The police we trust, Your accomplice we don't
Whether it is his stubborn Bugis blood or salvaging lost pride, it is pathetic to see Raja Petra's last ditch effort to defend his loss cause to frame Tan Sri Tajuddin Ramli with that ridiculous claim of RM8 billion loss during his Chairmanship at Malaysian Airlines (MAS).
In his posting, MAS lost discrepency, his reply to the annual accounts proof that we presented is to spin and attempt to entrap us as though we trust the auditors more than the law enforcement institution, PDRM.
Nice try, my friend.
It is not the police that we do not trust. It is your accomplice in this big lie that we don't.
And they are the schemer, lawyer Rosli Dahalan, and the primary accomplice, former CCID, Dato Ramli Yusof. With supporting roles played by former Kuala Lumpur OCCI, Dato Mat Zin Ibrahim, former MACC sub-committee member, Tan Sri Robert Phang, Member of Parliament, Salahuddin Ayub, and undeservingly decorated Associate Prof. Dato Din Merican.
If we could return the ball back to his side of the court, may we ask why is he - as someone who claims to fight against corruption, purveyor of justice and democrasy, and fighter of human rights - mixing with such unsavory characters?
Ramli's lie
When Raja Petra had jumped straight to claim the police or Ramli Yusof as the person responsible for the RM8 billion lie, it saves us the trouble of having to explain issues. The RM8 billion figure came from the following letter:
Do read the names this letter was addressed and cc'ed for they are third level accomplice.
From those letters, The Malaysian Insiders's claim that the figure came from within MAS in a police report in 2002 can be debunked. That police report was made by Dr Mohamadon bin Abdullah and does not mention of such numbers. See below:
Neither was it mentioned in the police report by Dato Ong Jyh Jong in May 2005 and Shahari bin Sulaiman (to MACC) in May 2009.
If MAS with all the accounts and documents at their disposal dare not quantify and accuse Tajuddin of such humongous loss, how did the police and specifically UIA-trained in law (not accounting), Ramli Yusoff came up with RM8 billion?
How stupid can one be to display the intricate web of corporate organisation and transaction but for a date after Tajuddin left the organisaiton?
Unsavory characters
This is all but part of grandiose skull and drudgery conspiracy of the schemer Rosli Dahlan to fix Tajuddin.
We'll not bother retelling the story again. Read back our past postings below:
December 16, 2010 - MAS corruption investigation lose objectivity to political spinningIn fact, Raja Petra's series on Sarbaini recently had the touch and signature of Rosli Dahlan's vengence against MACC. Read Ahmad Sarbanis death: the lies and deceptions by the MACC Part 1 to Part 9
December 27, 2010 - Why the chase for the ghost of the past?
January 17, 2011 - Exposed: MACC adviser bribed a Ministry Sec-Gen!
January 19, 2011 - Phang got petty and personal
January 27, 2011 - Don't cry for him ... Robert Phang
February 06, 2011 - Connecting the dots of conspiracy
February 07, 2011 - Another side to Gani's pilgrimmage story
February 15 - June 12, 2011 - What "the untold MAS story" did not tell? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6
June 06, 2011 - Speak up not without fear, but with facts
June 18, 2011 - Concluding what "the untold MAS story" did not tell
Enough of Rosli Dahlan, now why is Raja Petra mixing with a crooked cop Ramli Yusof?
For a police who joined the forces in the early 70s at a monthly salary of RM400, how did he accumulate asset of Rm7.7 million and never lost money in the stock market? Read the expose by The Unspinners here and here.
Raja Petra could use the court's acquital as defense and he has the rights to. But, it is not fool proof argument.
Our court system is littered of judges with no balls to sentence suspects of Money Laundering Act (AMLA). By the standard of our evidence, suspects in Singapore or China should be guaranteed prison sentence. However, our dumb judges insist on proving the corrupt act.
Don't tell me Sabah Deepthroat, Mutallib Mohamad never tell Raja Petra anything about Ramli Yusof's exploit in Sabah?
For Ramli's case, it is convenient to have a wife as judge.
More so to have Dato Md Zin befriend a lawyer by the name of Halim Yahya. Mohd Zin was the former Kuala Lumpur OCCI and close to Ramli Yusof. They gang-up together against Tan Sri Musa Hasan.
Unfortunately, this 7 million dollar man blew away his "hard earned" money in a venture with some Chinaman. and was facingbankruptcy in May 2009. Life is never the same outside teh force.
Lucky for Md Zin to get coverage in Anwar Ibrahim's blog. It is not coincidence that Md Zin is now on Anwar's side on his black eye and DNA issues.
Most likely he not bankrupt anymore.
Is he replacing Robert Phang as attack dog?
Enough is already known of the unsavory side of Robert Phang and Din Merican. There is more in store, if it is convenient.
As for Salahuddin assisting schemer Rosli Dahlan as attack dog, he is now liable to be sued. He raised about the RM8 billion loss and claim it as big as PKFZ.

Not only Tajuddin may end up owning The Malaysian Insider, he could wind up Harakah and PAS. Salahuddin and Mahfudz may end up financially unfit to hold political office.
The Malaysian Insider is too proud and stubborn. After the May 31st article, they repeated the same allegations on Augst 12th andAugust 15th.
All the spinning and slander has reached the end of patiance.
UMNO Selangor is seriously suing Mustafa Ali for his wild accusation at UMNO Selangor for the DUMC saga. Ministry of Home Affair is suing Zuraidah Kamaruddin for her wild accusation and fraudulent documents used to slander the Ministry.
Telling lies will be an expensive affair from here onward.
The only puzzle left is: who gave the RM8 billion loss idea to Rosli?
It must be someone who is too used to very big numbers that RM8 billion is meaningless. That someone cannot be from inside MAS. On that note, who brought him or her into MAS?
Could it be someone - out to see MAS fail so that they could benefit from it - whispered those sweet numbers to these people?
Raja Petra is only interested with making Malaysia Today a political propaganda machine. We don't mind him.
Rosli should know. Or perhaps he doesn't.
But we probably c! ould tra ce the real culprit. That's why we pick and choose the issue to raise.