If Ibrahim can't stop violence, he should stay at home
'Ibrahim Ali's statement reminded me of a story about gold buried in the backyard with a signboard saying there's no gold buried here.'
Perkasa tells supporters not to bring weapons
Bernard Phillips: This village bully is just that. The local thug is trying to intimidate the Bersih organisers. But unlike the village bully, this guy appears to have the police on his side. Otherwise how else can we explain that Ibrahim Ali is still on the loose, walking around free to spew his venom.
That is exactly how the May 13 riots started. But it is different now even if Ibraham Ali does not realise it. There are responsible Malays, and more importantly Muslims, who disagree with his views.
Malaysians are now more aware of their rights and responsible enough to demonstrate peacefully. And if Ibrahim cannot guarantee that his thugs can do the same, he must call off his march.
And the Umno/BN government must be aware that the world is watching. This time around those responsible for any violence will be called to account..
Ben Hor: Why should Perkasa even bring up the issue of not bringing weapons to the rally? If they claim that their march will be peaceful, then it is understood that no weapons are allowed or any acts of provocation will be tolerated.
You don't see Bersih organisers telling their supporters (who can come from all walks of life), not to bring weapons. Well, then again, Perkasa supporters are hooligans anyway, so they probably need to be reminded.
Multi Racial: Ibrahim Ali is talking nonsense. If anybody demonstrates on behalf of Perkasa resort to violence, Perkasa has to be responsible, which means Ibrahim Ali as their president will have to take full responsibility since he was the one who called on them to come out to counter the Bersih rally.
People Power: Ibrahim Ali, if Perkasa members resort to violence, you are responsible because you organised t! he Perka sa rally. Please get that fact in your thick skull.
This is again the same coward speaking, who has earlier denied that he threatened the Chinese by asking them to stock up food when he so blatantly did it. However, there is complete silence from our incompetent home minister, the PM, DPM or all Umno leaders, except Khairy Jamaluddin.
This silence is a clear signal that Umno is behind Perkasa. To all Malaysians of all races, do you want to continue to vote for this kind of leaders?
DannyLoHH: Ibrahim Ali's statement reminded me of a story about gold buried in the backyard with a signboard saying there's no gold buried here. He's practically calling his Perkasa members to bring weapons along.
Just look at what he said: "I cannot guarantee, it can be anybody"; "With so many people, how will you know who started it?" "When the country is in chaos, with roads congested, how will you go to the market?"
His message is practically saying that chaos is imminent. How does he know that? I don't think he is a prophet, so I think he is planning for it. He is out to create chaos and bloodshed. And he's not very subtle about it either.
Yet, the police do nothing to stop him. Instead, they target Bersih that had pledged at every opportunity that they will be holding a peaceful rally.
Oz-based students warned against Bersih rally
ONG: Education Malaysia Australia Sydney (Emas) appears not to know that the Australian authorities do not take action against people, including students, who take part in peaceful rallies and protests.
Clearly all those employed at Emas are in Sydney just to collect their 'gaji buta' and have a good holiday at Malaysian taxpayer's expense.
People Power: What would probably happen when Bersih rally takes place in Sydney - New South Wales police will send in patrol cars and outriders to escort the rally participants, one lane on the road will be made available for t! he parti cipants to march peacefully, and the police will be present along the route to ensure the safety to the rally participants and to ensure smooth traffic flow for other road users. That's based on my experience living in Sydney.
Louis: I am in Australia. Almost everyday I see people protesting against China for its abuse of human rights. China is a big trading partner of Australia. Yet Australia never bother to arrest the protesters. This Umno dumbos still think that other countries are like Malaysia.
Ketuanan Rakyat: Irrespective where we are, let us all wear yellow T-shirts on July 9 to show our solidarity with the noble aim of Bersih 2, which is to push for thorough reform of electoral process in Malaysia to ensure that clean and fair elections are held in the future in the best interest of our future generations.
Amirtham Bala: What does Emas mean by the students demonstration would tarnish Malaysia's image? The whole world knows the purpose for Bersih's rally in Malaysia. Don't hide an elephant under a carpet.
People don't demonstrate for fun; they are aware of the excesses and arrogance by the ruling government. Bersih is only clamouring for its right to demonstrate peacefully.
Atan-Toyol: You are dumb if you think the Aussie authorities will kowtow to this request to take action against the Bersih protesters. Their government is one of the most democratic in the world. They respect freedom of political expression not like the BN regime, which cannot tolerate the slightest dissent.
Penangnite: My son and daughter will participate. Please do not threaten me, you bunch of idiots. Who is paying for their fees?