We have lost our trust over the past 30 years

I've had the opportunity to speak with a few MCA members recently trying to understand why they are still in the party. Many are frustrated and are just apathetic to the whole political scene in Malaysia. I wish here to address the ethnic Chinese in Malaysia, particularly the MCA members.

MCA is part of a coalition divided by race with Umno being the head, representing the majority population. As long as MCA continues to exist, Malaysia will forever be divided along racial lines. Is this what you want for our country?

This is certainly the agenda of Umno. To keep MCA and MIC in the coalition so that Malaysia could be divided along racial lines. Their agenda is very much counter to the agenda of a united Malaysia which Onn Jaafar fought for. The fact that Dr Chua Soi Lek has to ask the prime minister for money for the Chinese community, is in itself a racial game, dividing the communities along racial lines.

Is it in the government's policy to ensure mother tongue language and education is preserved? If it is, then allocate funding not for a particular race but for a policy build on principle.

There is a common fallacy especially among the leaders who served during the Razak and Mahathir administration that if the MCA is weak, the Malays will take advantage and the Chinese will lose out. This mistrust in not unfounded but exists only when a government is divided and divides along racial lines.

As a young, post-Merdeka Malaysian, I am confident that there are certain Malay leaders in Pakatan Rakyat who will protect the rights of all Malaysians irregardless of race and religion. I understand that the BN's formula of race-based politics was necessary for a time and a season in Malaysian history but history is exactly where race-based politics should be today.

If we as Malaysians want to move forward there has to be trust. Trust that was lost in the last 30 years of Malaysian history.

Most young people do not think along racial lines and are embarrassed when distinctions are made according to race. We want a government who will respect the various cultures and religions but yet treat all Malaysians as one irregardless of race and religion. We don't have to think in terms of which race gets more or less but in terms of who has the greatest needs.

I wrote an open letter to Dr Chua Soi lek and I hope he reads it. I just hope that the leaders of MCA will look within themselves and truly think of what is good for the future of Malaysia. I have been told that the alternative is not good as well.

But my reply is that it is not a rac- based party. It has a wholesome platform and policies which are good for the nation. Whether it is strong or weak depends on us Malaysians.

My advice to MCA members is not to be so fed up that you sit around doing nothing. Many of your compatriots have fled to greener pastures. Many of us cannot. Some of you feel that change is still possible and some are just fed-up.

Join the young hopeful people who say we need a two-party system in Malaysia. We need choice. We need democracy and we need power back in the hands of the rakyat. Leave the MCA and make a statement by saying we want change and we believe it is possible.


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