Eventually vs Progressively
It must be heartening to some and disheartening to many more to hear that 1Malaysia said that quotas will eventually be removed. See partial story below of yet another whiff of cool promises and feel good hopes among those who want the quotas and those who want them removed, right? Gosh those cool Blair's spin doctors are real cool good, no?
For political survival, the removal is quota and not rights and privileges, these two which are considered God given and cast in stone perpetually, with the quota thingy in the process of being etched and hardened in the stone.
While the debate is when 'eventually' is after more than 50 years, some think it will be another 50 years or as long as race politics reign supreme in BolehLand.
We are familiar with the phrase that it is better to change from within, inside than to force it from the outside.
In the case of quotas, rights and privileges, if you have something served on a silver platter, would you want to give up something for free or a green lane or short circuit route to richness with minimal own perseverance and lots of crutch support from the government?
Rather than say 'eventually', perhaps, it's better to say 'progressively' like making sure the NEM is about Now Equals Meritocracy policy than Not Enough Melayuness huh? What was supposed to start about 30 years ago when the NEP was launched to progressively increase the socio econimic status of one supposedly deprived or 'backward' race has turned into making a select few- party members, the cronies and those with family ties, called nepotism getting rich and creating a wide gap between the haves and have-nots in the race itself. Also the rapid rise of population of the race is a saving grace that mathematically if your birth rate is faster than the income generated, you'd always fall behind ecnomically, right?
The NEP was supposed to be reviewed, so too the rights and privileges in the Constitution. But these have been cleverly hijacked by those with their politic! al agend a to retain power and in the process also a short route to richness by practicing a quota system in managing the wealth of the nation. The 30% ruling is for the rakyat while the 70% is for themselves, hah!
Even the so called NEM supposedly to be based on merit on their own race to dismantle a wee bit of the quota practice and mentality was opposed vehemently by self vested groups resulting in the quota mentality hardly scratched or dented!
There have been countless pleas, promises and hopeful statements made by 1Malaysia that the race itself must make its own effort to get rid of the crutches. Nothing has really been achieved! We have mamaks complaining in Penang, Malays, Indians and Chinese and mamaks again are being sidelined or ignored. It's always race this and race that not given support or neglected!!!
How to be world class and compete globally when we are trying to show outsiders that it is the race factor that determines our success, colour versus real substance, colour vs meritocracy and colour vs hard work?
Change eventually or progressively can only come from within. No Malay even those who can afford multi million ringgit property wants to even propose that the 8% discount rights to buy a property they have be taken away or given to those below a certain income. At a property fair, you can know who is buying those million over ringgit property without even turning your head to find out who is asking 'And how much will it cost minus the 8%!' So if these filthy rich bumis including successful ones are not willing to give up on such quota privelege, what hope is there for the eventual removal of such quotas in anything at all?!
Rather than defend the privileges, rights and quotas blindly and apply them, across the board, those who know they don't deserve them should be the ones to start giving theirs up because they are so filthy rich being able to afford million ringgit homes and ask for such privileges and rights be similarly removed from those who can afford! , no? Bu t no bumi is brave to even declare publicly that they do not want it because it is really sinful to enjoy such man made privileges when others much poorer irrespective of colour are deprived of them! The brave fellow who dare declare it publicly will surely be ostracised, humiliated and don't be surprised police report filed against him or her for questioning these God given rights, no?
it would be a great start if UMNO's filthy rich politicians can come forward and declare they do not need the 8% house discount, or scholarships for their children or quota in bidding for government jobs or even apply the quota when employing people. How many successful bumi helped companies want to publicly declare that they will select people based on meritocracy!
What's the point of declaring publicly that meritocracy is the basis for this and that and noone dares to apply it or defend those who practice meritocracy? It's all about race, race, race, clour, colour colour, quotas, quotas quotas!
We don't need to look at our own companies or workforce. We can ask 1Malaysia if they really practice the quota system in employing people to maintain Putrajaya aka UMNO fortress, government offices and other services. Do we demand that 70?% must be local and not 70% foreign legal and illegal migrants for those undertaking maintenance services in government officers?
Telling non bumis that quotas will eventually be removed is just vote fishing and in today's tech world, a phishing statement! What's the difference between saying eventually, one day or when the bumis decide? They are all the same because noone dares to commit the timeline.
The bumis, well at least the rich and politically connected, including party members are really smart people. They are very clever in using the quota system to squeeze the crown jewels of political leaders to continue with the status quo to enjoy the benefits!
And don't bother trying to use religion or hudud to prick their conscience on the quota, righ! ts or pr ivileges issue. In fact, they use God to support their case for such benefits, quotas, rights or privileges.
If the quotas have improved the lot of those they are intended, there is merit to its implementation. But to admit these unfair policies have not 'promoted the right kind of people' is an admission of failure. And also means nothing! Have those not right kind of people been exposed or are they still around and demanding for more quotas and more such policies and a longer timeframe?
Is it not a sin, if one can call that, for those who have got whatever due to the quota system to have wasted all taxpayer's money because they have not uplifted their status at all? Are they asking for their second generation to also enjoy what they had 30 years back? It's plain greed and selfishness right? Or just because the quotas are rightfully God given for a particular race, there is nothing amiss or the others should not interfere or become jealous billions of ringgit have really gone to nought and a waste if such demands for quota preservation gets lounder and louder by the day!
Instead of hearing louder voices from those who have benefitted not to want anymore but to give it to those who have not benefitted, we have the greedy few who are making the most noise and the loudest in clamoring for more quotas and longer implementation too!
So what will eventually spark the eventual dismantling or end of quotas, rights and privileges? Not political leaders' promises. It's an individual effort. One brave individual who will stand up and out of the crowd and say, 'I don't need it, it is sinful, it is unnecessary, it is unjust, it only benefits the well connected!'
Do you think those who have lost out in the NEP or whatever apartheid like policies will stand and do just that? Not likely?
Or those race based political parties and NGOs? Not likely too.
Those who study organisation and culture change will tell you that if you want an effective culture change in t! he organ isation, it has to start with leadership to role model all those values, virtues and behaviours that you want employees to have.
Right now, our leadership including the opposition, have fared rather badly preferring to follow latest model fashions or acquire latest model of cars and branded material merchandise, with some whose wives want to even outdoor models! Our leaders role modelling is skewed towards retaining and strengthening all those values, virtues and behaviours that are driven by quotas, rights and privileges!
Even fighting corruption and meting justice fairly which should be the least race based issues have met with little success, at least that is the public's perception.
So to promise a highly sensitive and race charged issue such as quota that 'eventually' or 'progressively' will be removed means nothing. Most see it as just a form of vote fishing for those who have benefited and seek to gain more as well as a phishing attempt to get votes of hope to those who have been left out of it or faced the brunt of such policy.
'Eventually' or even 'progressively' will probably not see the light of day in this present government or even when another replaces it because there is still no brave leader or their own kind who is daring enough to say 'I don't want and need this(these) now!, huh? It may make the leader do another flip flop and retain the ISA and EOs!
Now we don't want that to happen right? So it's better to call for a continuation of quotas than a dismantling, huh?
For political survival, the removal is quota and not rights and privileges, these two which are considered God given and cast in stone perpetually, with the quota thingy in the process of being etched and hardened in the stone.
While the debate is when 'eventually' is after more than 50 years, some think it will be another 50 years or as long as race politics reign supreme in BolehLand.
We are familiar with the phrase that it is better to change from within, inside than to force it from the outside.
In the case of quotas, rights and privileges, if you have something served on a silver platter, would you want to give up something for free or a green lane or short circuit route to richness with minimal own perseverance and lots of crutch support from the government?
Rather than say 'eventually', perhaps, it's better to say 'progressively' like making sure the NEM is about Now Equals Meritocracy policy than Not Enough Melayuness huh? What was supposed to start about 30 years ago when the NEP was launched to progressively increase the socio econimic status of one supposedly deprived or 'backward' race has turned into making a select few- party members, the cronies and those with family ties, called nepotism getting rich and creating a wide gap between the haves and have-nots in the race itself. Also the rapid rise of population of the race is a saving grace that mathematically if your birth rate is faster than the income generated, you'd always fall behind ecnomically, right?
The NEP was supposed to be reviewed, so too the rights and privileges in the Constitution. But these have been cleverly hijacked by those with their politic! al agend a to retain power and in the process also a short route to richness by practicing a quota system in managing the wealth of the nation. The 30% ruling is for the rakyat while the 70% is for themselves, hah!
Even the so called NEM supposedly to be based on merit on their own race to dismantle a wee bit of the quota practice and mentality was opposed vehemently by self vested groups resulting in the quota mentality hardly scratched or dented!
There have been countless pleas, promises and hopeful statements made by 1Malaysia that the race itself must make its own effort to get rid of the crutches. Nothing has really been achieved! We have mamaks complaining in Penang, Malays, Indians and Chinese and mamaks again are being sidelined or ignored. It's always race this and race that not given support or neglected!!!
How to be world class and compete globally when we are trying to show outsiders that it is the race factor that determines our success, colour versus real substance, colour vs meritocracy and colour vs hard work?
Change eventually or progressively can only come from within. No Malay even those who can afford multi million ringgit property wants to even propose that the 8% discount rights to buy a property they have be taken away or given to those below a certain income. At a property fair, you can know who is buying those million over ringgit property without even turning your head to find out who is asking 'And how much will it cost minus the 8%!' So if these filthy rich bumis including successful ones are not willing to give up on such quota privelege, what hope is there for the eventual removal of such quotas in anything at all?!
Rather than defend the privileges, rights and quotas blindly and apply them, across the board, those who know they don't deserve them should be the ones to start giving theirs up because they are so filthy rich being able to afford million ringgit homes and ask for such privileges and rights be similarly removed from those who can afford! , no? Bu t no bumi is brave to even declare publicly that they do not want it because it is really sinful to enjoy such man made privileges when others much poorer irrespective of colour are deprived of them! The brave fellow who dare declare it publicly will surely be ostracised, humiliated and don't be surprised police report filed against him or her for questioning these God given rights, no?
it would be a great start if UMNO's filthy rich politicians can come forward and declare they do not need the 8% house discount, or scholarships for their children or quota in bidding for government jobs or even apply the quota when employing people. How many successful bumi helped companies want to publicly declare that they will select people based on meritocracy!
What's the point of declaring publicly that meritocracy is the basis for this and that and noone dares to apply it or defend those who practice meritocracy? It's all about race, race, race, clour, colour colour, quotas, quotas quotas!
We don't need to look at our own companies or workforce. We can ask 1Malaysia if they really practice the quota system in employing people to maintain Putrajaya aka UMNO fortress, government offices and other services. Do we demand that 70?% must be local and not 70% foreign legal and illegal migrants for those undertaking maintenance services in government officers?
Telling non bumis that quotas will eventually be removed is just vote fishing and in today's tech world, a phishing statement! What's the difference between saying eventually, one day or when the bumis decide? They are all the same because noone dares to commit the timeline.
The bumis, well at least the rich and politically connected, including party members are really smart people. They are very clever in using the quota system to squeeze the crown jewels of political leaders to continue with the status quo to enjoy the benefits!
And don't bother trying to use religion or hudud to prick their conscience on the quota, righ! ts or pr ivileges issue. In fact, they use God to support their case for such benefits, quotas, rights or privileges.
If the quotas have improved the lot of those they are intended, there is merit to its implementation. But to admit these unfair policies have not 'promoted the right kind of people' is an admission of failure. And also means nothing! Have those not right kind of people been exposed or are they still around and demanding for more quotas and more such policies and a longer timeframe?
Is it not a sin, if one can call that, for those who have got whatever due to the quota system to have wasted all taxpayer's money because they have not uplifted their status at all? Are they asking for their second generation to also enjoy what they had 30 years back? It's plain greed and selfishness right? Or just because the quotas are rightfully God given for a particular race, there is nothing amiss or the others should not interfere or become jealous billions of ringgit have really gone to nought and a waste if such demands for quota preservation gets lounder and louder by the day!
Instead of hearing louder voices from those who have benefitted not to want anymore but to give it to those who have not benefitted, we have the greedy few who are making the most noise and the loudest in clamoring for more quotas and longer implementation too!
So what will eventually spark the eventual dismantling or end of quotas, rights and privileges? Not political leaders' promises. It's an individual effort. One brave individual who will stand up and out of the crowd and say, 'I don't need it, it is sinful, it is unnecessary, it is unjust, it only benefits the well connected!'
Do you think those who have lost out in the NEP or whatever apartheid like policies will stand and do just that? Not likely?
Or those race based political parties and NGOs? Not likely too.
Those who study organisation and culture change will tell you that if you want an effective culture change in t! he organ isation, it has to start with leadership to role model all those values, virtues and behaviours that you want employees to have.
Right now, our leadership including the opposition, have fared rather badly preferring to follow latest model fashions or acquire latest model of cars and branded material merchandise, with some whose wives want to even outdoor models! Our leaders role modelling is skewed towards retaining and strengthening all those values, virtues and behaviours that are driven by quotas, rights and privileges!
Even fighting corruption and meting justice fairly which should be the least race based issues have met with little success, at least that is the public's perception.
So to promise a highly sensitive and race charged issue such as quota that 'eventually' or 'progressively' will be removed means nothing. Most see it as just a form of vote fishing for those who have benefited and seek to gain more as well as a phishing attempt to get votes of hope to those who have been left out of it or faced the brunt of such policy.
'Eventually' or even 'progressively' will probably not see the light of day in this present government or even when another replaces it because there is still no brave leader or their own kind who is daring enough to say 'I don't want and need this(these) now!, huh? It may make the leader do another flip flop and retain the ISA and EOs!
Now we don't want that to happen right? So it's better to call for a continuation of quotas than a dismantling, huh?
Datuk Seri Najib Razak expressed today the need to eventually do away with Bumiputera quotas but said the government must continue to support the community's best talent to ensure a more competitive business environment.
The prime minister pointed out that the New Economic Model (NEM) promotes affirmative action based more on meritocracy, saying "we must promote the right Bumiputer! a".
He said offering quotas would promote complacency, hamper economic growth and bury Bumiputera talent.
"What we have done in the past is we have not promoted the right kind of people.
"We want to do away from (with) quotas but we must support them (Bumiputera entrepreneurs) in a way that would allow them to grow,"...Source: Online news portalYAHMEH!!!
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