Horray! Crime is Down We Are Safer

Three pieces of good news the past weeks must surely give a sigh of relief to us BolehLanders that we can sleep easier, walk the streets in safety (as long as you don't wear a clean yellow t-shirt) and no leftists, communists terrorists are out there threatening the King and country.

And the MSMedia went to town, because it's safe we can supposed to convey the 'shioksendiri' assurances from those in authority. The reason we folks should be euphoric about are reports as follows:

Malaysia most peaceful in South-East Asia (The Star, July 23). Global Peace Index (GPI) ranked Malaysia as the most peaceful country in South-East Asia and the fourth safest in the Asia-Pacific behind New Zealand, Japan and Australia. ... A recent survey commissioned by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) in the Prime Minister's Department and carried out by international research firm TNS Research International Malaysia showed that the country's overall fear of being victims of crime index has decreased from 52% in January to 48.9% in May this year. Also, the level of fear of Chinese has also dropped from 48.5% to 37.5%...various media sources..."

Surely this will translate into winning back lost seats to the opposition who have been labelled the greatest treat to the soil and people of BolehLand right? And that billions of ringgit in FDI will flood into BolehLand because investors have no fear their businesses will be affected right?

So the tear gas, water cannons and EO panic arrests must be misnomers to the reports and assurances we are safe right? As it is, the official government version is all their actions were justified, necessary and had to be taken... if not we can't really win such awards and get good KPI scores right?

Yes, we should thank and be grateful to the police for protecting us from petty crimes, mat rempits and those who do illegal marches.

Crime brings out fear to us. We fear to walk alone, we fear going out, we fear letting ou! r childr en play in the field, we feel anxious using the ATM, we fear getting mugged.

We want crime to be zero so we can live in peace and without fear.So the police needs to do their work to reduce crime. It's their job to ensure peace and order so we feel safer, right?

But these days, fear of our safety extends beyond just those Crime index and KRI scores!

While we are made to believe we are safer because the crooks are caught but we don't know the success versus those unsolved ones. The feeling of feeling safer when we go about our normal lives is a different story altogether.

When we drive, when we see a road block ahead or when an enforcement officer stops you, fear snaps out immediately... fear of the cop and traffic officers who will tell you have broken the law and made to feel you are a hardcore criminal. For motorcyclists the fear and anxiety is heightened. Your licence and bike will be scrutinised, horns will be tested, licence rechecked. How many of us can seriously say that they do not get palpitations seeing a cop in uniform approach them at roadblock? Odd right?

But why do we feel fear and anxiety seeing a cop and traffic cop approach us? Why this perception? The most obvious is 'macam mana saya boleh tolong about' and the need to do some 'pasar malam' bargaining if one is caught 'breaking the law'. And we need to break another law to get out of a misdemeanor real or framed isn't the question anymore!

Then there are those who believe in a cause feel anxious and fearful wearing a certain colour clothing and certain words.

Even if the police assures us crime is down and our streets are safer, many of us fear the sight of seeing a cop!!! Why? Because the state has successfully put fear into its people through threats of jail, EO, ISA and what not. We are made to look like communists, conspirators, terrorists and threat to the King and country for every thought or action that opposes the government of the day! We are are also made to belief that those w! ho do no t OBEY them as criminals worthy to have the book thrown at them, tear gas fired upon them, chemical laced water sprayed on them, being roughed up and even no idea of the rights one has during interrogations or if one will come out their normal self, physically, emotionally or psychologically after walking out of their detention.

When we visit the Immigration, NRIC, JPJ we face anxiety and fear of being made to feel guilty like one has committed a big crime against the state! And don't even ask what witnesses feel these days if they are brought to the MACC!!!

The latest sigh of relief for the over 28 million BolehLand must be the release of the eight detained under the Emergency Ordinance that there are no communists, terrorist threat by an opposition politicians, ole man and woman among us, right? Their detention is made to be more serious than the crimes in the Crime Index because we are made to fear the scenario that befalls us, what life will be under the rule of some terrorist communist and socialist ideology if these eight succeeded in their plots and conspiracy.

Of course we all don't want to be rule under some communist leftist ideology. It is a threat to our peace, safety and security. Just look at communist China and North Korea right? We have better alternatives, the present state of affair makes everyone safe and happy except two hiccups, Pakatan and the Crime Index that is creating kecoh in otherwise safe and peaceful BolehLand. Then there is this model Islamic State we are including a promise of being more theocratic to win votes by political parties who claim to be guardian of the religion! So any threats to the status quo cannot be allowed or tolerated right?

And the odd thing is we need to kow tow and say thank you for their release which is a way of saying they did wrong and we must be thankful to the security apparatus for releasing them and pardoning them huh? Their release can mean what they are accused of were unfounded or that the security officers are co! nfident our Scorpene submarines and billion ringgit of military armaments we buy and have to protect our borders as well as the third line of defence the UMNO BN members, followed by the fourth line of silat proponents and not forgetting the 1million over youths who attended the Putrajaya 1million Youth do and of course our Perkasa and Patriot fellos hiding behind the pants of these six or seven line of defences are stroang enough to defeat the conspiracy and threats posed by our six 'terrorists' huh?

Ask the ordinary people on the street whom they fear more and who is the cause of their safety, fear and anxiety, it may not be surprising if they point it to the very institutions that are supposed to protect us and the government whom they fear more than those NKR and KPI crimes! The next are the politicians!

When government make threats like citing the ISA, EO, sends in their water cannons and display their riot control weaponry as well as are seen alongside martial arts proponents and even put on an army drills at public places, they put more fear than feeling of safety and comfort to people.

When politicians rain racists hate and pit race against each other, we fear for the safety and security of our jobs as well as future of our children.

When the state successful puts fear into the people who cringe and feel anxious and fearful when they see someone in uniform, from the police to immigration officers to MACC and does not hesitate to use such institutions to ensure power lies in the hands of the ruling elite, they are and have created a fascist state!

When the people fear posting their views or even question policies in cyberspace because cybertroopers are hunting them and shutting down their sites, they think petty crimes as a lesser threat perhaps.

We may feel safer noone is going to come behind and grab our bags or molest us or some rempit will knock us down. But the odd thing is for some people when they go and find peace and pray to their God using a name that is! prohibi ted, isn't it an irony we are more fearful worshiping our God than playing in the park!

There are also those who wish to have an innocent time out and fun, they fear being picked up and upon by religious clerics for suspecting to be committing illicit acts by holding hands or even drinking alcohol even if they are allowed by their religious belief!

And, we are not even talking about the millions over illegal people here whom we don't seem to fear they will create situations that happen in France or other European nations when illegals will be used for political agendas and tools in political power play.

Sure we fingerprint them, we make them legal migrants. It does not mean they will leave when their job is done right?

So while we are now less fearful of petty crimes and safer when we walk out, we wonder if we feel less fearful, anxious or safer when we meet our men in uniform at road blocks or at the immigration, ports, JPJ or NRIC counter or even filing a report at the friendly police neighborhood beat!

While we are happy that it is safer these days from their KRI crimes index, isn't it an irony when the very authorities and government who are supposed to make our lives safer, free from fear and boasts they have given us peace and freedom, are also the very worst culprits who threaten and are the ones who gives us the most anxiety and creates the worst fear our safety and freedom too, huh?


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