By: Nash Ar-Rawy
With the findings of RCI ( Royal Commission Of Inquiry ) that 40,000 phantom voters were given BLUE IC 's by NRD and registered as voters by EC in the ELECTORAL ROLL as in the previous GE in Sabah; where is the guarantee of EC and NRD not to export and implemented the same MODUS OPERANDI in other states to regain for Umno ; the states won by Pakatan especially in Selangor and Penang.
All these while the victory of UBN is a false and pseudo victory! . Selling off the nation to foreigners such as Bangla, Indon, Mynmars , Pakistani and Filipinos ! . Just to win and retain power as the ruling party in Malaysia. In Sabah itself; PHANTOM BLUE IC's was issued 40,000 in a month according to the findings of RCI recently .
The master mind is the Ex premier Mahathir; initiated by the late Minister Megat Junaid and Deputy Minister Aziz Shamsuddin as told by the witnesses in the RC! . Mahathir finally had to admit no choice that he was the one who did all that and blamed Tunku had done the worst! . Tunku Jus Soli Social Contract is not the same as Mahathir selling off the nation just to win the General Election . Thus, Mahathir and Umno is the traitor to the rakyat and the nation .
No matter how strong Pakatan is with its strong unity and collaboration i.e. amongst its members; PAS, DAP and PKR ; there's no way for Pakatan to win the GE13 ! . Eventhough UBN could not catch a crowd of Pakatan People's Uprising Assembly of estimated 20,000 to 50,000 road show through out Malaysia . It won't give a pinch to Umno and Najib . Inclusive of the 700,000 turn out at KL112 .
Doesn't matter when Rais Yatim said it was only 22,000 from his aerial view . Eventhough. he showed his stupidity that the seats in the Stadium Mereka capacity is 35,000. What more on the field and scattered outside the stadium attendees! . Does't matter! Make it a round figure One Million attendees. It won't shake Najib and Umno at all and all its leaders and UBN GE13 candidates!.
When Sabah parliamentarian Lajim Ukin said with the collaborations of EC and NRD preset and premeditated strategy of sending 40,000 PHANTOM VOTERS i.e . foreigners with Blue IC's to Selangor . This is not a small matter . EC Director , deputy and NRD senior officers must be suspended from office and let an independent institution be given the legal capability such a SUHAKAM by the Agong to revive and clean up EC for a clean, fair and transparent GE13 .
The same Modus Operandi done by Mahathir in Sabah could also happen in Selangor Penang . Kedah, Perak and Terengganu! That's why Najib is pending the election till JUN it seems with the prior consent of Agong ; just to delay and play time with illogical reasons such as BN projects need more time to " help " the rakyat ! .( " TRADISI MENIPU RAKYAT ! " ) But in actuality, the idea is to get hold of the maximum numbers of PANTOM VOTERS in order to make himself confident of Umno's guaranteed victory! And regain all the Pakatan Rule States back to Umno ! ; maintaining 2/3 Majority in the Parliament!
Najib- Mahathir's Modus Operandi could any time outbit the 20% fence sitters ; inclusive of the deserted Umno members which does not give any impact at all to Umno whatsoever! This is the game and mockery of Umno victory in the coming GE13! The delay has a victorious meaning in the sense that ; Najib is the first Premier to hold a General Election until its duration period ends . That is, on 27th April, 2013 the parliament is automatically dissolves by itself . For a fresh new GE13 to materialize.
But behind the screen who could guarantee that Najib is not getting the direction from Mahathir to apply the same Modus Operandi applied in Sabah over here in Selangor , Penang Kedah and Terengganu! . That's why Najib and Umno is relax with the 700,000 KL112 because they have been calculating and working out the strategy to take over or regain power in Selangor, Penang and Kedah ; and at the same time to regain UBN 2/3 Majority in the parliament! .Remember, Najib and Malaysia Politics is the ruling party whereby; EC, NRD, Immigration Department, Lord President and Attorney General is under its control . It's a small matter for Najib and Umno . Rakyat and Pakatan could only ' SHOUT' . That's all .Because we do not want 'Arab Spring' over here but we want a fair , free and a transparent GE13! . Now it's proven what's BERSIH plight for the nation is right; with the latest findings; facts and figured of fraud UBN victory in Sabah!
Pakatan Selangor government had spent some one million RM in order to facilitate EC in cleaning up the ELECTORAL ROLL . But finally, it was simply and easily denied by EC saying that those some 138,000 PHANTOM VOTERS in Selangor who could not be identified their locality are allowed to vote . Because they are the registered voters! . Who registered them in the first place ! Is this the way of Najib and Umno to regain power in Selangor and regain 2/3 Majority by winning a fraud victory , and committed treason to regain power in Putrajaya!.
Umno and Mahathir abuses of power on EC and NRD is crystal clear in the RCI findings as what preset and premeditated by Mahathir in Sabah! ; .40,000 of PHANTOM VOTERS per month with ; Premier – Ministers- Umno – NRD- EC dirty game as irresponsible , and treason . The modus operandi goes on as told by Lajim Ukin; 40,000 Blue IC's of which 80% are Filipinos and Indonesians are sent to Selangor. Meaning that not only in Selangor , but could also occur in other states as well. Because, the PHANTOM VOTERS SCANDALS have no guarantee or assurance that it won't happen in Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and in Terengganu as well.
The premier of Bangladesh once said that many Bangladesh were given citizenship ( BLUE IC's )by NRD and their names were registered as voters in Malaysia ( PHANTOM VOTERS IN THE ELECTORAL ROLL) by EC . Ofcourse to ensure for UNMO victories in the Elections . But that portal in the internet has been eliminated ! .
Look what has happened to Terengganu. In just 4 years of the same Modus Operandi sending OUTSIDE VOTERS ( NON TERENGGANUIANS) to Terengganu and won the previous election. Now these voters are resent to Selangor to capture it from Pakatan !
The conclusion is why Najib is delaying the GE13 untill its's due date; if not to 'collect' as many PHANTOM VOTERS as he could in order to outbit any numbers of the 20% fence sitters, any numbers of sabotage Umno members during the coming GE13 and the numbers of deserted Umno members as well. It's easy and simple for Najib and Umno because Umno strength is in actuality; based not on umno supporters which have declined a lot . But its pseudo strength lies on its collaborations and scandals ; syndicate with EC and NRD as proven as a success to Mahathir and Umno victory in Sabah; which they claim now as their " Fixed Deposit " which is true ; through these Modus Operandi in the previous General Election !.
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