Maseu - 'Mahathir destroyed MAS...

Claiming that invisible hands had been at work since Tajuddin's appointment, Malek recalled how MAS was making profits every year before Tajuddin came on board.
He said since Tajuddin's entry, "MAS not only did not make profit, in fact it has been making losses every year.
"It is clear that MAS staff are still angry and cannot forgive what Mahathir did," he said
On the recent controversial share swap deal between MAS and Air Asia, Malek questioned the wisdom of having such a swap with a 'small' company like Air Asia, whereas MAS had bigger number of assets.
He said while on the surface only Air Asia boss Tony Fernandes was visible, "behind the screen there are many invisible hands".
"We know Tony will not be able to do anything if there's no influence from the back. Tony came under someone's instruction and this well known among MAS employees," he said.
Yesterday, Mahathir said he was fed-up with MAS's failure to make profits despite being supported by the government with ample funds and protection over the years.
"I support MAS/Air Asia cooperation because for years now I have been fed-up with! the management of MAS. Government had supported MAS with funds and protection but MAS had never done well.
"Air Asia is a newcomer but it has managed to sustain itself. Despite giving free seats and cheap fares it is still surviving. And it is apparently making some profits. By right it should close down by now. That it is still around must be because its management knows something that I don't know," he wrote on his blog.
"I believe Air Asia can contribute in this area i.e. unless MAS is not prepared to learn from a 'cheap' airline. That would be a tragedy. I hope I have made clear why I support MAS and Air Asia working together," he stressed.
Following the swap, Fernandes and his partner Kamaruddin Meranun joined the MAS board to help 'turn it around'.
Maseu meanwhile threatened to hold a picket against MAS.
Malek claimed that Tony's presence in MAS together with the "invisible hands" were aimed at taking over MASKargo and also the Maintenance Repair Overhaul (MRO) business.
Recalling that MAS suffered RM270 million and RM500 million in losses for the first and second quarters of 2011 respectively, Malek said the performance was not acceptable to staff.
"Why losses continue to happen?," asked Malek.