Red Lert ! Che Det is infected with very contagious disease !
Sakmongkol infected by CheDet, slams Ghani Othman
The infection at and, the sites of Mahathir Mohamad’s blog, has worsened. In addition to being listed as “malicious attack sites” on Tuesday, Google Safe Browsing popped up an even more ominous warning on Wednesday. Google said: “Web forgeries are designed to trick you into revealing personal or financial information by imitating sources you may trust. Entering any information on this web page may result in identity theft or other fraud.”
Sakmongkol AK47, the blog of former Pahang assemblyman Dato Ariff Sabry Aziz, has been also infected by CheDet (and not merely by the virus that Google says is lurking somewhere at CheDet).
The bitching Ghani Othman…
Dato Sak’s latest blog posting is about the Daim Zainuddin interview published by Mingguan Malaysia on Sunday; among other comments, Dato Sak blasts Abdul Ghani Othman, now menteri besar of Johor, “the bitching Abdul Ghani” in his words, for blabbing to Mahathir about a remark Daim had made. “Now everyone in Umno will know Ghani is an untrustworthy person,” Dato Sak says.
He provides some insights into Daim’s thinking, passed on by his source The Oracle: one is that Daim is totally focussed on his objectives and won’t bother to answer any allegations of corruption; the second is what Daim thinks of Mahathir (which Daim glossed over in the Mingguan interview): he says Mahathir in his memoirs writes from two perspectives, one as a statesman and two as a politician.
If a warning pops up, use a proxy server and type in Dato Sak’s blog address: