Interfaith relations - let us set the standard
My Malaysian heroes include Tok Guru Nik Aziz, Dr Zulkefly Ahmad, Khalid Samad, Zaid Ibrahim, Anwar Ibrahim, and Nizar Jamaluddin even if I am not Malay or Muslim. They have risked unpopularity and losses for their principled stances within their own communities.
If courageous PAS and PKR Muslim-Malays can say racism has no place in Islam, then as a Christian, I can only hope that the Malaysian Christian community does not let their devout Muslim brother and sisters down
We must find a way to build a better Malaysia for all. If courageous PAS and PKR Malays can back meritocracy, democracy, an independent judiciary, incorruptible police, open tenders, transparent governance and equal opportunity, then as a Christian, I can only hope that we set the highest standards of goodwill and righteous actions in all our dealings towards our devout Muslim brothers and sisters in every way
As Christians we are enjoined to love everyone, to forgive everyone, even if treated unfairly or even if persecuted, As Christians we are enjoined to protect the weak and powerless, and the widows and orphans, regardless of race or creed.
We are enjoined to try to love with all out hearts, with all our minds, and with all our strength regardless of our circumstances. Let us not succumb to the hate-mongering of Umno, the divide- and -rule of Biro Tata Negara, the scaremongering of Perkasa, the vile demonising and scapegoating of 'Utusan Malaysia'.
If PAS and PKR Malay-Muslim leaders can lead the way in moral courage and moral leadership, then we must at the very least, match them in thought, and word, and deed.
Pakatan Muslims and Malaysian Christians should compete in the best competition of all - who can show the most goodwill, love, and compassion - let us establish a nation whose interfaith interactions and righteousness will set a good standard in the world
Let us not succumb to Umno's teachings whereby ethnic communities are supposed to pride themselves on stepping on others, depriving others, demonising others, scapegoating others, and oppressing others. Let good Muslims and good Christians set a standard that everyone can be proud of.
If courageous PAS and PKR Muslim-Malays can say racism has no place in Islam, then as a Christian, I can only hope that the Malaysian Christian community does not let their devout Muslim brother and sisters down
We must find a way to build a better Malaysia for all. If courageous PAS and PKR Malays can back meritocracy, democracy, an independent judiciary, incorruptible police, open tenders, transparent governance and equal opportunity, then as a Christian, I can only hope that we set the highest standards of goodwill and righteous actions in all our dealings towards our devout Muslim brothers and sisters in every way
As Christians we are enjoined to love everyone, to forgive everyone, even if treated unfairly or even if persecuted, As Christians we are enjoined to protect the weak and powerless, and the widows and orphans, regardless of race or creed.
We are enjoined to try to love with all out hearts, with all our minds, and with all our strength regardless of our circumstances. Let us not succumb to the hate-mongering of Umno, the divide- and -rule of Biro Tata Negara, the scaremongering of Perkasa, the vile demonising and scapegoating of 'Utusan Malaysia'.
If PAS and PKR Malay-Muslim leaders can lead the way in moral courage and moral leadership, then we must at the very least, match them in thought, and word, and deed.
Pakatan Muslims and Malaysian Christians should compete in the best competition of all - who can show the most goodwill, love, and compassion - let us establish a nation whose interfaith interactions and righteousness will set a good standard in the world
Let us not succumb to Umno's teachings whereby ethnic communities are supposed to pride themselves on stepping on others, depriving others, demonising others, scapegoating others, and oppressing others. Let good Muslims and good Christians set a standard that everyone can be proud of.