Holy Shit! Just See How Powerful Your One Vote Is
Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them.
Your ONE VOTE can send shiver down the spine of Umno/BN.
Look at how the most powerful man in Malaysia goes to the ground and beg for your votes.
They are coughing out, reluctantly, millions and millions of ringgit into every by-elections.
Masquerading as 1Malaysia NGO going round with goodies as if no one knows who they are and for what reason.
Millions are also pouring in for headmasters and principals.
The best has yet to come with the announcement that Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) is eligible for university status.
The above could have been carried out years ago but they held back what are rightfully yours because you keep voting them into power.
In order to maintain the momentum what they are doing now and to ensure that they listen to your call for equality, reform of the institutions and no more racism, you need to continue to VOTE FOR CHANGE.
Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them.
Your ONE VOTE can send shiver down the spine of Umno/BN.
Look at how the most powerful man in Malaysia goes to the ground and beg for your votes.
They are coughing out, reluctantly, millions and millions of ringgit into every by-elections.
Masquerading as 1Malaysia NGO going round with goodies as if no one knows who they are and for what reason.
Millions are also pouring in for headmasters and principals.
The best has yet to come with the announcement that Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) is eligible for university status.
The above could have been carried out years ago but they held back what are rightfully yours because you keep voting them into power.
In order to maintain the momentum what they are doing now and to ensure that they listen to your call for equality, reform of the institutions and no more racism, you need to continue to VOTE FOR CHANGE.
Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them.