Why the urgent push to end the Maika scandal?

The Maika share liaison has continued for some-more than twenty years, with neither a MIC nor a government exhibiting any will to end a disgrace. Scant thought was given to a hundreds as well as thousands of bad Indians who put their hard-earned assets in to a fund. If they only had put their income in bound deposits they would have got a neat sum.

Alas, a bad Indians devoted their meaningless leaders who mismanaged a account for some-more than twenty years. Now, all of a sudden, MIC is exhibiting a brand new found fervour as well as coercion to solve a emanate as well as is rushing through an ill-planned venture to compensate its subscribers.

This is in annoy of a fact that 60,000 letters to shareholders could not be delivered as well as a pandemonium during centres registering shareholders, where countless names have left blank from a share register. The shutting date is June twenty-two as well as notwithstanding a plural problems there is assumingly not going to be any extension.

Why this sudden urgency? It is a box of over twenty years of liaison being brought to an even some-more infamous closure. What about a thousands who did not get letters as well as a many whose names have been left out of a register?

S Samy Vellu, we have been responsible. This grossly emasculate approach of trying to tighten a emanate is not going to redeem we in a eyes of a Indian as well as Malaysian communities. Perhaps, we consider your picture is so tarnished, it cannot get any blacker.

Even a fires of hell where we have been streamer together with your cronies have been too good for you.


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