The Princess of Reformasi
LETTER This Princess has grown out of the shadow of her Famous Father and Mother, she speaks her mind , at 30 her maturity has set her for greater heights, Im sure she is the leader for the next generation, our children are in safe hands if she is the leader.
Well it is in the genes, her father was a great student leader during his time. With Abim he managed to express his views which was well received by the people. From then on he climbed the ladder of success with UMNO, but was brought down by another shrewd man who cannot stand competition, and thats when Reformasi was born and a Princess took the stage as Puteri Reformasi.
Nurul Izzah acknowledges that she grew up as a Reformasi spokeperson when at a young age she was put up to speak up for her father at various venues as well as in the international arena. This exposure is what moulded this lass into what she is, a very cool calculated and articulate person. Her reasoning is well received by all races, even if she makes any mistakes in judgment it will be easily forgiven given her age, but I doubt she will make any rash statements without understanding the problems unlike Ibrahim Ali, or Muyihiddin Yassin.
Ace in the Pakatan
She will be the catalyst for Pakatan Rakyat, the ACE for the opposition. This girl will bring in the numbers and the MAKKAL SHAKTI cry in GE 12 is going to be REFORMASI in GE 13. Her challenges to Ibrahim Ali and Mahathir are a far cry of what is going to come from her. She is a fresh voice and hope for the people of all races . She is well accepted by Chinese, Indians, Malays as well as the other ethnic races.
This is a good sign for Pakatan to walk to Putrajaya soon. Pakatan should now work towards racial harmony on high gear, to counter Perkasa and Mahathirs racist views. Being a shrewd politician Mahathir ca! n sense the political tide changing. As such he is devising a very diabolical plan to divide the Malays from the other races. He feels if all the Malays voted for UMNO, then they have a slim chance to win GE13 from Pakatan.
How stupid can this be coming from a man who was admired by all in Malaysia (including the Chinese) . But in the last decade, he is in self destruct mode, so farewell and good riddance to bad rubbish. Quote as said by Waythamoorthy : A Racist is one who denies others their place in the sun
Nurul Izzah, just keep a level head always, and do what your heart is telling you to do, youll win the vice presidents post hands down. There will be bigger things coming your way soon. If Khairy thinks he will be the youngest Prime Minister in Malaysia, he is very wrong, It is all yours for the taking soon.
We will see you soon in Putrajaya.
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