A reply to Tun Mahathir's atrocious blog post
I unequivocally do not understand how someone as smart as we can come up with statements which have been so blatantly ignorant. I'm twenty-five years old, my grandparents came from Kerala as good as we only verbalise English as good as Malay. I've never been to India, do not verbalise a language as good as all we can contend is tanah tumpahnya darahku.
How dare we speak about fair distribution when we as good as your cronies have amassed vast fortunes during a expense of others? we do not see we starting out between a reduction advantageous Malays as good as honestly distributing your wealth! If we follow from what we wrote we didn't deserve a place during healing propagandize which means we took a place of someone who better deserved it. Which is what is function all over this nation in every arena.
Its not secular issues which a people have been many concerned about a a lack of competency which is perpetuated since of secular policies.
Malaysians would not care if a vast infancy of a supervision were Malay if they were means to discharge their duties competently. If there were 10 doctors as good as only a single was Malay we would go to him if he was most appropriate during his job. But we have idiots using this nation (the government, a police, a MACC, a judiciary) to a ground as good as they occur to be a Malay infancy so of march people have been pissed.
Do we consider Malaysians would be indignant if a nation was good run as good as everyone's rights were upheld just since it was run by a Malay majority. Take a serious demeanour during a infancy of politicians as good as a rest of a people using a nation (non malays included) - they have been morons! The supervision is in shambles, a military have been seen as a enemy as good as a law is a fun - we unequivocally consider smart Malaysians ! have bee n indignant during a Malays in general?
We have been indignant during those in energy since we cannot certitude we to do what's in Malaysia's most appropriate interest, we do not feel protected in a own country, we have no leisure of countenance since we need to keep us quiet in sequence to stay in energy as good as we do not hold which when there is a crime commited we have been essentially to get to a bottom of it unless it serves your own interests.
This racially charged hatred mongering has to stop, it's stupid as good as unnecessary.
The genuine issue is a nation is really bad run as good as yet a supervision insists upon discriminitory policies which seems to safeguard a continuity. Did we ever stop to consider which a chairman who's place we took in healing propagandize could have been a a single to lead Malaysia a way it deserves? Maybe which merits discussion?
(Valerie Mohan was responding Mahathir posting entitled HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR, MELBOURNE. Click here to review Dr M's argumentative posting in full Dr M tells Malays: To be since handicaps is to safeguard fairness)