Umno-BN resumes Christian attacks: Police raid on Guan Eng's videographer

Umno-BN resumes Christian attacks: Police raid on Guan Eng's videographer

Barely has a forthight passed since Prime Minister Najib Razak's visit to the Vatican, but it looks UMNO-BN is at it again. They are now trying to strir up trouble for Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng by getting at his Christian videographer Chan Lilian, who also blogs and has her own Twitter following.

"We are disgusted that this can happen. We see it as another UMNO attack on the Christian community. Prime Minister Najib failed utterly to cajole the Christians with his visit to the Pope. That he can do this now is a strong lesson - not to the Christians because we know him by now - but to the Muslims. Beware of a leader like him who speaks with a forked tongue," Pakatan Rakyat watcher Eddie Wong told Malaysia Chronicle.

Again, the culprit was a blogger, who has attracted suspicion of being linked to UMNO, and of course, Utusan Malaysia, was there to pick up the baton.

Based on the Utusan's news article on Lilian, polce raided her home on Thursday night and confiscated her 27-inch iMac and modem to investigate a tweet message she sent out last month.

This is the tweet that is allegedly 'seditious' and reported to the police by one Tony Yew, who claims to be the secretary of Blog House Malaysia.

'I think all Christians shud march for all the persecution they had done to us and our Lord. Dont you think so? I go sleep now, bye-bye. :)'

Lilian told Malaysia Chronicle that Tony objected to her tweet because it mixed politics with religion.

"I asked him back on Twitter :Oh really? What? Where?" Lilian said.

Utusan was right on cue

Then Utusan picked up on the news. Who conveniently informed the UMNO daily and how it found out is not difficult to fathom at all but neither is it the main issue. Meanwhile, this is how Utusan - UMNO's jewel-n-the-crown - translated Lilian's tweet.

''Saya berpendapat semua penganut Kristian di negara ini harus berarak ke atas semua penganiayaan yang mereka telah lakukan ke atas kita."

In other others, Utusan deliberately left out the words "Don't you think so? I go to sleep noe, by-bye" , thereby making Lilian sound as if she was a strident terrorist out to incite a religious war.

Not surprisingly, Utusan also interviewed Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali in the same article. Now, Ibrahim had been the one who had threatened a "Holy war" against the Christians during an earlier Utusan blitz on the community.

Like in the Lilian-Tony Yew case, Utusan followed up after two UMNO bloggers accused DAP leader Jeff Ooi and 8 Christian pastors of trying to replace Islam with Christianity as the official religion, and to install a Christian prime minister.

But the 60-year-old Ibrahim Ali, who claimed he was misquoted for the jihad call, had no compassion for Lilian. Such is the nobility of the character of the self-styled Malay rights Champion, that he immediately accused of Lilian "bad intention" to cause dissent and discontent. (scroll below for article)

Not guilty

Lilian is now being investigated under Section 4 (1) of the Sedition Act for her tweet as well as section 27 (5) of the Police Act for allegedly participating in the July 9 Bersih rally in Kuala Lumpur.

If convicted, she faces a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or a jail term up to three years, or both.

But the gutsy Penang lady has no intention to stop tweeting or to stop "expressing my thoughts".

"As a Catholic Christian, I care for all segment of societies. I never condemned anyone in my Tweet. I am a Malaysian and love the country. The Bible nev! er taugh t me to hate nor to incite. Therefore, the accusation that I am inciting is false," Lilian said.

- Malaysia Chronicle

Jurugambar Guan Eng menghasut?

KUALA LUMPUR 30 Jun - Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) menggelar jurugambar rasmi kepada Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Chan Lilian sebagai penghasut kerana mengajak rakyat yang beragama Kristian hadir untuk berarak di jalan raya.

Presidennya, Datuk Ibrahim Ali berkata, cubaan menghasut yang dibuat di laman Twitternya amat dikesali kerana sanggup memainkan sentimen keagamaan yang mampu menyemarakkan kemarahan sesetengah pihak.

"Pemimpin tertinggi Kristian sebelum ini telah berjumpa dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dan menyatakan kesediaan memelihara keamanan negara.

"Ini jelas menunjukkan wanita berkenaan mempunyai niat yang jahat kerana cuba menghasut rakyat untuk mengkucar-kacirkan negara. Saya percaya penganut Kristian tidak akan sesekali berbuat demikian," katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini, hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian mengulas pendedahan oleh blog, Apanama yang memetik Twitter Lilian @5xmom yang menyebut: ''Saya berpendapat semua penganut Kristian di negara ini harus berarak ke atas semua penganiayaan yang mereka telah lakukan ke atas kita."

Sementara itu, Ibrahim mahu Lilian dikenakan tindakan tegas sekiranya terdapat sebarang unsur untuk menimbulkan kekacauan di negara ini.

"Sebarang cubaan memecah belah agama dan kaum serta keamanan negara kita tolak. Kita mahu pekara ini disiasat kerana kita tidak mahu ia menjadi ikutan.

"Wanita tersebut tidak ubah seperti penganjur perhimpunan haram Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih), Datuk S. Ambiga yang mempunyai niat jahat berselindung di sebalik kepentingan politik," katanya.

Sementara itu, Lilian ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia malam ini mengesahkan beliau membuat komen tersebut dalam tweetnya seperti yang dipetik blog Apanama.

Namun, ketika diminta mengulas la! njut men genai perkara yang dimaksudkannya dalam tweet itu, Lilian berkata:

''Ia terpulang kepada mereka yang membacanya untuk menilai." - ENDS


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