Yelling, shouting, jumping and so violent, what for?

From the scene shown in the news, these Umno members were seen demonstrating in a very uncivilized manner, yelling, shouting, jumping and showing their unruly and violent behaviours in the public.
Yelling, shouting, jumping and showing off their unruly and violent characteristics, what for? You all do not behave like human beings at all. From the observation on the way your actions in public, it seems like you all are more like angry monkeys or chimpanzees than human beings.
And yet the uncommon sense police gave them a permit to do so, whereas the Bersih 2.0 rally which is going to be a peaceful march in the name of justice, free and fair election was not given the permit. Is this fair?
We urge the Bersih 2.0 organizers to ignore all sorts of terrorist threats and go ahead with their rally on 9 July 2011 without any fear or worry of any possible violent retaliation from the uncivilized, violent and extremist Perkasa nor the Umno youth.
And for those who are still in denial mode doing things like angry monkeys or chimpanzees, we urge them to stop this non-human behaviours and return to their humanize form. There is no point for you all to keep on yelling, shouting, jumping or behaving so violent as our people would not support or vote for any"wild animals" anyway.
So, let us all stand up, voice out firmly and stay al! l the wa y with Bersih 2.0 wherever you are, in the name of free and fair elections, justice, equality, democracy and humanity as well.
By Viktor Wong