Brand UMNO-Perkasa Demonstrations Standard Procedures?
Was watching Bernama New's to check if they reported on the anti-Namewee's protest outside the MCA Hall when our rapper was launching his publication.
The earlier Bernama news, see story below, mentioned 70 Perkasa which is actually an UMNO-Perkasa protest as there were protesters with UMNO party attire. Anyway, UMNO fellos have already accepted the fact Perkasa is their twin as their members make up the NGO. The UMNO-Perkasa fellos were holding a gathering, hurling abuses and of course burning Namewee's portrait.
As one who believes the public has a right to hold gatherings and demonstrate within acceptable decorum, these fellos should be allowed to gather and show their displeasure
But gatherings in BolehLand, like most things are, are very unfairly acted upon.
Which brings to an interesting point about this gathering. It says much about what the authorities support and think is permissible gatbering. This particular gathering does give BolehLand fellos some benchmarking of kind of gathering, protests and of course demonstration decorum that the authorities deem as acceptable and won't act upon and stand by there to watch and then decide to call off the day.
Watching the gatbering, there was no action taken against this group which means it must be a legal gathering, which means a police permit was requested and given. It's difficult to call it a demonstration because nothing mentioned it was illegal. So it's a gathering of protesters. MSMedia will use demonstrations mostly for the illegal ones!
So that may explain why the police did not move in to arrest the fellos as opposed to previous candlelight vigils against torture, ISA, even human rights with women and children hurled up and condemned by MOHA, the Prime Minister and the police.
Even the news clip did not mention it was an illegal gathering as it's odd because previous reports including by Bernama news will always be quick to point out police acted because it was an illegal gathering.
So the important thing to remember is hold a gathering with police permit. Doesn't matter if your gathering or demonstration is to save the earth, tiger or fight injustice, abuse of power, clean election and even corruption! No police permit, no gathering allowed.
All signs point to a legal gathering because the broadcasting tv channels were all there, noone harassed them to put their mikes in front of the spokersperson.
Unlike previous candlelight vigils, no broadcasting channels were allowed to even interview or they were advised not to cover such events.
The other point is keeping silent, wearing black t-shirt and playing with fire or rather lighting fire are also pointers to determine if demonstrations are allowed.
This demonstration has lots of noise, protest, men in white uniforms, party uniforms of UMNO as well as the NGO Perkasa really, fellos wearing red bandannas reminding us of our Indon protesters.
Those who hurl abuses, racist remarks as well as involve burning and torching pictures in this gathering seem to be given the green light.
Candelights are frowned upon and no police permit will be given. But burning effigy, photos, torching posters, tearing them, stamping on them are allowed.
So if some form of fire play is involved, candles on ground or holding in your hands is a no-no and deemed illegal because it involved fire which have the potential of public safety, fire and probably burning down downtown KL.
Then it is about venue. If you hold it in front of opposition party head office or a member of the ruling party which is weak and a small brader, or even Uncle Sam's embassy, you will not be disturbed or harassed. Never mind if you cause massive traffic jam, it adds to the fun and excitement and lend credibility to your legal protests. If you want maximum ferocity and anger to be multiplied, you must have the traffic jam plus of course the media, lights camera and action all that too!
If you hold it in an open park, even housing pa! rk or a private stadium in the dead of night, it is considered disturbing public peace and causing inconveniences.
Let's suppose it was a legal police permission given gathering, the spokesperson was wearing an official government emblem so we can assume must be a civil servant. Are civil servants allowed to hold such demonstrations and be involved in hurling abuses and racist remarks? But then again, with official government attire and party uniform of the government of the day, that itself is enough to grant it a permissible gathering even if no police permit was given or better still these fellos didn't think it needed one, given their badge of authority, right?
Brand UMNO-Perkasa Standard Protest Procedure?This type of protests gets you permission to demonstrate?
So before we cry 'unfair, bias, double standard, kid-glove treatment' against the police or MOHA or even 1Malaysia, it is good to know and accept the norm and decorum the fellos must behave that will make the gathering and demonstration permissible or given legal permit. Even if there is no permit, behavior shown by these protesters is also an example that will not get you sprayed with acid laced water, baton charged, arrested under the ISA.
Even if the gathering is illegal, there is such a thing call 'discretion'. Though you may not have a police permit, you can be given legal permission for your illegal gathering. Again this is subject to what those higher up deemed acceptable demonstration and decorum.
The 40 minute long pause before the group was asked to call it off may be a new time standard being used. At least the authorities are patient and if they rushed in immediately as in previous protest like holding up banners or candlelight vigils, there will be a public outcry of abuse and brutality. At least they didn't DO ANYTHING FOR 40 MINUTES to all! ow the d emonstrators to spew venon at their intended target. Thank goodness, these fellos did everything in 40 minutes. Imagine if it was two hours and gosh the cops may be so bored tired watching these fellos finish all their clowning before they asked them to balik rumah!
So future protesters, spare our bois in blue the trouble and keep it short okay?
The last interesting point in this gathering is the media being more open to reporting on the remarks and comments made by the ring leaders. Previous gathering didn't always quote the views of the demonstrators. But those were silent protests so in keeping with the intention, we can't blame the media for not reporting right? And the media can't wait for the silent protest to end to get views as they have to go back to file their stories about the illegal gathering don't they! Besides you can't really report on illegal gathering lest you be accused of giving the demonstrators support or you may be an opposition sympathiser. But views of protesters are usually not solicited as the protesters were probably all in the black Maria so you can't really interview them can you?!
But in this gathering, the media had free access, unhindered movement, not even warned if they interviewed the ringleaders they are also involved in sanctioning an illegal gathering! No cameras were confiscated too!
So there we have it BolehLand folks to thank UMNO-Perkasa for highlighting to us public and future of their protesters really on what is acceptable demonstration decorum that will get you a police permit and if one is not granted, it is given permission and legality and everybody gets to go home, safe and sound. No arrest, no acid laced cannon, no special branch fellos video taping you, no nothing - just allow you to burn some fello picture, hurl racist abuse and display behaviour that even put mat rempits to shame!!!
Tomorrow we shall have more confirmation of support and even praise for this type of gathering that our fellos have shown us as an exam! ple of h ow you can demonstrate and get away with it!
One unique characteristic of this type of protest is what can be termed as a brand-UMNO Perkasa kind of demonstration decorum and trait. Noticed, when it involved the UMNO fellos protesting mostly, it involves attacking portraits. Remember the tearing of their coalition partner Gerakan leader pix, stamping on the ole Rocket leader's face? Also using fire is essential and a must have to burn a portrait too. And don't forget your red bandanna! Are these now their a kind of standard protest operating procedure, no?
And we condemn and shame our neighbours across the Straits of Malacca for such barbaric and humiliating disgusting acts, with some of our leaders even saying its against their faith! Odd own fellos adopt a similar 'monkey see monkey do' behaviour, nothing seem amiss or turned into a fuss right, huh?
On the protesters demand, though protesters always claim they represent the majority of BolehLand fellos, this time, this Malaysian would like to give a message to the ring leader of this gathering, "You don't speak of my behalf you S*B, racist nincompoop whose behavior is similar if not worse that whatever that lame sounding excuse name rapper you are protesting againts. 'Thanks but No thanks' I don't need your apology and you don't need to apologise to me for all I care! Only small minded fellos think and act alike with brains overreacting and reading too much into everything not said!
If you want to do thing intentionally, you really don't need to apologise to anyone do you? That applies to our protesters and to the whatever name rapper he calls himself, no?
(Bernama) - About 70 people,including members of Perkasa, turned up at the Chinese Assembly Hall in Jalan Maharajalela here tonight to stage a protest against controversial rapper Wee Meng Chee or better known as Namewee.
The group was seen carrying Perkasa banners and Namewees pictures that were later set on! fire, w hile some hurled abuse at the rapper who was launching an album in the hall.
About 100 policemen, including the Federal Reserve Unit from Dang Wangi, were present to ensure peace and safety.
Wira Perkasa Malaysia head Arman Azha Abu Hanifah, who headed the gathering, tried to enter the hall but was prevented by police.
The group later wanted the police to call Namewee out of the hall but police did not heed their request.
Arman Azhar later told reporters that the gathering was to protest against Namewee who had disgraced the nation through his controversial video clips and albums which were racists in nature.
We want him (Namewee) to openly apologise to not only the Malays but the people of Malaysia. What he has done has certainly damaged racial harmony and unity, he said.
Meanwhile, Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman said nobody was arrested during the protest since they followed police instructions and dispersed when instructed by police.
We asked them to disperse within 40 minutes and they followed the instructions, he said. 29 Sep 2010YAHMEH!!!
See What Pakatan Rakyat Gotta Say?
The earlier Bernama news, see story below, mentioned 70 Perkasa which is actually an UMNO-Perkasa protest as there were protesters with UMNO party attire. Anyway, UMNO fellos have already accepted the fact Perkasa is their twin as their members make up the NGO. The UMNO-Perkasa fellos were holding a gathering, hurling abuses and of course burning Namewee's portrait.
As one who believes the public has a right to hold gatherings and demonstrate within acceptable decorum, these fellos should be allowed to gather and show their displeasure
But gatherings in BolehLand, like most things are, are very unfairly acted upon.
Which brings to an interesting point about this gathering. It says much about what the authorities support and think is permissible gatbering. This particular gathering does give BolehLand fellos some benchmarking of kind of gathering, protests and of course demonstration decorum that the authorities deem as acceptable and won't act upon and stand by there to watch and then decide to call off the day.
Watching the gatbering, there was no action taken against this group which means it must be a legal gathering, which means a police permit was requested and given. It's difficult to call it a demonstration because nothing mentioned it was illegal. So it's a gathering of protesters. MSMedia will use demonstrations mostly for the illegal ones!
So that may explain why the police did not move in to arrest the fellos as opposed to previous candlelight vigils against torture, ISA, even human rights with women and children hurled up and condemned by MOHA, the Prime Minister and the police.
Even the news clip did not mention it was an illegal gathering as it's odd because previous reports including by Bernama news will always be quick to point out police acted because it was an illegal gathering.
So the important thing to remember is hold a gathering with police permit. Doesn't matter if your gathering or demonstration is to save the earth, tiger or fight injustice, abuse of power, clean election and even corruption! No police permit, no gathering allowed.
All signs point to a legal gathering because the broadcasting tv channels were all there, noone harassed them to put their mikes in front of the spokersperson.
Unlike previous candlelight vigils, no broadcasting channels were allowed to even interview or they were advised not to cover such events.
The other point is keeping silent, wearing black t-shirt and playing with fire or rather lighting fire are also pointers to determine if demonstrations are allowed.
This demonstration has lots of noise, protest, men in white uniforms, party uniforms of UMNO as well as the NGO Perkasa really, fellos wearing red bandannas reminding us of our Indon protesters.
Those who hurl abuses, racist remarks as well as involve burning and torching pictures in this gathering seem to be given the green light.
Candelights are frowned upon and no police permit will be given. But burning effigy, photos, torching posters, tearing them, stamping on them are allowed.
So if some form of fire play is involved, candles on ground or holding in your hands is a no-no and deemed illegal because it involved fire which have the potential of public safety, fire and probably burning down downtown KL.
Then it is about venue. If you hold it in front of opposition party head office or a member of the ruling party which is weak and a small brader, or even Uncle Sam's embassy, you will not be disturbed or harassed. Never mind if you cause massive traffic jam, it adds to the fun and excitement and lend credibility to your legal protests. If you want maximum ferocity and anger to be multiplied, you must have the traffic jam plus of course the media, lights camera and action all that too!
If you hold it in an open park, even housing pa! rk or a private stadium in the dead of night, it is considered disturbing public peace and causing inconveniences.
Let's suppose it was a legal police permission given gathering, the spokesperson was wearing an official government emblem so we can assume must be a civil servant. Are civil servants allowed to hold such demonstrations and be involved in hurling abuses and racist remarks? But then again, with official government attire and party uniform of the government of the day, that itself is enough to grant it a permissible gathering even if no police permit was given or better still these fellos didn't think it needed one, given their badge of authority, right?

So before we cry 'unfair, bias, double standard, kid-glove treatment' against the police or MOHA or even 1Malaysia, it is good to know and accept the norm and decorum the fellos must behave that will make the gathering and demonstration permissible or given legal permit. Even if there is no permit, behavior shown by these protesters is also an example that will not get you sprayed with acid laced water, baton charged, arrested under the ISA.
Even if the gathering is illegal, there is such a thing call 'discretion'. Though you may not have a police permit, you can be given legal permission for your illegal gathering. Again this is subject to what those higher up deemed acceptable demonstration and decorum.
The 40 minute long pause before the group was asked to call it off may be a new time standard being used. At least the authorities are patient and if they rushed in immediately as in previous protest like holding up banners or candlelight vigils, there will be a public outcry of abuse and brutality. At least they didn't DO ANYTHING FOR 40 MINUTES to all! ow the d emonstrators to spew venon at their intended target. Thank goodness, these fellos did everything in 40 minutes. Imagine if it was two hours and gosh the cops may be so bored tired watching these fellos finish all their clowning before they asked them to balik rumah!
So future protesters, spare our bois in blue the trouble and keep it short okay?
The last interesting point in this gathering is the media being more open to reporting on the remarks and comments made by the ring leaders. Previous gathering didn't always quote the views of the demonstrators. But those were silent protests so in keeping with the intention, we can't blame the media for not reporting right? And the media can't wait for the silent protest to end to get views as they have to go back to file their stories about the illegal gathering don't they! Besides you can't really report on illegal gathering lest you be accused of giving the demonstrators support or you may be an opposition sympathiser. But views of protesters are usually not solicited as the protesters were probably all in the black Maria so you can't really interview them can you?!
But in this gathering, the media had free access, unhindered movement, not even warned if they interviewed the ringleaders they are also involved in sanctioning an illegal gathering! No cameras were confiscated too!
So there we have it BolehLand folks to thank UMNO-Perkasa for highlighting to us public and future of their protesters really on what is acceptable demonstration decorum that will get you a police permit and if one is not granted, it is given permission and legality and everybody gets to go home, safe and sound. No arrest, no acid laced cannon, no special branch fellos video taping you, no nothing - just allow you to burn some fello picture, hurl racist abuse and display behaviour that even put mat rempits to shame!!!
Tomorrow we shall have more confirmation of support and even praise for this type of gathering that our fellos have shown us as an exam! ple of h ow you can demonstrate and get away with it!
One unique characteristic of this type of protest is what can be termed as a brand-UMNO Perkasa kind of demonstration decorum and trait. Noticed, when it involved the UMNO fellos protesting mostly, it involves attacking portraits. Remember the tearing of their coalition partner Gerakan leader pix, stamping on the ole Rocket leader's face? Also using fire is essential and a must have to burn a portrait too. And don't forget your red bandanna! Are these now their a kind of standard protest operating procedure, no?
And we condemn and shame our neighbours across the Straits of Malacca for such barbaric and humiliating disgusting acts, with some of our leaders even saying its against their faith! Odd own fellos adopt a similar 'monkey see monkey do' behaviour, nothing seem amiss or turned into a fuss right, huh?
On the protesters demand, though protesters always claim they represent the majority of BolehLand fellos, this time, this Malaysian would like to give a message to the ring leader of this gathering, "You don't speak of my behalf you S*B, racist nincompoop whose behavior is similar if not worse that whatever that lame sounding excuse name rapper you are protesting againts. 'Thanks but No thanks' I don't need your apology and you don't need to apologise to me for all I care! Only small minded fellos think and act alike with brains overreacting and reading too much into everything not said!
If you want to do thing intentionally, you really don't need to apologise to anyone do you? That applies to our protesters and to the whatever name rapper he calls himself, no?
(Bernama) - About 70 people,including members of Perkasa, turned up at the Chinese Assembly Hall in Jalan Maharajalela here tonight to stage a protest against controversial rapper Wee Meng Chee or better known as Namewee.
The group was seen carrying Perkasa banners and Namewees pictures that were later set on! fire, w hile some hurled abuse at the rapper who was launching an album in the hall.
About 100 policemen, including the Federal Reserve Unit from Dang Wangi, were present to ensure peace and safety.
Wira Perkasa Malaysia head Arman Azha Abu Hanifah, who headed the gathering, tried to enter the hall but was prevented by police.
The group later wanted the police to call Namewee out of the hall but police did not heed their request.
Arman Azhar later told reporters that the gathering was to protest against Namewee who had disgraced the nation through his controversial video clips and albums which were racists in nature.
We want him (Namewee) to openly apologise to not only the Malays but the people of Malaysia. What he has done has certainly damaged racial harmony and unity, he said.
Meanwhile, Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman said nobody was arrested during the protest since they followed police instructions and dispersed when instructed by police.
We asked them to disperse within 40 minutes and they followed the instructions, he said. 29 Sep 2010YAHMEH!!!
See What Pakatan Rakyat Gotta Say?