This Is Anwar Ibrahim Sodomy Mate ...

... according one ... well you know who he is if he is badmouth both Anwar and Kallimullah at the same time. Kalimullah's column that defended Anwar New Sunday Times 4 September 2004 By Kalimullah Hassan YEARS from now, how will our history books record these last six years? Will people know what really happened? Will they just remember the pain of the financial crisis, the political turmoil, the violent street demonstrations, the fall from grace of a Deputy Prime Minister and forget how it all started? How will history judge the principal personalities involved - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim? Who knows? Anwar Ibrahim is a free man now. He fought for close to six years to get that freedom and for a major part of that time, a nation divided watched the drama unfold. The tremors of Anwar's sacking as Deputy Prime Minister on Sept 2, 1998, were most felt in Kuala Lumpur where his supporters took their dissatisfaction to the streets in sometimes violent demo...