A very preliminary thought on the 700 MHz spectrum.
PM Najib shouldn't be talking to heads of Malaysian telcos to explain MCMC's preference to endowment YTL a 5 year conduct begin in handling a 700 MHz spectrum. What he should do is to CANCEL that decision. The open has had enough of this idea of parceling out economic as well as commercial operation exclusive enclaves to comparison people. In America, that is most larger than Malaysia, a cost of office building a national wireless network over a 700 MHz spectrum is around $2 billion. That's about RM 8 billion. Award this stipulate to build a infrastructure to Telekom Malaysia. Then open bids for all operators to get a cut of a commercial operation by renting a comforts provided for Telecom Malaysia. Bring back a excellence days to Telekom Malaysia before it was disemboweled as well as cannibalized by corporate raiders as well as bean counters who were as well as are saved as terrific commercial operation leaders. The costs are lower in farming areas, due to reduction division issues as well as wide-open spaces. That's since any tower report during 700MHz covers twice as most block miles. Some estimates say that a singular 700 MHz tower can cover 20-miles. Cancel a preference to endowment to YTL. Instruct a MACC to study a preference creation during MCMC. See whether executives from MCMC have been spending inordinate time during Marriot or Pangkor Laut.