Mamak lahir di Tamil Nadu dapat Mycard tanpa sijil lahir & dah mengundi 4 kali dalam PRU...
Seorang pekerja migran India memberitahu Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) mengenai pendatang haram di sini hari ini bahawa dia mendapat kad pengenalan biru pada tahun 1987 dengan hanya menunjukkan akuan berkanun sebagai dokumen sokongan.
Nur Mohd Ibrahim, 50, berkata bahawa dia tiba di Sabah pada tahun 1981 dan menerima kad pengenalan biru dari Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) enam tahun kemudian tanpa perlu menyediakan salinan sijil kelahiran atau sijil kewarganegaraan.
"Itu akuan berkanun mengatakan bahawa anda telah dilahirkan di Kinarut, Papar, jadi akuan berkanun anda tidak betul," kata pegawai pengendali Jamil Ariffin di RCI hari ini.
"Ia tidak betul," kata, Nur Mohd, sambil menambah bahawa beliau dilahirkan di Tamil Nadu, India.
Beliau berkata bahawa kad identiti biru itu juga menyatakan bahawa dia dilahirkan di Kinarut di daerah Papar Sabah.
Nur Mohd menambah bahawa kawan-kawannya memberitahunya untuk mendaftar sebagai pengundi, dan dia lakukan kemudian pada tahun 1991 dan mengundi empat kali dalam kawasan pilihanraya Likas. Mahkamah Tinggi telah mengisytiharkan pilihan raya 1999 bagi kerusi negeri Likas sebagai batal dan tidak sah atas alasan bahawa daftar pemilih digunakan mengandungi pengundi hantu, termasuk warga asing.
Nur Mohd berkata bahawa ada seseorang telah membantu taip akuan berkanun dan bahawa orang tersebut hanya semata-mata meminta tarikh lahir beliau, tetapi Mohd Nur tidak menyatakan siapa orang tersebut.
Beliau menambah bahawa beliau memohon pasport Malaysia pada tahun 1995 tanpa sebarang masalah.
Seorang migran Pakistan Parvez Khan Hussain Khan memberitahu RCI awal hari ini bahawa beliau menerima kad pengenalan biru pada tahun 1992, pada tahun yang sama dia tiba di Sabah dari seorang lelaki Pakistan lain.
Parvez menambah bahawa dia bayar RM330 untuk dokumen dan kad pengenalan yang mempunyai nama yang berbeza, tetapi mempunyai gambar beliau.
Parvez, kini membuka kedai runcit , berkata bahawa dalam kad pengenalan dinyatakan tempat kelahirannya ialah Tawau dan tarikh pengeluarannya adalah tahun 1985, tujuh tahun sebelum ketibaan beliau di Sabah.
Beliau menambah bahawa beliau sebenarnya dilahirkan di Pakistan.-malaysian insider
Nur Mohd said his blue identity also states that he was born in Kinarut in the Papar district of Sabah.
Indian national says got blue IC with just SD...
An Indian migrant worker told the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants here today that he obtained a blue identity card in 1987 with just a statutory declaration as a supporting document.
Nur Mohd Ibrahim, 50, said that he arrived in Sabah in 1981 and received a blue identity card from the National Registration Department (JPN) six years later without having to provide copies of a birth certificate or citizenship certificate.
"That statutory declaration says that you were born in Kinarut, Papar, so your statutory declaration is not correct," said conducting officer Jamil Ariffin at the RCI today.
"It is not correct," Nur Mohd agreed, adding that he was born in Tamil Nadu, India.
He said that his blue identity also states that he was born in Kinarut in the Papar district of Sabah.
But according to the Citizenship Rules 1964, people who want to apply to be a Malaysian citizen by naturalisation must become a permanent resident for more than 12 years and have been in Malaysia for more than 10 years.
Nur Mohd added that his friends told him to register as a voter, which he did later in 1991 and voted four times in the Likas state constituency.The High Court declared the 1999 election for the Likas state seat null and void on grounds that the electoral roll used contained phantom voters, including foreign nationals.
Nur Mohd said that someone had helped type his statutory declaration and that the person merely asked for his date of birth, but Nur Mohd did not specify who it was.
He added that he applied for a Malaysian passport in 1995 without any problems.
Nur Mohd, who used to work in a few restaurants in Sabah, insisted that he was only Malaysian despite admitting that he did not cancel his Indian citizenship.
Pakistani migrant worker Parvez Khan Hussain Khan told the RCI earlier today that he received a blue identity card in 1992 within the same year of arrival in Sabah from another Pakistani man.
Parvez added that he paid RM330 for the document and that the identity card had a different name, but had his picture.
Parvez, who is currently a shopowner, said that the identity card stated his place of birth as Tawau and that its date of issue was 1985, seven years before his arrival in Sabah.
He added that he was actually born in Pakistan.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said recently that there was nothing wrong with giving citizenship to foreigners as long as it was done legally.
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the country's longest serving prime minister who was in power from 1981 to 2003, has been accused of spearheading the so-called "Project IC", in which citizenship was allegedly given to immigrants in exchange for their votes.
But former Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Harris Salleh, who administered the state from 1976 to 1985, has denied at the RCI the existence of "Project IC".
Dr Mahathir told a press conference recently that foreigners in Sabah had indeed received citizenship, but stressed that it was "within the law".-malaysian insider

Posted by ali allah ditta
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