Report reveals rape of tribeswomen by loggers
By Survival International
The Sarawak state government has licensed the Penans land to logging and plantation companies that have devastated the rainforests the tribe rely on. A new report has exposed an environment of violence against tribeswomen in Borneo. According to the report, released by a coalition of Malaysian human rights groups called the Penan Support Group, there have been repeated cases of rape and sexual assault against Penan women by the loggers who are destroying the tribes forests.
They follow allegations by other Penan women in 2008, which the Malaysian government denied but was later forced to confirm.
The report condemns the Malaysian government for giving lucrative logging concessions on Penan land to private companies closely tied to the state government, resulting in dispossession, destruction, dislocation and impoverishment and an environment of violence which leaves Penan women and girls highly vulnerable.
The Sarawak state government has licensed the Penans land to logging and plantation companies that have devastated the rainforests the tribe rely on.
The Malaysian Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development has refuted the new allegations. The Chief Minister of Sarawak also denied the previous allegations of rape, saying they were lies and an attempt at sabotage. A government investigation later confirmed that the womens claims were true.
Officials have continued to dismiss the issue. When the BBC confronted Sarawaks Minister for Land Development with the statement of a teenage Penan rape victim, he said, They change their stories, and when they feel like it. Thats why I say the Penan are very good storytellers.
Survival Internationals director Stephen Corry said today, Logging has brought the Penan nothing but abuse, with rape, violence and hunger now comm! onplace. For the government to react by calling them 'storytellers', and pretending all this is 'progress' is appalling.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is due to visit some Penan villages on July 22.
Download the Penan Support Groups report
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They follow allegations by other Penan women in 2008, which the Malaysian government denied but was later forced to confirm.
The report condemns the Malaysian government for giving lucrative logging concessions on Penan land to private companies closely tied to the state government, resulting in dispossession, destruction, dislocation and impoverishment and an environment of violence which leaves Penan women and girls highly vulnerable.
The Sarawak state government has licensed the Penans land to logging and plantation companies that have devastated the rainforests the tribe rely on.
The Malaysian Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development has refuted the new allegations. The Chief Minister of Sarawak also denied the previous allegations of rape, saying they were lies and an attempt at sabotage. A government investigation later confirmed that the womens claims were true.
Officials have continued to dismiss the issue. When the BBC confronted Sarawaks Minister for Land Development with the statement of a teenage Penan rape victim, he said, They change their stories, and when they feel like it. Thats why I say the Penan are very good storytellers.
Survival Internationals director Stephen Corry said today, Logging has brought the Penan nothing but abuse, with rape, violence and hunger now comm! onplace. For the government to react by calling them 'storytellers', and pretending all this is 'progress' is appalling.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is due to visit some Penan villages on July 22.
Download the Penan Support Groups report
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