our justice. So if Malaysia ever erupted like the Middle East, the blame is on BN, and not on Malaysians or the opposition.
E-Pakatan: BN tak malu. Dalam negara Islam, interfaith council ini yang diketahui umum (penyokong BN) sanggup menyuarakan pendapat. At least, bekas mufti (yang juga penyokong BN) sanggup bersuara.
Apa jadi dengan mufti di negeri lain? Jakim? Ikim? UIAM? Menontot video lucah dibenarkan oleh agama mana di dunia ini? Bersuara, lah.
FairMind: The perpetrators of the screening of the sex video are Muslims. The victim of the screening of the sex video is also a Muslim. It is an all-Muslim affair and yet the national muftis and Islamic authorities do not see it fit to protect the good name of Islam by denouncing the act?
Now a non-Muslim interfaith orgainsation has come out to defend Islam. It looks like the current batch of muftis are more into defending Umno than Islam.
Truth: MCCBCHST president Reverend Thomas, are you certain the video recording is not genuine? Have you watched the recording?
If the recording is genuine, don't you think letting Anwar continue to influence Malaysian politics is far more detrimental than exposing the sex video?
Passing Cloud: Whether the sex film is genuine or fake, if the police and the ruling Umno-led BN government ! condone the filming and screening of it by the predominantly Umno-linked trio Datuk T and let them go scot-free, unpunished, Malaysia will inevitably be held in utter disgust and contempt in the world community. PM Najib Razak must act now against the trio.
Anonymous_3f96: The interfaith council is gradually becoming the moral guardian of the country. Unfortunately, other religious voices are silent.
The failure of the authorities to act against the infamous Datuk T will undermine the little confidence that is left in the country. It can only expedite the brain drain and capital outflow.
Middle-class Malaysian professionals are getting sick and tired of gutter politics. More and more, we are beginning to resemble an African tin pot country called Zimbabwe.
Dingy: Some BN leaders even asked the police to protect 'Datuk Trio' under the Whistleblowers Act. This trio should be charged for blackmailing Anwar and his wife. The second offence is for exposing the sex video to the public, the third for possessing the sex video. Two of them were in it for revenge. Who is behind all this?
For a better Malaysia: It's wonderful to see non-politicians come out and make their stand for a better Malaysia!
Docs: If the rakyat or opposition; produces, act, distributes, aim to make money or publically view pornographic material, that is illegal and the police will take swift action on the individual or individuals involved.
If Umno or BN; produces, act, distributes, aim to make money or publically view pornographic material, that is called a documentaryand thus not illegal.
Survivor: The sex video is an act committed by Muslims against other Muslims and the majority of Muslims, especially those in authority chose to remain unconcerned. It goes to show the extreme hypocrisy of the men who always use religion to challenge th! e opposi ng camp.
It is so surprising that you need a non-Islamic group (MCCBCHST) to come out to criticise such a despicable act, not just for Anwar's sake but for the morality of those who profess God/Allah/goddesses as their Creator. - Malaysiakini