The MM-Theory

No, this again is not the Theory of Everything (the one that explains how it all begins even before the Big Bang), the M-Theory.

This is the MM-Theory, the Mamak Theory or more commonly known as the Primitive Scam Theory. The theory that try to tell us why the Mamak primates behave the way they do and roughly WTF they plan to do to fvck us all for eternity.

See, yesterday, they were 50 rabble rousers asking for Namewee's blood outside the Chinese Business Hall in KL (I don't even know the proper name of this sassy joint, that's what they like,they like to do violent things at sassy spots). They of course did all the same old predictable again. So, we can rule out the possibility that they may possess any quantum power at all. No, they have none of that to offer you. As expected, they they tied some kiddy red bands on they head (their father wears the bigger one - a DIAPER) to try to show that that they are violent, bloody or something like that lah ... and burned posters !

They never get tired doing that ... burning and tearing posters, I wonder why ? Why can't they just bring a few bombs to bring down Dayabumi or better still, the twin towers (their father said they are licensed to do whatever they want, right?), so that we don't have to subsidize these fvcked up white elephants any longer. Anyway, it's not hard to understand if only you understand what kind of fvcuked up creatures are these so called Pribumi (according to Oxford Dictionary, Pribumi is a sanskrit word meaning "Primates away from home").

Okay, back to the M-Theory. According to the M-Theory, no one know WTF does "M" stand for and unlike the Big Bang that say the Universe doesn't have a beginning because there wasn't any time or space prior to Big Bang according to its #1 fan: Stephen Hawking (NB: Stephen is now a believer of the M-Theory as well). Scientist said the Big Bang was the beginning of time and space, prior to that, there was nothing, complete darkness and absolutely nothing ... but the problem is they couldn't work it out (at least mathematically) that there really wasn't anything at all ... They got stuck with Gravity. That leaves the Big Bang Theory with a small room for a Creator God. The God community capitalized on the fact that scientists don't know what happen prior to Big Bang and call that precious moment (the Big Bang) the Creation by God.

I don't know how the God community managed to convince people the 13.7 billion years (age of our very own 4 dimensional universe ie. 3 physical attributes plus time) is the same as the 6-days world as described in the Holy Books ? 13.7B Years = Mon. to Sat ?

Anyway, I guess that is not important, at least that was the case prior to acceptance of the String Theory by majority of of the scientific community, we have no clue what happened before the Big Bang. In fact, we don't even understand what exactly happened during the first few "epoches" (some really freaking short momenst of time) during the big bang. And scientists simply couldn't explain WTF is the gravity so weak as compared to the other 3 forces ie. electromagnetism, the strong and the weak power of the subatomic bullshits (by right, all the four should be equal in strength if you want a single theory (that can explain everything) that can bind Granddady Albert Einstein's General Relativity (the theory that explains massive stuffs) and the Tiny Theory explaining the quantum behavior of the weird subatomic particles (let's stop here ... deep stuffs).

Anyway, Stephen spent a good 4 decades nicely paid for by some Issac Newton's School of Wizardry Physics (something like that) at Cambridge University (sorry Khairy, I still think this one is better than Oxford), and he fvcking couldn't find a clue whatsoever. In fact, no one could saved for the Superstring Theorists who were once branded as some kind science fiction weirdos, dreamers or even shamans.

To explain the Superstring Theories (consolidated as the M-Theory), I need a lot of words, it's like an abstract painting, it says things that will stun even buggers from the Star Trek. However, it's by far the only theory capable of offering explanation why the gravity is so weak in our universe and also, what initiated the Big Bang from the stage of of a "Singularity" (all blackholes will eventually shrunk to become a "Singularity" - an object said to be smaller than an atom but the Singularity that created our universe is apparently a completely different animal altogether and we still don't really know WTF it is ... !). Theoretically, there ought to be some kind of "instigating force" so that the Singularity can burst the fvck into a Big Bang (which is basically a soundless turbo-charged explosion from a ball smaller than the size of an atom expanding into a full blown universe that is more than 10 billion light years across in an almost immeasurable short period of time (something like 100 billions over 100 billions of a second - see Wikipedia for the exact number, I don't like to remember numbers and this explains why I don't play 4D).

And this is why the M-Theory is now the prefer answer because it can explain what happened prior to the Big Bang. And bad news for Thomas Lee, the M-Theory (Superstring Theory) completely rule out the role of a Creator (unless you now say God actually created a 11-realms-multiverse), this is also why Stephen says in his latest book that there is NO GOD (based upon gravitational theory of M-Theory) because gravity alone is capable of causing the Big Bang as well as fill in the gap for the rest of the yet to be known or proven ... such as the Dark Shits (Satan ?) that is causing our universe to expand for the past 13.7 billion years or so already.

This is what I gonna do, I hope God help me to get rid of the Mamak Gang and give Bolehlanders a new lease of life soon, so that I can spend some time to write a book telling you exactly what I have been told. And I will try to string everything together to form a even bigger String Theory for spirituality. So that I can explain (first to myself) to fellow Bolehlanders like Thomas Lee not WTF is Superstring, but what is believed to be the actual message from God pertaining to life, especially the part concerning the meaning of life. The spiritual bit lah.

Tentatively, I call it the G-Truth (not to be confused with G-Spot, please).

So, What happen?

Picture: The
Father and Pribumi (Translation: Primates ?)

What happen to the Mamak Pribumi (see pictures below)? Where were they yesterday ? Why they never fight for the Malays ? How come they never attend such an important blood protest ? Could it be ... they're now no longer Pribumi and that they have shed some hair and evolved into a Mamak now ?

Gang members of Pribumi HCO (Humanity Crime Organization), Perkasa ... Indian ? Primates ? Or a hybrid of both ?


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