OutSyed-the-Box: How to be a Nice Racist

September 30, 2011 by shuzheng

An Act of Dishonour*

In Ahirudin Attan's The Mole, Ayu Musa Kamal has regurgitated the Syed Akbar Ali campaign against some businesses for employing Chinese.

Both men insinuate that the Chinese person seeking a job in the private sector is not entitled to be discriminated in her favour by anybody (the shop's actual shareholders could include Malays, only Syed assumes otherwise) because the Chinese is of lesser worth, not even Malaysian. Whereas, however, discrimination against the Chinese, not just by Chinese but anybody, is permissible. It is even morally upright especially when the job seeker is situated against a Malay; all Chinese are supposedly richer anyway.

Syed, not unlike many in Umno, know very well how to speak from both sides of his mouth and with a forked tongue, too. For discrimination, the Malaysian constitution is an open-ended, complete Malay first racist job, while The Mole has joined in Syed's campaign under this Ahirudin badge: Satu Sekolah, Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara.

But tell the Chinese: what bahasa would that be? Or bangsa? Premised in Ahirudin's argument is that, in one country, everything must exist in ones, in the singular. Says who? Why? And on what basis? Where had he picked up this fallacy? For one Malaysia try using hanyu for satu bahasa and only hanyu?

Ayu and Syed want to instead practice and get away with their kind of racism by camouflaging their intent and deceit in the Bangsa Malaysia/Anak Malaysia morality language, variously called equality and non-discrimination. It elicits in turn this kind stupidity in The Mole:

How can we ever change the mindset. Chinese go to Chinese schools, Tamils go to Tamil schools and the rest got to the regular school.

Change to what kind of a mindset? A mamak's mindset? Ayu can't even change his mindset, nor Syed, and they expect others to change and follow theirs? Their mindsets are a bunch of fascistic thinking: Syed et al originating from Arabia, Ayu Acheh of an Arabian corner of an Indon place and Lim Guan Eng from, not Dongsan – he disavows Chineseness – but his Christian Malacca. Other than skin colour, what separates them morally? It will surprise Syed to know, very little, which explains why the DAP today sleeps with PAS and Anwar.

What had kicked off the Ayu/Syed campaign was this, below, that first appeared in OutSyed the Box:

"Hi Mr Syed, I want to share with you some photos i snapped in One Utama last week (23 Sept 2011). I'm not looking for jobs, but just doing 'window' shopping the other day. Well, the windows are plastered with job opening which is no doubt, an open discrimination to the rest of malaysian people. I only took 3 pictures, but i assure you there are about 3-4 shops that post this type of ads. I guess the shop owner thought every other race other than Chinese are crooks ….

Here is the photo:

Not only is the anonymous complainant (above) likely to be a crook, that person is a liar, substituting ethnic preference for criminality.

Unless he is entirely stupid, which isn't improbable, Syed of course can see the complainant's spin, but why would he still take it is a campaign launching pad? His own answer in two paragraphs:

You cannot just say "Bangsa Malaysia", 'Lets remove the "Race" requirement on all Government forms' and then turn a blind eye when the shops in One Utama blatantly advertise 'Chinese Only'. The hypocrisy is too blatant lah. And you want to tell Ibrahim Ali that he is wrong in this matter?

I hope those shops take down those signs saying 'Chinese Only'. It is not a nice thing to say. On the one hand you want the Government to remove the "Bangsa" on all application forms. On the other hand you put up these things. Haiyya – so obvious one mah.

Note the last line: patting his own shoulders, thinking he is very clever, another Allah's gift to mankind.

But those two paragraphs are Syed's own self-confession. To get at the people he despises – and who he would discriminate against given half a chance – people like Haris Ibrahim, the Bangsa Malaysia/Malaysian First, and the all-are-equal, non-discrimination types, he would pick on the Chinese.

Again, it's picking on the Chinese because where in the shop window does the hirer says he or she is for Bangsa Malaysia?

"Haiyya," says Syed, "so obvious one mah". Yes, obvious indeed, and that also Syed cannot see. You bodoh ke? Or blind?

And it was not even Syed's money, in dinar currency, that's at stake. That money belongs to the employer, his customers, his business, so what is it to the pendatang from Arabia named Syed Akbar?

For cases of racism and discrimination, Syed doesn't pick on the Islamic affairs department in Selangor (all Muslims) nor the Malay Regiment (all Malays) nor Utusan Malaysia (all Malays), nor Petronas nor the Immigration Department. And he knows why he can't and mustn't.

Which is to suggest that, like Ibrahim Ali whom Syed excuses for the man's racism, and like Ayu, he has perfected his racism without giving it away. An Anak-Malaysian racism that favours a Malaysian first, who is Malay, is morally acceptable – they would even say it is constitutional – whereas a Malaysian (who needn't even be Chinese) favouring a Malaysian Chinese is discrimination.

The result of this contortion? Syed says, be racist, only don't be "hypocritical". Be hypocritical, but don't be "too blatant". Act discriminatory, he adds, only do it "nice".

There's a Chinese phrase to characterise people like Syed and Ayu: 死皮赖脸 sipilailian. Know what that means, Syed?

Next time you want to take on Haris Ibrahim, go straight to the man instead of acting yellow, the chicken, using and hiding behind the Chinese with your morality song and dance taken from Haris who in turn had stolen it from the orang putih. Your intent, justifications and conclusion reveal your dishonour to the Melayu name, showing you are never to be trusted.

Over and over again numerous Umno Malays (with similar ones in Pakatan) pick on the Chinese who, today, have had enough of people like you. Bangsa Malaysia/Malaysian First is in complete tatters, destroyed by its own internal contradictions; you're flogging a dead horse, Syed. (Do you still hear Hannah Yeoh talking about her Sham anak, or her earlier threat to sue the NRD?)

The shops now know what to do with their vacancy posters; they were being naive. Chinese-only could have been for specific jobs, not company wide. Would you hire the evangelist Thomas Lee to report for the Syaria courts? Why wouldn't a Chinese shop hire Malays if the Malay bring in more customers – and profit? After all, Petra Kamarudin, your other half-Melayu, says Chinese are interested only in money.

There is a wider, existential issue here. (Know the word existential, Syed?) It probably had never occurred to the hirers those posters would be construed as acts of discrimination or racism – hence the apparent brazen nature of the display.

Racism and discrimination are concepts that originate with and are lodged in the Arab and white man's minds. Innocence thereof is the actual Chinese mind (and other native Asian cultures as well), in case that Sak Mongrel of Umno wants to know.

But no thanks for the biblical lesson, Syed; you have just taught the shops what to do and what to look out for behind the doors of the interview rooms. Now, fuck off and look after your own longkang, boy.


*Endnote: This post goes with warm, fraternal greetings to Ahirudin Attan. You can now take down the links and nobody can fault you.

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