Incompetence, Corruption or Plain Stupidity?

In the previous blog post, an option was given to BolehLand folks who wish to celebrate Halloween that instead of being sucked into the commercialisation of this devil's worship festivity with spikes, horns, pumpkins, broomsticks, spells, curses, treats and tricks - one could just read the Auditor General's Report 2010 and get an even more frightful experience.

And read it I did, but only three quarters the synopsis, it was enough to feel the things reported makes Halloween like a weekend barbeque celebration and that the AG Report is the mother of Halloween all things evil and bad.It contained the works by devils in wasting precious hard earned money of taxpayers, those bumpkins who pay without checking, the federal government fellows and civil servants being tricked with shoddy workmanship, contractors making suckers of the civil servants in quoting exorbitant prices more than 1000% market value for some items!

In short, the AG Report reports the horrors of incompetence that border on corruption and clearly portray the plain stupidity of those from Ministers to the lower staff of the Ministry and civil servants. It shows the evil that men do in the name of money because it is about wasting money, it is about excesses in spending, it is about the couldn't care attitude of the government in showing proper governance, accountability and responsibility in managing public funds.

It is not like this is the first time that the government agencies are audited. It is not also the first time those agencies set up to end corruption and Ministers suddenly turned responsible to throw the book at offenders. We should give all those heads and departments a broomstick and better still sweep these useless fellows away than let them continue to spook us with more horror stories of wastage, more rot and bleed the nation dry!

When our Idris was casting the net of fear over the land of impending bankruptcy if we do not support reduction in subsidies, the public were blamed for leading the count! ry to po tential bankruptcy.It is really an irresponsible doomsday warning and a lie too because the government hid from the public the billions lost to leakages, these holes most likely conveniently being made so that the money flows into the correct receptacle, no?

If our military fellows can be cheated and so blind to know they have been conned by the supplier charging them a bomb for equipment purchased, are we surprised of the kind of problems faced by the big ticket items they bought?

And can we only blame the Agriculture fellows for not being able to handle the cow issue, if the government itself was indifferent towards another 'cow' incident?

And we must really believe Tourism Malaysia's tagline of Cuti cuti Malaysia because with the way they overspend, the agencies are the ones laughing all the way to the bank and living off their fortunes, cuti cuti-ing elsewhere? Is it the Tourism fellos are always in a cuti cuti mood, they don't realise they are being ripped off by the agencies. No wonder Curi curi Malaysia seems the most apt tagline for the Tourism Ministry!

And we have the Welfare Ministry, mocking Pakatan ang pows when they are also wasting precious money that could be used to perhaps up the ante on Penang's donation by giving extra to the senior citizens no?

Is it a coincident if the satellite is kind of blur because even if it was perfect when it scans on BolehLand's landscape, giving the kind of flip flop and situation happening on our terra cotta, one cannot really see clearly what is really happening down here in BolehLand?

Leaders, good leaders are supposed to take responsibility and owned up to the incompetence, corruption or plain stupidity that have resulted in the issues pointed out in the AG Report. In BolehLand, our leadership style is to blame the opposition like what the No2 is asking the Pakatan fellows to do while sidelining the AG;s report card on the government.

With such shortcomings, it shows either the government fellos are prom! oting in competent, corrupt or stupid leaders or they can't find honest one these days to admit to the mistakes, take ownership and resign. The last option does not exist in BolehLand. It exists even in supposedly underdeveloped India and Thailand where Ministers have resigned and taken ownership.In Bolehland, our leaders blame God, the opposition, the public and everyone else, even the AG and don't be surprised they want the AG replaced with a more 'understanding' one huh?

The promise to take action by the Ministers, MACC and department heads is just burning a few calories uttering such promise. Come next year, probably the eraser will cost RM100 ringgit, the paper clip RM10, the software a couple of million ringgit but can't use in the hardware, the roof of the newly hospital will start to turn green along with the wall paint, the children's food will be maggie mee that cost RM10 a bowl and more horrible reports of being made stupid by scrupulous vendors.

Can the AG or the department concerned, reveal the names of these contractors, suppliers and vendors so that other companies will avoid using them and save us a lot of money too. If the government leaders have not maths sense on how to calculate cost or even simple market price sense in buying things, at least spare the others from being cheated by these evil lying vendors right? 

The AG recommended imposing a surcharge to those who fail to pay or collect accordingly. It should also be impose on Heads/Division who fail to take action against subordinates who did not carry out their responsibilities. What about sacking the No 1 too?. Care to really impose it. That way we can recover back the billions of wastage right?

There are really serious issues and problems for us to deal with and spend our energy on. But our leaders choose to prefer to fight imaginary enemies and create new tricks and threaten us with fear if we do not ensure that we remain separated and distinguished along race, religion, culture and now language too! Which! makes i ncompetence, corruption and plain stupidity to be accepted and will continue to be part of our society.
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