Of Ali-Baba elected reps, sidetracked multi-racialism and the DAP

Of Ali-Baba elected reps, sidetracked multi-racialism and the DAP

DAP seems to have gotten out of control once again in its demand for seats from Pakatan Rakyat ally PKR. This time, afraid of being called a chauvinist Chinese party, DAP has put on the line its Malay candidates. But this is tantamount to making stooges of their own Malay candidates, and sad to say these Malay candidates were naive or did not think carefully enought to agree. Whatever the rationale, badly reasoned or not, the DAP only confirmed the worst accusations UMNO has made against it.

In all my years, and I am not young, I have never heard of Malay candidates from, lets sayGerakan seeking seats from UMNO, because of their Malayness. But this in essence is exactly what the DAP Malays are doing.

According to Malaysiakini, Penang DAP leader Zulkifli Mohd Noor said the DAP had no choice but to request at least one parliament and five state seats from PKR in Penang in the coming polls. The Penang City Council member added that the party may be perceived to be "anti-Malay and chauvinistic" should it fail to field Malay candidates in the next election.

PKR immediately walloped Zulkifli back, and at a place where it should hurt the most. "If the Malay DAP members need to contest seats in Penang, they should demand for some among the 19 they are currently holding. If DAP is truly sincere as a multi racial party, they should allocate a few seats for their Malay members with the current allocation they have now," state PKR info chief Johari Kassim retaliated.

Wise up

Now, that is one nail hit squarely on the head. For a party that says it is multiracial, to suddenly call on its M! alay mem bers to practically bring out their begging bowls to the PKR is not a kind act. Maybe DAP's Zulkifli did it on his own initiative but it certainly reflects his political naivete and also harks at the famed cunning of the Lim family, which say what you like, dominates and controls DAP even more than Mahathir Mohamad controls UMNO.

Zulkifli, if he has any dignity - as a normal being and not as a Malay, mind you - should demand his full membership rights. If the DAP wants to use its Malay members to win more seats, then the party should fight for the seats for him and other Malay members. Just like now, the party certainly seems to be defending the seats for their Chinese members.

The Malays in DAP should wise up and outright question the party leaders, are you favouring the Chinese candidates more than us? Is it that we only have value to the DAP if we can wrest more seats from other Malay or Malay-based third parties? Is this how it works?

I for one certainly hope this is not so. It would be a sad day if Penang DAP Chinese told Penang DAP Malays that,'so sorry no seats for you, you have to get from the Malays. And don't dig from PAS because of internal Pakatan dynamics, we want to side with PAS more than PKR.'

From Sarawak to Johor to Penang

Goodness gracious me! But I can tell you - this is making the rounds all over not just in DAP, PAS and PKR but it has already landed in the hell-kitchens of the UMNO bloggers where they are now plotting which is the best way to 'cook' up such a 'lovely' ingredient.

From Sarawak, where it showed up most recently and also in Johor where another 'cowboy' aligned to the DAP is also busy cleaning his internal rifles, this sort of unsavoury seats negotiations will continue as the days into the GE-13 get closer.

Wong Ho Leng disgraced himself with his uncouth behaviour over the Sarawak shadow Cabinet. After winning 12 seats, he began to rebuke Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in public. And this! over a shadow Cabinet, which after all the details were revealed by both sides, show that there was sidelining of Dayak or non-Chinese interest.

So much transparency, democracy and multiracialism.

Lack of Chinese heroes

But for now, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is still riding high. He has achieved a lot for Penang. But so too has Selangor's Khalid Ibrahim, who has been less skilled at marketing himself. Another huge advantage Guan Eng has is that the Chinese have been starved of good 'heroes' for too long a time. Ong Tee Keat, Chua Soi Lek, Ong Ka Ting, Ling Liong Sik ... need I say more, I rest my case.

Because of this dearth of Chinese talent, there is a slight over-reaction which will surely be corrected sooner or later by natural forces. And this is why UMNO is not too unduly worried. The way it figures, the more popular and famous Guan Eng becomes, the more there will a natural counter-reaction from the biggest voter base - the Malays.

But Guan Eng should not hold back on his ability. Why should he when it is the Malays who should overcome their inferiority complex? But the point is, if DAP is to be a multiracial party, then it should be built on true strengths and real respect for the Malays. He should not use the Malays as mere stepping stones. Now, this is not a new accusation but one that has been made thousands of time before and throughout the DAP's existence.

It is worth pondering especially for the Malays in this instance - why is it so that after so many years, DAP still cannot shed that image. And even worse now, the Malay members have to fight for their own seats based on their 'race'.

Ali-Baba reps

The Malays should also be aware. Yes, DAP offers a ticket that can boost your chances of success. But at what cost. And for how long will the benefit last. Now before, anyones rushes to say this is not fair, on the contrary, these are questions that Must be asked before joining Any par! ty.

< p>At the end of the day, it is the elected representative's ability to be principled through the years - rain or shine - that will be the decding factor for a succesful and long-lasting career. If one is seen as a real Ali-Baba elected representative, I don't that any Malay candidate could ever succeed on his own steam once he leaves or is dropped. When that happen, he would be a lonely guy - seen to have sold his soul just for the sake of a seat.

Reemember, it cuts both ways. Why criticise Zahrain Hashim and Zul Noordin for rushing off to curry favour with UMNO but look the other way when the Malays curry favour with DAP for seats? The Malay community is arguably more politically savvy than the Chinese and they are watching very closely. Already, first blood has been drawn - by DAP itself.

It is not funny, so please do not subject yourselves and Pakatan to more humiliation. Some of the Chinese in Penang, perhaps the unthinking ones might feel thrilled that DAP, a Chinese-dominated party, is making Malay members 'obedient'. Like UMNO to MCA. And this is what the DAP will be accused of if it does not change - a party of Ah Bengs and Ali Babas! Isn't this sick?

Multiracialism sidetracked by greed

Yes, it is also very racist, right? Not at all multiracial, right? Exactly. This is exactly what the implications are and why it is important to flag out and discuss.

Professing multiracialism is not enough. To be able to see from the lenses of another group, whether right or wrong, is just as important. Otherwise, how to defend or to champion that group? For example, should anyone emulate the brash behaviour of Ho Leng in Sarawak over the shadow Cabinet, even though he is a Member of Parliament? Seek the ground opinion of the non-Chinese there and hear their fears too. Perhaps then, we can then have a better perspective of how real multiracialism is to the DAP, nationwide.

And before Guan Eng rushes out to produce all the reports of how much invest! ments he has pulled in for Penang and how much allocation he has given to Malay and Muslim communities, I would say most Malaysians don't doubt him at all on this. Well done too, YB. But sincerity is a long and arduous journey. It is a long test, and perhaps, a never-ending one.

Now, since DAP's Zulkifli has brought 'Malayness' into the debate, then why not let the Malay brothers speak their their minds on the subject. Would the DAP Malays be the Ali-Babas of the worst sort - worse even than Mahathir's corporate Ali-Babas? Or would they be Malay heroes for demanding Malay seats from third parties?

So strange, isn't it, when the Pakatan is supposed to be the champion of multiracialism?

Lastly, for readers' reference. In March 2008, DAP contested 19 state seats in Penang, while PKR fought in 16 and PAS, five. In parliamentary seats, DAP stood in seven while PKR contested four and PAS, two. In total, the three parties won 29 out of 40 state seats and 11 out of 13 federal seats.

- Malaysia Chronicle


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