Police accused of abducting eyewitness to their own brutality
Lawyers behaving for the mother of K Selvachandran, an eyewitness to the military beating which resulted in the death of the suspect have been dire the be scared symbol since after 4 days, the military have been still refusing to divulge where he has been taken to.
This looks as well as sounds similar to an abduction. We direct which the military stop this bootleg control as well as release K Selvachandran immediately, Lawyers for Liberty spokesperson Latheefa Koya told Malaysia Chronicle.
The 30-year aged Selva was the pass declare in the inquest of R Gunasegaran, who died while in military custody. In the preference which annoyed public outrage, the Coroner returned an open verdict upon Monday although Selva as well as three others had seen the military military officer kick Guna unconscious.
Revenge as well as woe fears
Selvas family members reason which it is out of punish which military went looking for him which same night for having blown the whistle upon them.
But the military have refused to endorse or give any report to Saraswathy. Police sources contend the Investigating Officer is one Chief Inspector Sazali though till press time, Saraswathys lawyers have not been means to get in touch with him.
We have not been means to get any report of ! his loca le during all. Given the mood of the military as well as their rough treatment of him, the family has each right to fear which he will be tortured by the military right away which they have dragged him behind into remand," N Surendran, lawyer for Selvas wife, told Malaysia Chronicle.
Hisham doesn't want to be involved, what about IGP?
The five military crew who abducted Selva upon Monday night had told his mother they would catch him for 60 days.
Meanwhile, despite the police's rarely questionable conduct, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein has refused to get involved.
I am informed with the box though afterwards people will contend we am interfering in military action. Use the media centre for the details. The military have been the ones doing the investigation, so ask them, pronounced Hishammuddin, when asked for his reply upon Wednesday.
Together with Lawyers for Liberty, the NGO will submit the memorandum of criticism to the Inspector-General of Police during 10 am during the military headquarters in Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.
It has urged Malaysians to uncover up to express solidarity for Selva as well as his family.
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