Scam - Miracle Harvest Yields Miracle Profits for Raziah & Robert!
Sarawak Report
The company Miracle Harvest Sdn Bhd, belonging to Raziah Mahmud, the sister of the Chief Minister, and her husband Robert Geneid, has certainly yielded some miraculous profits. They are particularly miraculous because the company has not yet started officially operating, according to Malaysia’s Register of Companies!
Like so many of Razia’s land companies, Miracle Harvest, incorporated 15th June 2005, uses the business address of Kumpulan Parabena Sdn Bhd. Kumpulan Parabena is run by the Geneids and we have revealed that the Chief Minister also holds a substantial stake through the holding company Mesti Bersatu. According to our researches the land titles which have been recently awarded to list of different companies based at this address amount to an area greater than Singapore!
Company Records
Miracle Harvest's details in the Register of Companies. The address is the same as Kumpulan Parabena's offices in Jalan Sungai, Padungan. It has yet to "commence operations", but the State of Sarawak has already handed it 12,000 hectares!
In the case of Miracle Harvest, the approval had already been given by the Land Regsitry for an award to the company of 12,000 hectares for the purpose of oil palm plantation (OPL) three weeks before its actual incorporation date! Land titles handed out to a company before it even comes into existence! A case of ’Miraculous Pre-conception’?
So, can one detect the Hand of God behind such amazing developments, or perhaps just that of Abdul Taib Mahmud, who doubles up as the Head of the Land Custody and Development Agency? The LCDA has been taking Native Customary Lands in the name of the State Government and then handing it to close Taib family members like his sister Raziah and son Mahmud Abu Bekir Taib and several others in a pattern that has been escalating in recent years.
Land Registry Records
Robert Geneid is the person registered as the representative of Miracle Harvest in the Land Registry. His office at Kumpulan Parabena is the contact address
We can see that in the case of Miracle Harvest Raziah’s husband Robert Geneid is clearly marked as the contact for the Land Title in the Land Registry. He also lists his office and phone number as that of the Kumpulan Parabena HQ in Kuching, thus directly implicating the Chief Minister in the deal, who has a major stake in Kumpulan Parabena.
Cheap premiums mean the state loses revenue
Our research indicates that the land given to Miracle Harvest was indeed handed out very cheap indeed and now commands a far higher market price. A total of 11 lots were handed to Miracle Havest along with a sister company also owned by the Geneids, Green Ace Resources, on just one day 25.5.2005. They amounted to 20,000 hectares for an over all price of just RM 15 million. The stated purpose for the hand out is”OPL”, meaning Oil Plantation.
Elia Abas Geneid, Raziah's daughter (left with champagne bottle) has also benefitted from huge hand outs of land from her Uncle Taib's government department
This low premium marked a very poor return for the taxpayer and a vast potential profit for the Mahmuds. Worse, such premiums are generally not demanded up front of Taib family members in deals like these. The payments are allowed to be deferred and delayed or paid in installments – usually (according to insiders) until the land has been sold on at a healthy profit!