Yes, poems are now national security threat
National laureate probed over 'seditious poem'
Karma: A Samad Said, the guy who walks around town in sandals, read poems in front of audiences for many events recorded by state-owned RTM, is now accused of being behind some conspiracy to topple the government?
One Hindu woman with no known political link and one small party, PSM, with its Indian MP always on the trail to save some poor people - are we serious to really think that they want to topple the government?
Combine this with a group of Christian priests and one national laureate (also with no known political link), and we have a group of people trying to topple the government. This is becoming a big joke.
KJ John: Yes, poems are as dangerous as dreams. Remember, someone had said, 'I have dream', and today you have a black president in America. So, presumably poems, like dreams, are dangerous, but how do you prove the veracity of such an interpretive reality in a court of law?
Police, do not demonstrate your consistent idiocracy. As High Court judge Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof said when dismissing the ban on a Sisters in Islam book, show me proof of the so-called dangers written in the subjective expressions.
Righteous: Poems and poetry soothes into us and settle gently in our hearts, and whisper to us to rise or be damned.
On the other hand, Ibrahim Ali's war cry struts and ! frets on stage, reverberates in the pages of compliant papers, and then is heard no more. Wow, some "analytical mind" the police sure have.
Anonymous: A Samad Said's Unggun Bersih:
Semakin lara kita didera bara -
kita laungkan juga pesan merdeka:
Demokrasi sebenderang mentari
sehasrat hajat semurni harga diri.
Lama resah kita - demokrasi luka;
lama duka kita - demokrasi lara.
Demokrasi yang angkuh, kita cemuhi;
suara bebas yang utuh, kita idami!
Dua abad lalu Sam Adams berseru:
(di Boston dijirus teh ke laut biru):
Tak diperlu gempita sorak yang gebu,
diperlu hanya unggun api yang syahdu.
Kini menyalalah unggun sakti itu;
kini merebaklah nyala unggun itu.
Kgen: What a beautiful poem. No wonder the BN dogs are quaking in their shoes.
KitaAkanSiasat: I loved the poem so much I can't help but translate it into English.
Clean Bonfire (translated from 'Unggun Bersih' by A Samad Said)
Abused by embers, we're all getting ill -
to call out to the message of independence,
We manage still democracy,
as brilliant as the sun yearning for the desire of sincere self-regard.
We've long been restless - democracy is wounded;
we've long been wounded - democracy is ill.
A supercilious democracy, disgusted us;
A strong voice of liberty, we desired!
Two centuries ago, Samuel Adams exclaimed
(in Boston where tea was poured into the blue sea):
We don't need a loud fluffy cheerleading
What we need is just an eminent bonfire.
Let's light up that sacred bonfire;
Let's spread out that sacred flame.
DannyLoHH: Did the poem scream for blood? Did the poem 'advises' a certain community to stay home and stock up on food? Did the poem issues threats of violence, like what Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali did?
Ferdtan: Confirmed: "The pen is mightier than the sword".
Kee Thuan Chye: Indeed, it ! is time for Malaysian writers worth their salt, Malaysian writers with integrity and who uphold the truth in literature, to come forward and use their writing to condemn the unjust manner in which good-thinking and well-meaning Malaysians are being treated.
It is time for Malaysian writers to come forward and defend the right of Malaysians to demand fairness, justice and the practice of a healthy democracy. All the Sasterawan-Saterawan Negara, where are you in this hour of need? Come forth!
Shahnon Ahmad, give us more of your 'Shit'. Kemala, the newly installed Sasterawan Negara, use your poetry to help bring about a better Malaysia. Muhammad Salleh, Noordin Hassan, Anwar Ridhwan, stand up and be counted.
Better still, all the Sasterawan Negara could return their Sasterawan Negara titles in protest against what is happening to the country. This would send a strong message to the government.
L Joy: Are the Malays supporting Umno still not convinced that Umno has become a mafia organisation unto itself, to serve for itself, by using race and religion to hoodwink Malays while pilfering the country?
What could this wise man possibly have done so offensive for the police to question him over 90 minutes? Umno is getting so intolerant of anyone other than themselves. It has lost its legitimacy to govern.
FairMind: The police is now alienating poets, cartoonists, bloggers, people wearing T-shirts of a certain colour, writers from the national laureates to the common man in the streets.
Sporeanatheart: Any statement condemning or criticising the corrupt BN is seditious. These silly clowns who form the government have to go back to school, study basic English and read the constitution thoroughly.
And if they still do not understand it, get an official and efficient translator like the late Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.
Mirror on the Wall: The heart and soul of a nation is found in the litera! ture, ar t, songs and ballads of its people. How in the world can a poem, penned and recited by the national laureate be adjudged seditious? Someone has got his knickers in terrible twist. - Malaysiakini