Malaysians demand Mamak Be Jailed For Life !
Get rid of money politics for good governance — Josie M. Fernandez
MARCH 28 — Tun Daim Zainuddin has called for a graft-free government for good governance and to attract investors. But the battle against corruption can only be won if Malaysia rids itself of money politics.
In an interview with Transparency International in 2010, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that politics is money. He further added that Malaysians do not need much persuasion to contribute to political parties as they might get some leverage when they donate to political parties.
Political corruption is the mother of all corruption , says Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed, Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission. In three out of four countries surveyed by TI and Gallup International in 2004, political parties were identified as the most corrupt institutions.
The monetisation of politics has contributed to widespread corruption in Malaysia. Money politics is not confined to only buying votes and distribution of development money during campaigns as well as cash to various groups, eg single mothers, senior citizens, the disadvantaged , for medical treatment, etc.
It also involves the funds spent on lavish campaigns, dinners, concerts, lucky draws, all forms of side shows. The Election Commission at various forums has raised concerns over the lavish campaigns and “wonders where the money comes from”. The EC claims it is powerless to act under existing legislation over the huge amounts spent by politicians during elections.
The nexus between politics and business is strong and entrenched. From the 1970s, political parties began to own a slew of companies and politicians were involved in the management of companies under their control.
However, since 2000, the ownership and control of companies by political parties has been less clear. According to a report in The Edge in September 2007, the strategy is for political parties to own dividends, have directors who report to the parties and shares are held in trust by the parties, etc.
As long as political parties and politicians are allowed to own and run business, there are abundant opportunities for strengthening the nexus between politics and corrupt money. Political patronage through privatising has further fuelled money politics in Malaysia.
At the party level, there are no independent regulatory mechanisms to enforce discipline on the use of money to influence party elections.
A graft-free Malaysia is only possible when legislative and institutional reforms are made for alternative forms of funding political parties, eg through a transparent public funding system, for empowering the EC to enforce election laws and greater public disclosure in the financing of politics in Malaysia.
* Josie M. Fernandez reads The Malaysian Insider.