Please walk the talk
The PM has called on Malaysians to show acceptance of each others differences. There is nothing wrong in this; in fact, all of us must support this call for acceptance, if the PM himself can show the way in the implementation of his policies and rein in those who are uttering extremist views.
It is not enough to merely state this but not seen to practise it. I must stress again that this is a different world altogether, and people are now able to think and analyse better with the influence of the internet and the borderless information that they can amass.
In fact, many of his speeches are good if only it can be implemented.
I still recall his speech at the UN last year (september 2010) calling for negotiations over confrontation. In case he has not remembered, this is the article which I wrote on his speech then and calling him to come home, walks his talks and take charge against extremism.
I will post that article of mine here again since the same argument is relevant to what he says about acceptance:
If only he walks the talks
SEPT 29 Our prime minister gave a very good speech in the UN. Good in the sense that what was expounded in the speech is correct and morally right.
He said, We must, and I repeat, we must urgently reclaim the centre and the moral high ground that has been usurped from us. We must choose negotiations over confrontation. We must choose to work together and not against each other. And we must give this effort utmost priority for time is not on our side.
He also urged the US President Barack Obama to galvanise the moderates, bring in NGOs and social movements so that more people would see the importance of taking a moderate stance.
This is indeed what is needed in the whole world.
This is indeed what is needed in Malaysia.
My question to the PM is this: Why is this the essence of his speech not practised in our own country?
He, as the PM, has the power to walk the talk, to do what he prea! ches ove rseas.
Why arent those uttering extremist words dealt with using existing laws? The incidents of the two principals and the words of some civil servants (like the one in BTN) are certainly extreme, no one can deny that. Why isnt any action being taken against these people?
When he urges Obama to galvanise the moderates and bring in the NGOs, did he not realise that he has not reined in the NGO group called Perkasa? Did he not realise that the perception is that, by keeping quiet and refraining from attacking this group, Perkasa is an outsourced extremist group from the Big Brother?
His speech is certainly good. If Obama does what our PM advises, America and the world would be a better place, no doubt about it. But our PM must put his own house in order first before offering such good advice to others. Otherwise, there is only one word in English language to describe the whole situation hypocrisy!
There is still time to prove that he is not a hypocrite, by coming home and taking charge and dealing with these extremists according to the advice he gave others in UN.
Will he walk the talk?