Why Umno, MCA, MIC, Gerakan leaders dare not follow Nazri

Najib had himself told Umno which Umno contingency reform or it will be reformed which he would govern a New Economic Model or he will be executed!
Najib has found which he biggest enemies of his four critical signature pillars to effect a inhabitant mutation come from inside of either 1Malaysia People First Performance Now concept, Government Transformation Programme, New Economic Model as well as to use a Tenth Malaysia Plan as well as a annual budgets to operationalise a GTP as well as ETP.
I commend a Minister in a Prime Ministers Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz for his bravery as well as self-assurance in dogmatic which he is Malaysian initial as well as Malay next, nonetheless some-more than six months after I had thrown a challenge in Parliament to all Ministers either they have a 1Malaysia DNA as well as have been prepared to acknowledgement which they have been Malaysians initial as well as their competition second, which is a declared objective of Najibs 1Malaysia concept.
I share his disappointment when he pronounced in a recent talk which he was undetermined as well as regretted why his Cabinet colleagues did not verbalise out as he did, even a Ministers from MCA.
Let me allude to Nazri pronounced in his talk with a Red Tomato publication:
They have been people who have been only like me in a cabinet, though they have been afraid. Even a MCA ministers, none of them has steady what Ive pronounced which they have been initial Malaysians then Chinese none of them. To me, it is not right to contend which if we had pronounced so, then wed fall in to a trap of Kit Siang.
What trap? The Indian Ministers didnt come out to contend that, alternative Malay Ministers did not, Kadazan as well as Iban Ministers also didnt contend so. I am a Malay, nonetheless Im taking a risk to come out to say. W! hy other s cant? Let me discuss it you, they all determine with me.
Let all a Ministers, either Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sabah as well as Sarawak BN member parties insist as well as acknowledgement during a winding-up of a bill discuss what is it they have been fearful of as well as why they brave not acknowledgement which they have been Malaysians initial as well as competition second as propounded by a 1Malaysia concept?
(Lim Kit Siang is a MP for Ipoh Timur as well as a DAP adviser)