Stephen Hawking's "The Theory Of Everything" Is Just A "Commercial"
by Ted Torrent
Previously ...

Previously ...
During the last talk, I tried to illustrate a little on what kind of universe do we live in at the moment? Some of you may already know most of the stuffs I talked about because most of them are readily available on the web. It's never meant to educational, I was just trying to start a conversation but I have no idea how can this conversation lead to what I really wanna tell you ? I have no idea because I am not allowed to say it ... It's not the time yet.
In all honesty, my knowledge on astronomy is probably no better than a school kid. However, I don't see the need have much expertise in this area in order for us to lead a meaningful life. First of all, you can find most of the answers by simply Googling, and the topic is after all something no one can ever give you the all the answers. Not even "God".
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to belittle "God" here. The reason why I say so is because,
- the Universe is not something static. It's moving all the time, it's ever changing and yet it's not exactly an organic existence. And depending on your definition of "God",
- if "God" means He who "created" this Universe, then there are things already beyond His control. I am sorry to say that.
- However, if "God" means the absolute Almighty being that can do anything and everything, then that's not the "God" I am talking about. But you should also question how come there exist bad, dark and evil shits in the Universe if there is indeed such a Super-Duper-Almighty-Being in existence? It's a "test" for mankind?
Don't ask me because I don't have the answer and neither do I wanna disturb the faith of those who believe there is a everything-also-can "God".
All I was told is only something concerning why mankind is the "Chosen Ones" (not Jews only), what gonna happen next, and what must be done ... Else, everything we know today will just PERISH.
This explains why I always tempted to say something like "we got a mission". I'd tell you when I am allowed to do so. It's not the time to reveal the details yet but it won't be too long from now.
Since we are talking about the Universe, let me continue to bull a little more on this never ending topic.
The Universe or the Multiverse (if you believe in String Theory) is quite possibly the messiest subject of all. The reason is pretty straightforward - because virtually everything will lead you back to the same old question you had before ie. "WTF is that ?".
You probably heard of big names like Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, and WhatHaveYouGenius. You imagine they know tonnes of deep stuffs that are totally beyond you, or even everything such as in the case of Hawking, he released a series of "commercials" entitled "The Theory Of Everything" as if he really knows everything.
Don't get me wrong. I do like Stephen simply because he is disable, not so much because he is smart. I found out he is actually not that smart after I discovered even what he is famous for - "The Blackhole Theory", isn't his originally. And on top of that and despite all the resources Cambridge poured on him (because he is the most famous Sci-Celeb on earth) including making him the Lucasian Chair of Cambridge, which is quite possibly the highest honor one can possibly dream of in the world of academy (the other famous guy with the same post was Isaac Newton - the one who found out why apples fall on his head instead of flying around like birds !), Stephen virtually discovers NOTHING for the past 3-4 decades. Instead, it was his colleague, Michael Green, who is now the new Lucasian Chair of Cambridge because he is one of the founding members of Super String Theory. And I read somewhere the theory was actually "equated" in California by John Schwarz but since Michael was also there, he is now the pride of England. Anyway, the theory has since evolved to what is now known as the "M-Theory" that postulates the Multiverse is operating on Eleven Dimensions. Thanks to another smart yank named Edward Witten. Best thing is no one really know WTF does "M" stand for even until today?
Okay, enough academic nonsense. Lets get back to why I said Stephen's "The Theory Of Everything" isn't really "The Theory Of Everything" because there remains no answer to many unanswered questions, there is nothing new since his earth-shattering book "The Blackhole" published since the 60s.
The only thing new is he added Super String Theory to complete his lack of explanation on what happened moment just before the Big Bang ! This is exactly why he declared "God has no role in creation of the Universe" or something like that ... because String Theory managed to explain what caused the Big Bang pretty neatly.
In another word, he discovers nothing for the past 3-4 decades. I was a little disappointed because the moment BBC released the news that Stephen is about to tell world all the secrets in our universe with his "The Theory Of Everything". Why ? Because I was looking forward to comparing his answers to what I was told. Nay, there is nothing new, no answer whatsoever. Only a bunch stale stories I already read somewhere years ago. And you know why I call it a piece of commercial ? Not so much because the title is misleading, it's because Stephen ended the series by saying a political piece "I believe the Universe will expand ever and forever."
Believe me. This is merely a politically correct statement. As far as I know, this defies the Law of Nature. Basically, the Law of Nature says "What goes up, must come down.", "What comes around, goes around." or something like that ... Is that all ? No. The main reason why I say so is because fundamentally, our Universe is made up of "Libron" ... I will soon release details explaining what is "Libron" which I think can potentially offer scientists some clues to what they are dying to find out at the moment, especially Dark Matter, Darker Force and some other issues concerning our universe.
Let's hope our genius who is working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will find "Graviton" or discover something solid before I release the details, so that there is at least something empirical, scientifically speaking, to support what I gonna say.
People, the time has come ... We live or we die.