International deluge of criticism against persecution of Anwar
Suddenly there appears to be a deluge of international personalities criticising the Malaysian government for persecuting Anwar on trumped up charge of Sodomy II.
It started with ex US vice president Gore, and IMF chief Joseph Stiglitz, followed by Barry Wain former AWSJ correspondent as well as a former US ambassador to Malaysia John Croft
All of them unanimously condemned the conspiracy to paint Anwar as a sodomist and therefore not fit to be the Opposition Leader.
These are all distinguished members of the international community who are shocked in unison by this serious transgression of justice, democracy and the rule of law by the Malaysian government. UMNO, the power behind the prime minister, intends to perpetuate their power by trying Anwar on trumped up charges of sodomy, to convict and imprison him, thus denying him the opportunity to be the next Prime Minister.
Today, there is another powerful international figure in the person of Richard Branson who has joined the international posse of activists out to demand justice for Anwar. Branson warned Najib that the trial of Anwar on sodomy charges has damaged the image of Malaysia and undermined the confidence of investors to invest in Malaysia.
He strongly advised Najib to dismiss the charges, if he wants foreign investors to put their money here, and help Malaysia to become a high income country.
The DAP had always been in the forefront to criticise the conspiracy to charge Anwar for sodomy and to find him guilty. We have warned that the international community will not idly stand by and watch an innocent person tried on trumped up charges and be put to jail
PM Najib should think carefully and heed international opinion. If he does not then FDIs (Foreign Direct Investments) which fell by 8! 1% in 20 09 will fall further and there will be zero investments, which would mean the beginning of the end for the New Economic Model as well as 1 Malaysia.
(Dr Chen Man Hin is the life advisor of DAP)
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