Do we have an illegitimate gov't in power?
YOURSAY 'It is clear that GE12 and those preceding it were won by massive fraud. But will we, ordinary patriotic Malaysians, let GE13 turn up the same demons?'
Eight things to know about the Sabah RCI
As a matter of principle, how can PBS, United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) and Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS) - all locally headed parties - still remain in partnership with Umno-BN after knowing the existence of such a devious political scheme?
Their continuing presence in the Umno-BN government only serves to show that their greed for power, position and money. They must search for their conscience whether their representation in the BN coalition is still tenable.
It's a fallacy to think only being in BN can help the state and its people. The dignity of the state and the self-respect of its people far outweighs their ability to serve.
They are actually 'sleeping' and 'dancing' with cheats. Yes, that's what they are doing - being in a den of thieves and robbers.
2 Tim 1:7: The Umno warlords are gleefully making all kinds of vacuous proposals on the Sabah Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) findings, confident that Project M is a fait accompli and that nothing can change the new demography (and the drastic alterations in voting pattern which emerged from it).
It is clear that GE12 and those preceding it were won by massive fraud. The regime is not legitimate. But will we, ordinary patriotic Malaysians, let GE13 turn up the same demons?
Fairplayer: Mustapha Harun of United Sabah National Organisation (Usno) was the key accomplice of former PM Dr Mahathir Mahathir. He snatched the CM seat from Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
That was the beginning of my interest in politics, thanks to all these unprincipled pirates and crooks. Mustapha was planning his own dynasty. He wanted one of his sons to be the future CM. ! Unfortuna! tely for him, his plans misfired.
His son did not live long. Soon after the death of his son, Mustapha also died.
Odin: I believe the title of the chief of the Kadazandusun is 'huguan siou' (paramount leader), and that the Kadazandusun look up to him.
He must have been aware of the depraved scheme to swamp his people with Muslims from other countries and to ensure the BN stayed in power. It is impossible that he was ignorant of the scheme.
But he not only has done nothing to try to put a stop to it, he has also sided with the perpetrators. He is no better than Mahathir, the evil being who was obviously the mastermind.
Seadragon: Pairin, this is the time to make things right for your people and the people of Sabah, who was cheated of their rights to rule their state.
Get out of BN and join Pakatan Rakyat, now that there is a really strong and viable opposition that can be voted legitimately into government. That should be the legacy you leave to your people.
FellowMalaysian: Based on all the damning revelations the testimonies have uprooted so far, there is only a faint possibility that PM Najib Razak will allow it to be speeded up and to complete the inquiry before GE13.
We must ask why did he agree to this Sabah RCI and timed it to unroll just before the election. Is he so confident that the findings will absolve BN of any wrongdoings and this will thus propel him to be reappointed as PM again?
Just remember, Najib could have easily rejected or deferred Sabah RCI to a later date after GE13 if his calculations showed the RCI will impact BN's fortune unfavourably.
It appears that Najib has positioned himself dead-centre in a do-or-die mission in this coming election much like Rambo's dare in the Sylvester Stallone's movies of 80s and 90s.
The only difference is, will he get out of it unscathed or will he be dumped unceremoniously by the voters?
Bill Chin: According to the chart, Sabah population from 1970 to 2000 increase by 285 percent, whereas Sarawak and the peninsula only increase 106 percent to 113 percent respe! ctively.
Under normal circumstances, Sabah population should be around 110 percent with +/-10 percent. The increase doubled the population of Sabah, in which more than 50 percent of population Sabah are from neighbouring countries (the Philippines and Indonesia).
And yet this figure does not include those with fake ICs and who are illegal immigrants. Today Sabah no longer belong to the natives. Maybe in the future, it will not belong to Malaysia.
Anonymous_3da0: "A total of 29 witnesses had testified in the first five-day session which concluded on Jan 18. The RCI had officially announced that a total of 48 witnesses would be called. However, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had revealed that there would be a total of 167 witnesses."
How come Najib is better briefed on the proceedings better than the RCI itself?
Erinyes: I am reeling with shock and revulsion after reading this. All right-thinking Malaysians who love this country should also feel the same way and vote to make sure this never ever happens again.
The ! traitors implicated and found guilty of such treason should be dealt with in the most severe way possible. - Malaysiakini
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