
Showing posts from February, 2011

Holy Shit! Just See How Powerful Your One Vote Is

Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them. Your ONE VOTE can send shiver down the spine of Umno/BN. Look at how the most powerful man in Malaysia goes to the ground and beg for your votes. They are coughing out, reluctantly, millions and millions of ringgit into every by-elections. Masquerading as 1Malaysia NGO going round with goodies as if no one knows who they are and for what reason. Millions are also pouring in for headmasters and principals. The best has yet to come with the announcement that Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) is eligible for university status. The above could have been carried out years ago but they held back what are rightfully yours because you keep voting them into power. In order to maintain the momentum what they are doing now and to ensure that they listen to your call for equality, reform of the institutions and no more racism, you need to continue to VOTE FOR CHANGE. Your vote against Umno/BN is a goo...

Eight Hindraf, HRP leaders to be charged

Eight leaders of the banned Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) and the Human Rights Party (HRP), who were detained for taking part in an unlawful assembly yesterday, are expected to be brought before court this Friday to be charged. Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah said they had been released on police bail yesterday. The police were in the process of completing investigations before submitting the report to the Deputy Public Prosecutors office, he told reporters after a meeting between the police and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) here today. Zulkifli said 14 people were also detained yesterday after they refused to disperse after being told to do so at an unlawful gathering in front of the Jinjang district police station. They were released on police bail this afternoon, he added. Yesterday, 109 people, including Hindraf leader P. Uthayakumar, were detained for staging a demonstration to protest the novel Interlok. On the joint meeting between the police and DBKL...

Holy Shit! Just See How Powerful Your One Vote Is

Your vote against Umno/BN is a good thing in order for them to fear you and not you fearing them. Your ONE VOTE can send shiver down the spine of Umno/BN. Look at how the most powerful man in Malaysia goes to the ground and beg for your votes. They are coughing out, reluctantly, millions and millions of ringgit into every by-elections. Masquerading as 1Malaysia NGO going round with goodies as if no one knows who they are and for what reason. Millions are also pouring in for headmasters and principals. The best has yet to come with the announcement that Tunku Abdul Rahman College (TARC) is eligible for university status. The above could have been carried out years ago but they held back what are rightfully yours because you keep voting them into power. In order to maintain the momentum what they are doing now and to ensure that they listen to your call for equality, reform of the institutions and no more racism, you need to continue to VOTE FOR CHANGE. Your vote against Umno/BN is a go...

PKFZ Scandal: Chan Kong Choy charged

February 28, 2011 PKFZ Scandal: Former Transport Minister charged by Hazlan Zakaria Former transport minister Chan Kong Choy was slapped with three charges of cheating in a sessions court in Putrajaya today, in relation to the Port Klang Free Zone scandal. The charges were brought under Section 417 of the Penal Code. He has been released on bail of RM1 million with one surety. The case is set for mention on March 31. Chan faces a maximum five-year jail term, a fine or both, if found guilty. The first charge is that he deceived then premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi into approving Kuala Dimensi Sdn Bhd (KDSB) as the turnkey developer for a trans-shipment hub project at the Pulau Indah Free Zone (as it was then called). According to the charge sheet, Chan is accused of concealing the fact that the development cost would be borne by KDCB, which was to issue bonds through Transshipment Megahub Bhd with the support of the government and the Transport Ministry. He is alleged to hav...

Malaysia and Turkey: A Strategic Partnership of Moderates

February 28, 2011 Najibs Foreign Policy: Strategic Partnership of Moderates with Turkey by Azmi FOLLOWING up on the celebrated Malaysia-Turkey hook-up this week, enter this intriguing correlation 28 years in the making and whose maturation may have a marked influence on how Muslim countries, especially those in the Arab world, govern themselves in the wake of their blood-spattered but remarkable revolution to fundamentally seize back their pride and dignity. The correlation is this: Malaysia is determined to deploy its Islamic authority to counteract the rise of religious extremism and violence on a global scale while Turkey emerges from decades of relentless secularism to craft a benign Islamic character that excludes horrific stereotypes associated with the Arab world. It was as if Malaysia and Turkeys forward march is steadily aligned by a natural sociopolitical gravitational pull, a unique union forged with an eye on an international peace initiat...


HU Editor

The opposition's understanding of freedom of speech (in English)

The opposition supporters do not understand what freedom of speech means. To them, freedom of speech means freedom to criticise the government and not freedom to criticise the opposition. And if you criticise the opposition, then you are a traitor to the cause, a Trojan horse, someone who has been bought off, and so on. These people need to grow up and mature and understand that freedom works both ways -- you can criticise the government while others can criticise you. NO HOLDS BARRED Raja Petra Kamarudin Listen to the latest recording HERE! ************************************************** PREVIOUS RECORDING CAN BE VIEWED HERE: 4. Budaya politik zaman Merdeka: beban bagi pembangkang 3. The Sarawak opposition dilemma 2. RM1 billion per patrol boat is the way to make money 1. Why appoint him the PKR S abah head in the first place? MORE PREVIOUS RECORDINGS CAN BE VIEWE! D HERE

Discrepancies in CCTV clocks, say forensic analysts

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal February 28, 2011 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 28 Several discrepancies were found in closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras at the Desa Damansara condominium here, resulting in inconsistencies with the timing of their recordings, forensic analysts testified today. Mohd Zabri Adil Talib, section chief of the Cyber Securities division, and Mohd Sharizuan Omar admitted that there were errors in the CCTVs clocks in the guard house area as well as the management office of the condominium. The CCTVs in the guard house showed footages of cars and individuals entering the condominium, while the CCTVs in the management office showed footage of the lift area. The two officers, along with another colleague had been summoned by DSP Jude Pereira on June 30, 2008 to help the police in cloning the CCTV recordings of footage taken on June 26, when complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan alleged that he was sodomised by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Zabri said that the CCTV clock in the man...

MRSM schools a successful failure? (And RESPONSE)

by DR. AZLY RAHMAN How to squeeze an egg into a bottle...don't try this at home! ;) As hypermodernising societies such as Malaysia progresses in syncrony with the advancement of capitalism, and as race and religion becomes the foundation for decision-making in education, especially in elitist well-funded schools, Malaysia is faced with another dilemma of education and national development. Is this country creating sophisticated ethnocentrists that will continue to sustain race-based ideologies? Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (Mara Junior Science College) schools, well-funded, well-staffed with advanced degree faculties, and well-taken care of by the Malay-centric government may be one example of a phenomena of a successful failure in the system's 40-year evolution. The school system prides itself in innovative curricular experimentation drawn from best practice of schools, particularly those of the United States; as its original template was based upon. What educationists will see in...

Scam - Miracle Harvest Yields Miracle Profits for Raziah & Robert!

Sarawak Report The company Miracle Harvest Sdn Bhd, belonging to Raziah Mahmud, the sister of the Chief Minister, and her husband Robert Geneid, has certainly yielded some miraculous profits. They are particularly miraculous because the company has not yet started officially operating, according to Malaysia’s Register of Companies! Like so many of Razia’s land companies, Miracle Harvest, incorporated 15th June 2005, uses the business address of Kumpulan Parabena Sdn Bhd. Kumpulan Parabena is run by the Geneids and we have revealed that the Chief Minister also holds a substantial stake through the holding company Mesti Bersatu. According to our researches the land titles which have been recently awarded to list of different companies based at this address amount to an area greater than Singapore! Company Records Miracle Harvest's details in the Register of Companies. The address is the same as Kumpulan Parabena's offices in Jalan Sungai, Padungan. It has y...

Gaddafi Moved Personal US$4.8 Billion To London

Grapevine: "... and Malaysia is Gaddafi's top money laundering agent during the Mamak Dynasty ?" by financetwitter U NHCR, U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, says almost 100,000 people have fled Libya into neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia in the past week to escape a deadly anti-government uprising in Libya. Mediterranean ports are doing great business with thousands of other foreigners escaping Libya’s unrest. While thousands are getting out of the country, Mad-Dog Colonel Gaddafi is also moving something out of the country – his wealth. Despite his vow to fight until last drop of blood and his son’s warning of rivers of blood in Libya, the dictator secretly transferred US$4.8 billion (3 billion pounds) of his personal wealth to London last week. The transfer was done with a private wealth manager in Mayfair, London last week with the help of a Switzerland-based intermediary. The 3 billion pounds secret transfer was identified by UK Treasury is supervising the tracing ...

Mad Dog Gaddafi to Spook Oil Prices Up North

by financetwitter P repare for higher oil price because the “mad dog” is running wild. Dictator Muammar Gaddafi has launched a shocking war against his own people, killing at least hundreds and probably thousands in attacks by warplanes and foreign mercenaries. Reports of 400 dead, mystery Libyan jets landing in Malta, military retreating to their compounds and whatnot has spook the price of black gold. On Tuesday Gaddafi gave a bloodcurdling speech in which he vowed to fight to the last drop of blood and cited the China’s Tiananmen Square massacre as an example. The guy who was labelled as “the mad dog of the Middle East” by former President Ronald Reagan is now labelled as a “coward” by his people when he was reportedly fled (to Venezuela) the capital Tripoli after anti-government demonstrators breached the state television building. Gaddafi was so mad that he ordered Libyan fighter jets to bomb civilians and unleashed an army of foreign African mercenaries – paid u...


by Eyes Wide Open HartalMSM has received some comments from people who find nothing wrong about the Interlok book being used as required reading in schools. Their reasoning usually goes along the lines of “The things mentioned in the book really happened among Indians and Chinese immigrants what, so what’s the big deal?” Honestly, I felt the same way until my respected HMSM colleagues decided to pick up the cause. What I discovered left my eyes opened wide. This issue of Interlok goes way beyond HINDRAF’s anger over the word “pariah” . It even goes beyond the negative stereotyping of Chinese and Indian immigrants. And it is absolutely NOT about the present generation of Chinese and Indians being “too sensitive” . So what IS the real issue then? It’s the dangerous indoctrination of our children with BTN-style racial prejudice. Some people might say “Aiya…really meh? Sure or not?” So far, HartalMSM has been exposing the themes of the book. But now, let’s look at what will be actual...

The future of education in a multicultural society (notes)

by DR. AZLY RAHMAN The future of education in a multicultural society Notes on a Roundtable on Education and Multiculturalism in Malaysia Dr. Azly Rahman, Speaker Dr. Lim Teck Ghee, commentator Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid, moderator UCSI Multipurpose Hall, UCSI, Cheras, February 24, 2011 Q1: Being a multicultural society that Malaysia is, how should our education system be designed? Or, should it be designed at all? A. Education is a deliberate attempt to construct human beings that will participate in society as productive citizens. The question whether our education system should be designed or not is quite irrelevant when education, schooling, training, indoctrination, and the spectrum of ways by which the child is “schooled” are all based on intentional design. Schooling is the most contested terrain in any society; it is a battlefield or a conveyor belt for the creation of human beings. We go back one step before the question of des...

Unfit for Democracy?

By Nicholas D. Kristoff CAIRO Is the Arab world unready for freedom? A crude stereotype lingers that some people — Arabs, Chinese and Africans — are incompatible with democracy. Many around the world fret that “people power” will likely result in Somalia-style chaos, Iraq-style civil war or Iran-style oppression. That narrative has been nourished by Westerners and, more sadly, by some Arab, Chinese and African leaders. So with much of the Middle East in an uproar today, let’s tackle a politically incorrect question head-on: Are Arabs too politically immature to handle democracy? This concern is the subtext for much anxiety today, from Washington to Riyadh. And there’s no question that there are perils: the overthrow of the shah in Iran, of Saddam Hussein in Iraq, of Tito in Yugoslavia, all led to new oppression and bloodshed. Congolese celebrated the eviction of their longtime dictator in 1997, but the civil war since has been the most lethal conflic...


Our supporters are now heading to Bkt Jalil police station to show their solidarity with the 12 arrested members 12.10 am The 12 remaining have been taken to Bkt Jalil police station and would spend the night in lock up for wanting to organise a candle vigil ————————————————————————————————————————- Police is playing a game with us. The 14 arrested earlier in Jinjang have been taken to Jalan Dang Wangi Police station. Our people are now heading to Dang Wangi to lend support to our other brothers ans sisters there. Try as they main with their mighty show of strength which is highly questionable on the lawfulness or reasonable use of force by the police semi column fail to check the equally determined small group of peaceful protesters who refuse to be silence on their believes and have successfully shown at the international level of a hypocritical PM who had the bear face cheek to criticize the LIBYAN colonel using unjustified force again his citizen yet resorted to the sam...

Will Malaysia catch the Arab bug?

Opinion Things are changing so quickly in the Arab world that even our prime minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, is worried that similar demonstrations may happen in Malaysia. I suppose to some extent the concern is that since Malaysia is an Islamic country and all the countries having major upheavals today are Islamic countries, we could be susceptible to the same problems. First of all, the definition of an Islamic country that is most appropriate is where the Muslims form a majority of the population in a country. Other than that, Islamic countries have many different ideological positions and govern their states under very different systems. There are theocracies, republics, absolute monarchies, and constitutional monarchies such as Malaysia. Historically, the Islam that Malaysia practises has, on the whole, been fairly moderate though it has been radicalised in the past few years. Nevertheless, even the main opposition Islamist party accepts that change should only...