Why The Hush Where People Should Know?
I really simply don't even understand the logic of why Federal government wants to keep secret over the water agreements between them, Selangor state and the state water supplier Syabas. And I also simply do not understand why the two judges who overturned it don't seem to understand the people's right to know about water. After all, as what Hishamuddin Yunus said:
Water is a basic necessity of life and any increase in tariffs will have an important impact on their lives. If one has to pay in order to have water, then the charge must be extremely nominal and affordable to the citizens. Then the process of determining the water rates or tariffs must be transparent. The citizens have a legitimate expectation to know the process involved in determining any increase of tariffs."
Well, I do really hope to hear from what the judgment of the first two judges about why they want to keep secret over the deal. To have the Federal government and Peter Chin's ministry to appeal against keeping it secret is somewhat making people remain stump, stupid and clueless over what they are entitled to know. Sometimes this is the dangerous side of the Official Secrets Act, that a document can simply be tagged as Secret and refused to be revealed by people who have the right to know.
And Yunus is right - Putrajaya has to provide a convincing answer over this.
Official Secrets Act is already close to 40 years old, and somewhat the law contravenes the right of a person to know. How would a person respond properly if they are not told of what they should be hearing about? Why the hush? Is the Federal government thinking people can be deceived and made t! o look s tupid by keeping things secret? Is the Federal government afraid that releasing this kind of things that people deserve to know is making things out of control, or in other words, cakap huru-hara? Does public criticism fall under huru-hara as the Federal government might claim to be?
There are two fronts of Suckers in the society and one front of Suckers is the people themselves, who have fallen to the false believes and refused to change and improve the society by using the same politicians over and over again, know what I mean? Even the Mak Cik Felda and Pak Cik Felda are not well educated over this matter really, I supposed.
courtesy of A Little Raffer's Room