Cops should watch 'My Name is Khan'
10 arrested for 'greeting' PM in yellow at KL Sentral
Botak Chin: The arrests remind me of the movie, 'My Name is Khan'. In it, Shah Rukh Khan, who plays the main character, suffers from Aspergers Syndrome and gets into a fit of frenzy every time he sees anything yellow.
Is the entire PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) suffering from some kind of disorder that makes them go berserk on seeing the colour yellow?
I would recommend all Umno leaders and the PDRM to watch the movie. There is a lesson or two to be learnt from it.
Come to think of it, why don't all of us Malaysians wear yellow on Saturday. Is there a prison big enough to hold all of us?
ForTruth&Justice: Watch the Malaysiakini video. If the PM is a man of the people, he would just smile, receive the memo, give the man a pat on the back and move on.
The police and PM Najib Razak's bodyguards need not push, shove, pull and drag the person who was wearing the yellow T-shirt.
It seems to me that our police officers/security ins! truments of state have convinced themselves that Malaysia is under siege, and anyone who does not agree with the PM is an enemy that must be removed.
Oh My God: I thought wearing yellow is okay as mentioned by one of the PDRM senior officers about 10 days ago - so long as there is no 'Bersih' word on the T-shirts.
So the crime here must be an attempt to deliver a memorandum to PM. Funny isn't it? Does it really hurt to accept the memorandum? The PM can always chuck the memorandum into a dustbin after receiving it if he is not interested to read it.
Indeed, the PDRM must state what is legal and what is illegal. The public is getting confused.
EugeneT: Didn't the police say yellow is not illegal but only the Bersih logo? Once again, the police "cakap tak serupa bikin". How can we respect and trust an institution that does not speak with truth and integrity?
Yellow Fever: What if PM Najib Razak wears a yellow T-shirt someday? Would the police arrest him?
Better not, otherwise the IGP (inspector-general of police) and his deputy would be sacked for wrongful arrest by their boss, the home minister, who is Najib's cousin.
Tired: I have no sympathy for the gang of 10 PKR members because it is clear they are courting trouble and trying to get cheap publicity. Why 'cari pasal'?
If the police ignore them, I bet the group will provoke the authorities to arrest them. It seems opposition leaders, especially the middle-rung ones like MP aides and branch leaders, think they have made it when they are arrested and ! detained by police. It's like wearing a badge of honour as they will be seen as heroes.
Docs: All I can say is that PDRM fell into Pakatan Rakyat's yet trap again. With this, the PDRM is made to look stupid (yet again), Umno is made to look paranoid and insane, and Pakatan gets all the free publicity.
True Life: Luckily Queen Elizabeth II was wearing yellow in London - if Her Highness was in Kuala Lumpur, she would have been arrested.
Mokhtar Abu Seman: Is it in the constitution that citizens are not allowed to wear yellow? We need immediate explanation on the matter by the IGP. The authorities should not take matters into their own hand as this would lead to a lawless society.
Solaris: Why hand over a memorandum on the Bersih 2.0 demands to the prime minister? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was Bersih's idea to hand a memo to the PM. It was to be submitted to the DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong.
Are these people really with Bersih and does the Bersih secretariat know about this?
Fair_Election: The PM is losing control. Unfortunately for him, the harder he tries, the harder he falls.
The KL Sentral incident clearly showed the bully that he is. While in the UK, all he could do was to dodge the protesters, but in Malaysia, he uses the police, FRU, tear gas, chemical-laced water to intimidate the people.
Where else can the rakyat vent their feelings other than doing so via Facebook and tweeting? Najib, check your Facebook and see the number! of disc ontented people voicing out their opinion. Your reign as the 'replacement PM' is coming to an end.
DannyLoHH: So, this is how low it has gone to - people getting arrested for greeting the PM in yellow at KL Sentral.
Queen Elizabeth II must be very pleased to know that she wasn't arrested then for greeting the PM in bright yellow, or perhaps it is only legal to greet our PM now in yellow if we are outside Malaysia?
The ruling regime's fear of all things yellow and 'Bersih' is getting laughable.
Up2U: The action was high-handed and totally uncalled for. In any democracy, surely the people, irrespective of their political leanings, can hand over a memorandum to the PM. There was no unruly behaviour in KL Sentral, and the PM was obviously not in danger.
Artchan: The police are digging Najib's grave. Either the police are overzealous or plain stupid. Maybe both. - Malaysiakini