Engineering fault may be cause of explosion, says MB
"I was informed that it was caused by an engineering fault and is not related to security," Khalid told a press conference after chairing the state's exco meeting in Shah Alam this afternoon.
Khalid said that he would visit the scene of the incident later in the afternoon and speak with tenants at the shopping complex.
"We are monitoring (the situation), but there is nothing more that we can say now. The matter is being managed by the fire department, police and local authorities in Subang Jaya."
The powerful explosion, which occurred around 3.45am, ripped through at least three floors of the Empire Gallery shopping complex.
Intial reports in the online version of English daily ! The Star said that it was caused by a gas tank at one of the outlets in the building.
Echoing Khalid today, deputy Selangor police chief A Thaiveegan said preliminary investigations have not come upon any signs of sabatoge or terrorism as being the cause of the explosion.
The police therefore are regarding it as an accident caused, perhaps, but negligence.
"Many have called me and asked whether it is related to sabatoge or terrorism.
"What I mean to say is that I stress there is no element of sabatoge or element of terrorism," he told reporters at the site this afternoon.
On another matter, the state executive councillor in charge of housing, Iskandar Samad, denied claims that there no new low-cost housing was built after Pakatan took over Selangor in 2008.
Iskandar said low-cost housing in the state had increased by 12,009 units, which are under construction, with another 9,645 having been approved for construction.
According to statistics circulated to the media, 13,436 Selangor citizens are awaiting offer letters after applyin! g for lo w-cost housing.
MCA Selangor was reported to have criticised the Pakatan Rakyat government of Selangor for failing to provide any low-cost housing during its three years in power.
- Additional reporting by Ahmad Fadzly Esa
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