A man's anguish for a fair trial
'The judge refused to make available to the defence what it was inherently entitled to. Worse, he threatened the defence counsel for standing his ground.'
Recusal bid 'frivolous and vexatious'
Kgen: If the recusal bid is 'frivolous and vexatious', what do you call the dogmatic refusal by the prosecution to hand over the medical notes as required by law for Anwar Ibrahim's defence? How about 'disgusting and disreputable' or 'bizzare and unjust?'
This is nothing more than a parody of justice, a kangaroo court and a mockery of the judicial process. That Malaysia can indulge in this mock trial that would make Stalin and Hitler proud under the full glare of the world show that Umno has descended into uncivilised barbarians.
Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: The cat is out of the bag. So now we know why in a twist of events which defies the clear pattern of bias thus far, that judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah surprisingly granted the defence access to the pro-forma form despite being opposed to the request all along.
This serves a two-pronged purpose. The first is to justify not citing the prosecution's witness for contempt because the "world is watching".
Secondly, it is to provide the only grounds for the prosecution to assert that the clearly biased judge is unbiased and actually impartial and therefore should continue orchestrating this judicial charade.
That way, everything appears lawful. (So they think!). Again, because the world is watching!
Chi Ted Fatt: Is it right or proper for either the prosecution or defence team to defend a judge? Shouldn't the judge defend himself? In any case, if there is any hint by either team that the judge is being biased, the judge should automatically recuse himself so as to give a semblance of fairness to either party. Or not?
Dennis Madden: The whole Sodomy II fiasco is seen as vexatious and frivolous. Just watch the FDI figures as Umno and its puppets in the legal profession struggle to maintain their egos and their power base. You sure have to be proud to be a Malaysian... and admit it.
Tok Janggut: This court case is actually not between Anwar and Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan but rather between the two lawyers. It is a competition on who can twist and turn the law, finding all the loopholes in the system and try to use them to one's advantage.
DOC: Why so much of drama? The question on the rakyat's mind is when the Umno-run judiciary will be delivering the 'guilty' verdict and send Anwar to prison.
With Anwar behind bars; Umno hopes to crush the opposition, PKR hopes to rejuvenate themselves in the public's eyes after a series of political blunders by playing the "we are oppressed" card, Anwar hopes to be the next "jailed freedom fighter" with the prospects winning a Nobel peace prize and garnering international support. After all, the world needs a new hero especially now that Aung Sang Syu Kyi has been released by the Burmese junta.
The opposition hopes that with Anwar behind bars, the undecided, sympathising and angry voters will vote Pakatan Rakyat in the coming GE.
Vijay: Considering the environment and attitudes within which the Malaysian prosecution forces work, it is no surprise that DPP Hanafiah Zakaria should describe a man's anguish for a fair trial as "frivolous".
What is frightening however, is his warped sense of reasoning and understanding of facts. His twisted logic is that the defence's bid to recluse is due to an unfavourable decision. It is not. It is due to the fact that all precedence and even a minute concern for justice has been discarded.
The judge refused to make available to the defence what it was inherently entitled to. Worse, he threatened the defence counsel for standing his ground. If the decision to now allow the request for the reports is seen as unbiased, does it not prove that his earlier stand was not?
The judge buckled only because he feared being viewed with even greater contempt than he already is. Sorry, Yang Arif Zabidin, you are no Solomon. Or in keeping with the National Language Act, should that be Sulaiman?
Changeagent: Very well argued, Hanafiah (not!). I think you have fully convinced judge Zabidin not to recuse himself.
Sodomy II: Judge sets Dec 6 for decision on recusal bid
Yobama: We all can predict the outcome of the judge's decision, because he is his own judge - 'bersaksi kelutut' as the Malays call it.
Where on earth do you have this sort of situation? A person sitting as judge to judge himself; i.e. whether he should continue to judge the case or give it to someone else. He has been asigned to this case by his 'bosses' and was given a mission to finish off DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim) because the latter poses such a huge threat to Najib Razak, who has declared that he must 'defend Putrajaya' at all costs.
The BN thinks it is Umno's birthright from the time of Merdeka to govern the country. Any other party will spell disaster for a lot people. Imagine the need for complete overhaul if another force takes over Putrajaya.
The courts will have to be reconstituted, and the present Umno-appointed judge will be the first casualty. The police, the MACC, the EC, etc. will also be under review. No prize for guessing the outcome of the defense's request for the judge to recuse himself.
UpYours: Why take so long to make a decision? Sometimes is amiss here?