'I ain't got no father, ain't got no mother'

This is a classic song not for what you don't have but for what you have and how you can use it for those who have nothing to create the community with a humane aspect.

These are the lyrics:

Ain't got no home, ain't got no shoes
Ain't got no money, ain't got no class
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schooling
Ain't got no work, ain't got no job
Ain't got no money, no place to stay

Ain't got no father, ain't got no mother
Ain't got no children, a'int got no sisters or brothers
Ain't got no earth, ain't got no faith
Ain't got no touch, ain't got no god,
Ain't got no love

Ain't got no wine, no cigarettes
No clothes, no country
No class, no schooling
No friends, no nothing
A'int no god, ain't got one more

Ain't got no earth, no water
no food, no home
I said I ain't got no clothes, no job
No nothing, ain't got long to live
And I ain't got no love

But what have I got
What have I got
Let me tell you what I've got
That nobody's gonna take away
Unless I wanna

I've got my hair on my head
My brains, my ears
My eyes, my nose
And my mouth, I got my smile
I my tongue, my chin
My neck, my boobies
My heart, my soul
And my back, I got my sex

I got my arms, my hands, my fingers,
My legs, my feet, my toes,
And my liver, got my blood

I got life, I've got laughs, I've got headaches,
And toothaches and bad times too like you

I got my hair on my head
My brains, my ears
My eyes, my nose
And my mouth, I got my smile and it's my smile
I got my tongue, my chin
My neck, and my boobies
My heart, my soul
And my back, I got my sex

I got my arms, my hands, my fingers,
My legs, my feet, my toes,
And my liver, got my blood

I got life, I've got my feet up
And my heart
I got life

Nothing changes for the deprived while the well-oiled machinations of politics dictates their destiny. Without struggling for these hapless souls who have no options, what are we blessed with?

We, collectively, can only be the change if we choose to be so.


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